Zone1 You Ever Get Dreams/Visions of God?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
I was wondering if ever anyone God dreams/ visions of God... heard him speak to them?

Many times of my life I have had dreams of God visiting me in some form and talking to me. Speaking to me of what is to come if I continue my behavior. Giving me warnings. Sometimes I was told of things yet to come in my life and ironically they happened and came true. I always just took them though as just dreams and nothing more.

I have dreamed of God in many forms. In one dream he came from an Alien spaceshift and his skin was greenish/gray. In another dream he was in the form of a wise man from the country India. In another dream I had a vision of this huge hall and all these angels/spirits circled around this imprisoned prisoner in the center of the circle. He was encased in some kind of device/case he was an angel and had wings. Judgement was passed and inside the case/enclosure I saw all kinds of blood, angel turned to red and was tortured. Things in the dreams came true that God in my dreams said would happen if I didn't follow warnings.

I always dismissed all these as just dreams and nothing more and though and just my subconcious mind solving problems in my life.
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I was wondering if ever anyone God dreams/ visions of God... heard him speak to them?

Many times of my life I have had dreams of God visiting me in some form and talking to me. Speaking to me of what is to come if I continue my behavior. Giving me warnings. Sometimes I was told of things yet to come in my life and ironically they happened and came true. I always just took them though as just dreams and nothing more.

I have dreamed of God in many forms. In one dream he came from an Alien spaceshift and his skin was greenish/gray. In another dream he was in the form of a wise man from the country India. In another dream I had a vision of this huge hall and all these angels/spirits circled around this imprisoned prisoner in the center of the circle. He was encased in some kind of device/case he was an angel and had wings. Judgement was passed and inside the case/enclosure I saw all kinds of blood, angel turned to red and was tortured. Things in the dreams came true that God in my dreams said would happen if I didn't follow warnings.

I always dismissed all these as just dreams and nothing more and though and just my subconcious mind solving problems in my life.

You Ever Get Dreams/Visions of God?​

I think so, but they are very hazy and difficult to remember.
I'm not sure I have ever seen God in a dream though I have experienced what I would say are symbols or signz after I prayed hard for one.
No. But I have had premonitions before.

Wait a min, that probably was God, I was told what I had to do and everything in a dream, specifically.

Didn't make any sense to me at the time, until it did one day.

I did what what I was told to in the dream and it probably saved lives.

In the dream I didn't get a chance to say anything, but it's like they knew what I was thinking.
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Agreed, but I still remember parts of dreams of God I had as early as age 4.
I certainly won't deny it can happen.

Me? I only had something for a certain event and then after that I get nothing.

I was told to do something at a certain place and time and that was the end of any God-infused dreams for me

It was definitely someone that could see the future, I'll tell you that.
First...God can and absolutely DOES speak through dreams. Not only is that biblical, but we have the testimonies of tons of people.

As for me, yes, I've had a few. One was a two-part dream that my Dad (a life-long atheist) would get saved. And that's what happened, near the end of his life.

I also had THE most phenomenal dream ever, about the second coming of Christ. It was so incredibly real, and the way I experienced it was not like watching a movie...I was actually experiencing that day as if it was actually happening, and it's something I will never forget. :)

I've had a couple others that weren't about a future event, but more about what was going on in a particular real life situation. I don't want to get into detail, but I've learned to tell the difference between run of the mill regular dreams (usually which don't make much sense) and a dream from God, which in my experience is very different than normal dreams. And of course much more rare.
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I just realized that the question was 'Do you ever get dreams OF God'.... not dreams FROM God.

So never mind. lol
I had a dream back when I was a teenager that a large crown was gathered together in an open field and as they were gathered a glorious light appeared in the sky and this light gradually descended and within the light was a personage. This personage descended to the ground and spoke to all that were gathered. I stayed and listened to the man who professed to be the Lord Jesus Christ. However, his teachings were very different from the teachings of Jesus in the Bible and something did not feel right about the whole incident. He then ascended back into heaven and everyone was in awe over this incident. Later I snooped around the site of the incident and found a peculiar apparatus which projected a light in the sky the same as was in the sky in the incident. Everything was telling me that this was a fraud. Later the crowds gathered in a large cave to decide what they were going to do to follow their Jesus. The spirit of God came upon me and was telling me that I needed to stand up in this crowd of people and denounce the fraud. I remember feeling very intense and nervous. My thoughts were, "what will these people do to me". But I knew it was right and the spirit was so strong it almost overwhelmed me. I then stood up and told them all that what they saw was a fraud and after reminding them of differences of what the scriptures taught and what false Jesus taught, I instructed them on where the hidden apparatus was that projected the light. A few quickly went out and searched and found the apparatus and brought it back and told everyone that I was telling the truth. I then had a great sigh of relief and I suddenly woke up. I never forgot this intense dream and wondered if such a fraud would be perpetrated before the coming of Christ at his second coming. Maybe it was a lesson to me to be bold in standing up for what I know to be true, I don't know. But it was one of those dreams where you wake up out of breath and your heart is beating fast.
As you should. Search the Scriptures. God NEVER communicates with people this way

He communicates through dreams but not like the one the OP was having and to answer the question,.. saying that I have dreams of God isn't even scratching the surface of how He communicates with me.
I also hear voices sometimes when I have gotten too religous in my life. I would go to church or a holy place and hear voices, I would feel the pressence of spirits. I would get daydreams/ visions while I was in church or a holy place and hear voices talking to me. Telling me what to do and what not to do. Voices in church warning me of dangers of things to come in my life. I guess you could say it was spirits talking to me or maybe even God? I wasn't sure. I would hear these voices talking to me whenever I was in a spirtual place like church .It seems to happen more when I am more religous in my life, going to church or meditating or trying to communicate with the spirits and ghosts. I once as a kid told a psychiatrist that I heard voices talking to me when I was at church and he suggested I could be suffering from Schizophrenia, he was denying the spirtual realm with an excuse for mental illness instead. I told him if it was mental illness I would hear the voices all the time which I don't, I only hear the voices when I become very spiritual and open my mind up to spirits, ghosts, and feeling spirtual energy in a room. I only get the voices when I become more spiritual/ religous in my life. Like right now I don't have any voices because I haven't been very spirtual or going to church like I did. The voices go away when I loose touch spiritually, but then the voices return when I go to church a lot and become spirtual.

I had daydreams/ dreams sometimes of things in the bible or another holy book long before I ever learned about it in Sunday school or a religous studies class in college. It was weird.
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I also hear voices sometimes when I have gotten too religous in my life. I would go to church or a holy place and hear voices
Youre hearing DEMONS

Like I said, Nowhere does God communicate this way

Look at Mary. Read the account. Notice how different it was from your dreams.

Read Samuel. Ezekiel. Isaiah, Jeremiah.

These are examples of how God reveals Himself.
.There was no "guessing." There was no wondering.

I have a coworker who is high functioning schizophrenic. He hears voices too. No one thinks they're from God.

God certainly doesn't reveal Himself as a 3 foot space grey
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