You might be a Democrat if....

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
You think "ethics" is an eastern European country.

You've named your kids with hyphenated first and last names.

You've tried to argue that poverty could be abolished if people were only willing to redistribute their wealth.

You've ever referred to someone as a "bigot or Nazi".

You've ever tried to prove Jesus was a married man.

You oppose the death penalty, but support abortion.

You don't support school choice for others, only for yourself.

You think you might remember laughing once as an adult and feeling guilty about it.

You once broke loose at a party and inhaled, but don't admit it.

You support diversity and free speech, as long as others agree with you.

You've referred to moral fiber thinking it was a new man made textile.

You've ever said, "the Bill Of Rights is outdated" or "the Constitution needs to be abolished".

You think NO ONE is "above" you.

You support PETA and Green Peace, but still eat beef, fish, lamb, wear leather garments, and support the destruction of helpless caged animals.

You protest your neighbor clearing their yard of weeds.

You only let your kids watch PBS and listen to NPR.

You threaten violence at the thought of agreeing with a Republican.

You've argued that Western values are no values.

You think that all the world's problems can be traced back to white Anglo-Saxon men.

When people say "Marx," you think, "to bad his idea didn't work".

You've ever yelled, "capitalist", while paying cash for your new BMW.

You still wear the Birkenstocks you purchased in 1969.

You argue that you need 300 laws to control guns.

You really think that guns kill people. Not people kill people.

You want to protest something but don't know what, so you harass and torment others on the streets, in the stores, at restaurants, at schools...............

You've ever said "I support civil liberties, but not personal liberties."

You will not admit that trees are a renewable resource.

You've ever said "reduce paper, save a tree", and then use 1500 pieces of copy paper to print out flyers for promoting the same.

You donate money because it makes you "feel good".

You came of age in the '60s and don't understand what went wrong.

You ever start or end an argument on the phrase, "you are closed minded".

You never told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can" because he chooses to do so.

You think denial is a virtue.

You don't mind contributing 4 months of your salary to the government. You're only sorry it can't be more.

You believe that everyone else is responsible for you but you, and blame everybody else for your miserable life.

You threaten violence and throw a toddler tantrum when you are face-facted with the truth, and you have no lie to defend yourself with.

You think over-taxing the poor and blue collar workers will help the nation, while under-taxing the billionaires and mega-corporations because they "donate to the cause".

If you think genocide of a race of people is just "the cultural norm".

New DNC.jpg
- you inexplicably develop an unnatural craving for the taste of chinese cock

- you pretend to understand a stuttering fuck that hasn't uttered a coherent sentence since 1988.... and that sentence was about ni**ers...

- you support killing babies at full term and selling the body parts

- you despise yourself and thought the stolen election would improve your outlook but it just made it worse knowing that you're still a fucking loser that had to cheat... and that Liquid Plumr under the sink looks better than ever....

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