Yet Another Senseless Black-on-White Murder


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Hayward man fatally shot in front of daughter -
They had just purchased ice cream treats from L&M Liquors and were headed along upper B Street shortly after 10 p.m. when the German shepherd, described as playful, sniffed at a man standing on the sidewalk.

The man didn't like it, and told Cunningham to get the dog away from him. His daughter pulled the dog away, but the man began to argue with Cunningham.

The man got angry, pulled out a handgun and shot Cunningham as his daughter looked on.

where are all the counter examples of senseless white-on-black murders?

there is a steady stream of predatory black behaviour in the papers and yet whites are told that to be concerned with black crime is racist. but the penalty for not being on guard is all too often violent attack. the black man who is pissed because a white woman won't get into an elevator with him should be blaming all the low life black criminals not the whites that are reasonably suspicious.
Sadly, none of this will matter to most folks until Murder visits their family personally.

Sad but true. :(

if a chance meeting of a black is 10, 20 or even 50 times more likely to lead to violence than a chance meeting of a white, why shouldn't we notice? it seems illogical not to notice the difference.
where are all the counter examples of senseless white-on-black murders?

I'd be more interested in hearing of sensable white-on-black OR black-on-white murders.

Dammit xo. You keep posting my posts before I can post the posts.

It's either because I am quicker than you or smarter than you. Or maybe both.

Or maybe it's because I am on here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you keep more human hours.
I'd be more interested in hearing of sensable white-on-black OR black-on-white murders.

Dammit xo. You keep posting my posts before I can post the posts.

It's either because I am quicker than you or smarter than you. Or maybe both.

Or maybe it's because I am on here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you keep more human hours.

I'm leaning more towards the latter option.
if a chance meeting of a black is 10, 20 or even 50 times more likely to lead to violence than a chance meeting of a white, why shouldn't we notice? it seems illogical not to notice the difference.

There is a difference, a terrible one that does not go unnoticed by me. What to do about it? Wait for the great melting pot to have its effect. Eventually the Germans, Irish, almost the Italians, have all been assimilated. Our unfortunate black brothers just look more different than the WASP standard so its taking longer.

My "plan" or current course of action is to raise a stink whenever any of the "good ol boys" around me says something too racist. I make the one fella crack a Irish joke for every black joke he tells. Keeps it light hearted enough I guess. Other times I go off on "shanty Irish" or whatever little fiefdom of Europe I guess the racist jokester is from. It creates some real funny and some uncomfortable situations. Thank goodness I'm a big fella so I can get away with it.
Obviously to IanC, the majority white on white senseless murders are meaningless and murder of whites is meaningless in itself except for when blacks murder a white, the Bass understands, which is the purpose of the link in his sig.
Obviously to IanC, the majority white on white senseless murders are meaningless and murder of whites is meaningless in itself except for when blacks murder a white, the Bass understands, which is the purpose of the link in his sig.

the old and tired 'whites do it too' excuse. the black murder rate is about six times (!) as high as the white murder rate, and blacks are more liklely to murder outside their own group. I don't condone white on white murders, sensless or otherwise, but I am shocked at the massively higher black murder rate. not 50% higher, not 100% higher but at least 600% higher. but whites aren't supposed to notice, it is racist to notice.
What to do about it? Wait for the great melting pot to have its effect.

Right... blacks have been in this country about as long as the original whites. When is this magical moment going to happen? We're over a century out from slavery and WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT.

But the racial temperature has only gone UP, not down.

The "melting pot" is a lie.

What we really have is an evil boiling cauldron of racial and ethnic INCOMPATABILITY. It's a shit soup, people.

The fact is that blacks and whites aren't going to "melt" together because blacks are physically repulsive to whites and have IQ's that are, on average, 15 points lower. They are more impulsive and more prone to violence. A murder in America is 50 TIMES more likely to be committed by a black than a white. This one fact is the rock upon which the multiracial integration fantasy will break.
Quote: Originally Posted by Toronado3800
What to do about it? Wait for the great melting pot to have its effect.
Right... blacks have been in this country about as long as the original whites. When is this magical moment going to happen? We're over a century out from slavery and WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT.

But the racial temperature has only gone UP, not down.

the ambush shooting of four cops in Washington state has certainly upped the racial temp a degree or two. when are we going to recognize that predatory behaviour should lead to a lifetime of incarceration? the scumbag got a second (third, fourth...) chance to turn his life around and what does he do? rapes a child, assaults a cop, and when he gets out on bail, guns down four of society's protectors.
while listening to reports of the four slain officers there was mention of another recent ambush attach on a policeman.

Christopher Monfort, Suspect in Murder of Officer Tim Brenton, Wanted to Be a Cop - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly

Thanks to the hard work of reporters at the Seattle Times and P-I, we now know a lot more about Christopher Monfort, the 41-year-old Tukwila man suspected of killing Officer Timothy Brenton on Halloween night. And the more we learn, the more Monfort lines up with the profile provided by Seattle police on Thursday: a man who both acts like, and admires, the police officer he gunned down.

The paper-trail left behind by Monfort suggests a man whose idealism may have soured over time into disillusionment. Rosemary Stevens rented a room to Monfort 18 years ago in Pasadena. The actress tells the P-I that while he was working as a waiter in a steakhouse, Monfort's dream was to wear a badge for the L.A.P.D.
Monfort's story picks up again in 2004, when he was studying in the administration of justice program at Highline Community College. Garry Wegner is the program's coordinator and Monfort's former adviser. The program is often used as a training ground for future cops, but Wegner says police work was no longer Monfort's goal.

Wegner says Monfort told him he "wanted to make a difference in society" so he suggested law school. Monfort earned his bachelors in Law, Societies and Justice at the University of Washington in March of 2008. Afterwards, he applied for a minority scholars program, a natural pre-cursor to graduate school, and listed Wegner as his inspiration.

"You've shaken me to my toes," Wegner told a Times reporter when told of his former proteges arrest.

While in the UW scholarship program, Monfort focused on the work of Paul Butler, a law professor at George Washington University. Butler is a proponent of a controversial tactic known as jury nullification, whereby a jury can ignore a judge's instructions and acquit defendants, especially black defendants convicted of a non-violent crime, no matter how strong the case against them.

an educated black man with no previous criminal record shoots an unsuspecting cop parked on the side of the road, and tries to have a shoot-out when police come to question him. luckily the gun jammed and he was the one shot.
Hayward man fatally shot in front of daughter -
They had just purchased ice cream treats from L&M Liquors and were headed along upper B Street shortly after 10 p.m. when the German shepherd, described as playful, sniffed at a man standing on the sidewalk.

The man didn't like it, and told Cunningham to get the dog away from him. His daughter pulled the dog away, but the man began to argue with Cunningham.

The man got angry, pulled out a handgun and shot Cunningham as his daughter looked on.

where are all the counter examples of senseless white-on-black murders?

there is a steady stream of predatory black behaviour in the papers and yet whites are told that to be concerned with black crime is racist. but the penalty for not being on guard is all too often violent attack. the black man who is pissed because a white woman won't get into an elevator with him should be blaming all the low life black criminals not the whites that are reasonably suspicious.

i am sorry to say but he had it coming. i hate it when idiots let their dogs chew my pants etc. maybe it will teach those dumbfucking idiots to keep their dogs on a shorter leash.

i don't consider that crime senseless. i consider it educational.

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