You are gay... we don't care.

FUck off asshole. I was clearly using the figurative "you", not specifically singling "you" personally out.

YOu are pretending to be too stupid to get that, so you can gin up a semantics argument to distract from how utterly retarded your position is.
Bullshit. You know what you did and now you are too much of a wimp to admit it
Bullshit. You know what you did and now you are too much of a wimp to admit it

You are, figuratively speaking, a FAGGOT.

You are purposefully derailing this thread, into personal attacks, because you are afraid to discuss the issue honestly.

You are a COWARD. DO care? It's clear from your post that a display of gay pride bothers you. Otherwise, you wouldn't comment on it.
Imagine the shoe on the other foot

Someone is really REALLY anti homosexual and they decorate their Jeep to advertise how they feel

Libs would be offended and maybe do something stupid

So you have two Jeep drivers on the verge of road rage when it could have been avoided altogether by not going around looking for trouble
Bwahahahaha! Who gives a shit what you want or what you care?

You clearly do. Since you read the op and felt a need to comment. .

Also ProgressivePatriot. He thinks everyone has a RIGHT to be respected, and wants us to celebrate the choices of homos.

You are a dumbass. You pretend that it is silly of us to comment on these issues, while you are in the thread commenting on these issues. You are clearly just talking shit, to distract from points you don't want to be discussed.
You are, figuratively speaking, a FAGGOT.

You are purposefully derailing this thread, into personal attacks, because you are afraid to discuss the issue honestly.

You are a COWARD.
You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. I have constantly stated exactly what I think and believe.

For your part, you are to insecure to allow others who are different than you to enjoy the same rights, respect and dignity that you take for granted. So, who is the coward?

In addition , continually insisting being gay is a choice shows that you are just not that bright
Anyone who is "proud" to be gay is mentally ill. The gay party line is that it is an innate condition, not chosen, and not changeable. Hence, it is nothing to be proud of and nothing to be ashamed of. It just is.

Like it or not, the 98+ percent of males who are not gay find gay sex rather revolting, and most of those who don't avoid revulsion by simply not thinking about it. The same is true, I suspect, for women who are so supportive of gay "rights." They just don't think about it.

I suspect the owner of the Jeep in question has whole cornucopia of neuroses fueling that ridiculous-looking vehicle.
Back in my day queers didn't advertise they took it up the butt.
Right! Now you are going to try to squirm out of the fact that you are so stupid that you made an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics. You seem to think that only gay people support and defend gay people

It's clear enough from your body of work on this forum that you are something much worse than a mere faggot. DO care? It's clear from your post that a display of gay pride bothers you. Otherwise, you wouldn't comment on it.
There this thing called having class where people don't really notice you day in and day out---then there is this thing called TACKY as fuck which a lot of gay people are in their desperate need for attention. I take it by your comments that you would be one of the tacky ones with a pathological need for attention.
First of all, who is the “we” that you are speaking for?

Second, being tall is not an oppressed group in our society.

Do you really not understand the purpose of symbolism and expression used to support oppressed groups? Please tell me you don’t need that explained to you.
Actually TALL can be----(I'm not tall) ---but people assume tall people are older than they are as children and expect them to act older. Nightmarish for kids I am sure. Likewise nature is just as mean, tall people are prone to back pain and typically live shorter lives than smaller people.
Actually TALL can be----(I'm not tall) ---but people assume tall people are older than they are as children and expect them to act older. Nightmarish for kids I am sure. Likewise nature is just as mean, tall people are prone to back pain and typically live shorter lives than smaller people.
You’re not being serious are you?
Actually TALL can be----(I'm not tall) ---but people assume tall people are older than they are as children and expect them to act older. Nightmarish for kids I am sure. Likewise nature is just as mean, tall people are prone to back pain and typically live shorter lives than smaller people.
In reality, in daily living, tall people are more "oppressed" than gay people for sure.

1) Clothes don't fit. My size is really LT (large tall) but you can't find LT size anywhere except online and specialty stores.
So most of the time I have to buy XL. Which is too big around, but if I buy just LG... then it is too short in the length. For instance a LG shirt on me, the bottom of the shirt barely goes pass the top of my pants.
2) Cars don't "fit". Thank goodness for 5 way adjustable seats. I have to adjust the seat all the way back, and as low as it will go so head isn't so close to the roof. But most cars don't have 5 way seats.
3) Flying is tantamount to torture. When I sit in an airline seat, facing foward... my feet can't touch the ground. Mt knees are all the way against the back of the seat in front of me. So I have to suspend my feet, sitting in sort of a fetal position. Pure agony on longer flights.
4) Everything is too low. Countertops and tables are all too low. Sinks too low, toilets too small. I have to bend over to do everything.

I could go on.
Maybe I should start a "Tall Pride" movement and get some free cash, business startup money, tax deferrals etc. etc. DO care? It's clear from your post that a display of gay pride bothers you.

Why does a perversion require "pride?" And gay people ought to be happy that being gay is gaining broader acceptance or at least tolerance, without trying to SHOVE IT in people's faces, which can only ultimately hurt the very agenda they seek.

I mean, I assume you are straight-- -- I know, a big assumption, but do you cover your car with stickers about your personal sexual preferences? Why not?

And why must you always try to minimize and reverse everything by taking the most aberrant position that all sociopathic behavior must be tolerated otherwise it proves something about you?! I don't like any car with deliberately loud colors, details and stickers just to get other people's attention, much less trying to foist a divisive social view on others.

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