You anti gunners need a constitutional lesson

There are also those Ive heard say that we shoud only be allowed guns as part of a regulated militia, Regulated by the state. That would be wrong because the entire Bill of Rights was intended to be about the rights of citizens APART from the government.
Who is the Militia I ask? The whole people
James Mason father of the Bill of Rights.
Roe was recognizing an inherent right to privacy
Roe has no historical protected right. Whereas the right the keep and bear arms does. Roe was judicial activism the right to keep and bear arms was from America's history.
Roe has no historical protected right. Whereas the right the keep and bear arms does. Roe was judicial activism the right to keep and bear arms was from America's history.
In Roe it was ruled that the right to privacy is INHERENT

that means it has always existed
You say it was not. I say it was… as was the decision that over turned Roe.

Looks like we disagree huh?
Show me in the US Constitution the right to have an abortion? If you can't it's called judicial activism.
You're an antiguner do that makes you a liar.
The Constitution isn’t a cafeteria plan – conservatives can’t support the parts they like and reject the parts they don’t like, including the Second Amendment.

As long as conservatives reject that fact that the Second Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, the fact that government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the Second Amendment right consistent with Second Amendment case law, they are in no position to complain how others perceive the Second Amendment.
Thing is roe was never a Constitutionally protected right. It was a right given by the judicial system.
If Roe was ‘wrongly decided,’ then Heller might someday likewise be ruled to be wrongly decided.

Conservatives will have only themselves to blame if Heller is one day overturned, as it was this activist conservative Court that abandoned respecting settled, accepted precedent.
If Roe was ‘wrongly decided,’ then Heller might someday likewise be ruled to be wrongly decided.

Conservatives will have only themselves to blame if Heller is one day overturned, as it was this activist conservative Court that abandoned respecting settled, accepted precedent.
Roe was judicial activism
Heller reaffirmed the right to keep and bear arms.
The Constitution isn’t a cafeteria plan – conservatives can’t support the parts they like and reject the parts they don’t like, including the Second Amendment.

As long as conservatives reject that fact that the Second Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, the fact that government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the Second Amendment right consistent with Second Amendment case law, they are in no position to complain how others perceive the Second Amendment.
Oh my goodness you leftists love chipping away at that one amendment. You do realize that the only firearm the supreme Court ruled wasn't protected by the second amendment is a sawed off shotgun?
So is "Congress shall make no law" abridging freedom of speech and all that. Just because we have the freedom of speech doesn't mean we can exercise that right to extremes. I can't stand out in front of your yard on a sidewalk and yell Trump sucks at midnight just so I can wake up you and your neighbors.
actually you can do that as long as youre on public property,,

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