You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
I heard the whole report about it, it was documented on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network this afternoon.

For Twitter to say its "unproven" or something, after America's Anchorman, Rush H. Limbaugh announced it to his 60 million listeners is sort of absurd.
So if private corporations can do anything they like, then why do bakers have to bake cakes for gay wedding? Why do white supremacists have to serve black in restaurants, etc.?

Now I'm sure there is some legal explanation, but then, I really could care less what the 9 black robes have to say about it cuz its all horse crap.
I heard the whole report about it, it was documented on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network this afternoon.

For Twitter to say its "unproven" or something, after America's Anchorman, Rush H. Limbaugh announced it to his 60 million listeners is sort of absurd.
They had not trouble people talking about Russia collusion that ultimately fell flat.

Very telling.
Scary stuff but left-wing lemmings don't even recognize the threat. They are falling right in line just as they have been taught over the years.
First they came for the conservatives, but they said nothing.

Then they came for the conservatives democrats, but they said nothing.

Then they came for the Leftists and I laughed my arse off.
Ditto for CNN and MSNBC. The story doesn't even exist as far as they are concerned.
I wonder if when the GOP goes to impeach Joe over this if the entire media will ignore it.

That would be hilarious if he was impeached but they say nothing about it.

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
Arab Spring.
They can shut it all down if they ever want to.
Now the Left loves the evil corporations.

My how times have changed.

I don't have an opinion on corporations. I take each company as it comes. I know in the US you tend to lump anything and anyone into one camp or the other. I don't. And I'm not a leftist. I just voted in my country's election. We get two votes, one for our party of choice and one for our local MP (your version of a congressman). I voted for the Labour (your Dem) party because I generally like a lot of their policies. My candidate vote went to our local National (your GoP) MP because she works hard for her constituency - and I happen to like a few of their policies too.

At the end of the day, the only people moaning about Biden and his son is the Neocon Uber Right Wingers in the press and on this board. Us normals know there is nothing to see here.

As for freedom of speech, go and have a chat to Natalie Maines and her Dixie Chick coworkers. See how that freedom of speech and repercussions work out.

At the end of the day, Twitter wants people to offer verified evidence of what Biden and/or his son allegedly did. Some butt hurt former Ukrainian prosecutor and lame conservative neocon whackadoodle talkback host conspiracy theorists in the US spouting the same shit from a dodgy source is not evidence. It's bullshit and Fake News.

Pretty sure Twitter would be liable for slander, so they are (rightfully) protecting their butts. Good for them.

True dat. But they should not have a liability exemption. They should be able to be sued for what they do
So US Messageboard should be financially liable for what some of you clowns post here?

Exactly. Most of these clowns would be in bankruptcy court for the payouts they'd have to make for the slanderish shit they post every day. None of them would dare go on record in the real world using their real names. Cowards the lot of them.
So if private corporations can do anything they like, then why do bakers have to bake cakes for gay wedding? Why do white supremacists have to serve black in restaurants, etc.?

Now I'm sure there is some legal explanation, but then, I really could care less what the 9 black robes have to say about it cuz its all horse crap.
Wow. Do you dress yourself, or need help?

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