You Have No Right to Destroy Private or Public Property. If You Do Deadly Force Appropriate


May 23, 2014
What we need is for them to be removed from the equation altogether.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
So you advocate for what you allege to oppose.
You must be a democrat.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.

"all the time"

what percentage of arrests result in the death of the person being arrested?
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Then dead rioters will continue.

Deal with it, commie puke.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.
Police are not "questionable figures" and the people they shoot are common criminals."
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.
They already are. What we see now is activist leftist district attorneys politicizing the law.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The job is not impossible to do well and with honor. Trouble is, we allow crappy people to be cops and stay cops long after they have shown themselves to be crappy. That's one problem. Another is that your income has a great deal to do with how you come out of trouble with the law. This dysfunction and inequality perpetuated by racism and the war on drugs has brought us to this point. I suppose it's just difficult for you to envision a non-authoritarian approach to public safety.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The job is not impossible to do well and with honor. Trouble is, we allow crappy people to be cops and stay cops long after they have shown themselves to be crappy. That's one problem. Another is that your income has a great deal to do with how you come out of trouble with the law. This dysfunction and inequality perpetuated by racism and the war on drugs has brought us to this point. I suppose it's just difficult for you to envision a non-authoritarian approach to public safety.

Nice dodge. When you bring up concepts like honor, and avoid talking about nuts and bolts, you admit you don't have an answer, you just want to bitch about things.

All of this to ignore the fact that some people are criminal assholes and have to be separated from society so we don't fucking kill them.

When they resist said separation, all of a sudden you idiots think it's a question of just telling them to calm down and submit.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.

Police kill thousands every single year.
Police violence is a leading cause of death for young men in the United States. Over the life course, about 1 in every 1,000 black men can expect to be killed by police. Risk of being killed by police peaks between the ages of 20 y and 35 y for men and women and for all racial and ethnic groups. Black women and men and American Indian and Alaska Native women and men are significantly more likely than white women and men to be killed by police. Latino men are also more likely to be killed by police than are white men.
Police in the United States kill far more people than do police in other advanced industrial democracies (13). While a substantial body of evidence shows that people of color, especially African Americans, are at greater risk for experiencing criminal justice contact and police-involved harm than are whites (1419), we lack basic estimates of the prevalence of police-involved deaths, largely due to the absence of definitive official data. Journalists have stepped into this void and initiated a series of systematic efforts to track police-involved killings. These data enable a richer understanding of the geographic and demographic patterning of police violence (17) and an evaluation of the magnitude of exposure to police violence over the life course.

There obviously IS widespread police misconduct.
If the police were acting legally, there would have been no Prohibition of alcohol, no War on Drug, no 3 Strikes law, no asset forfeiture, etc.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

The criminals ARE the police.
There is absolutely no legal basis for any law concerning drugs.
Police can defend the right of others when infringed upon, but drugs do not harm anyone else.
So police can never have legal authority over any private drug issues.

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