Yet Another Leftwing Celebration of Religious Freedom

I heard that a tea party group stole it to make lefties look bad.

I heard you were a racist. Of course, I am smart enough to know that you are not. I also heard you were an idiot.... Pity that you keep providing evidence that you actually are.

The OP made no claim that the ACLU stole the sign. She commented that it would be a left wing group who stole the sign. She's right. It is more likely to be a left wing whiner than a right wing whiner. The hatred of religion comes from the left, not the right.

Political Biased News (PBN) reports: Aliens from Mars steal war memorial in the Mojave Desert!

PBN correspondant reports that aliens have stolen the war memorial in order to divert attention from thier illegal counterparts in Arizona. One Martian was quoted as saying, "We just want earthlings to shut up about our illegal aliens in Arizona!"

Darn, I guess you are all wrong. Not leftwing or rightwing nuts, but aliens!

On a serious note. The right/left talk is getting old, the bottom line is that a 75 yr old memorial was torn down by idiots! Idiots; not rightwingers or leftwingers, but idiots!! I'm sure that they person/people will be caught and a new cross will be put up.

The political divide in this country is nauseating! We can't even discuss vandolism of a war memorial without pointing fingers and sending baseless accusations at one another.
Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that the Veterans Memorial in the Mojave Desert could remain - the land on which the cross stood was private property.

Vandals have trespassed and removed the cross. Yet another display of the Left's "respect" for religious freedom.

he 7-foot-tall metal cross that has stood in California's Mojave Desert for 75 years and withstood a hard-fought battle in the Supreme Court was ripped down and stolen Sunday night, according to park officials.

"This is an outrage, akin to desecrating people's graves," said Kelly Shackelford, president of the Liberty Institute, which represents the caretakers of the Mojave Desert War Memorial. "It's a disgraceful attack on the selfless sacrifice of our veterans. We will not rest until this memorial is re-installed."

The National Park Service says someone cut the metal bolts holding the metal-pipe cross to the top of Sunrise Rock and made off with it Sunday night or before dawn on Monday.

Veterans groups are outraged at the theft of the memorial symbol that was erected in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor World War I dead.... - Thieves Steal Mojave Desert Memorial Cross in Nighttime Heist

How do you know it was someone from the left?
I think someone is projecting.
I'm willing to wager $100 that the perpetrator(s) is(are) leftwing. We'll find out when he/she/they is/are caught.
The involvement of the ACLU in opposing the cross indicates leftwing sentiments on the part of the perpetrators. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.
The suit to remove the cross was supported by the ACLU. It's quite clear that the attacks on the cross are leftwing.

The ACLU acts on their own to defend Civil Liberties.

Are you saying that a member of the ACLU removed the cross?

Do you have any proof of this rather serious accusation?
Read the bloody thread. I did not accuse the ACLU. I said that the involvement of the ACLU in the Supreme Court case makes it likely that the perpetrators share the same leftwing POV.
I'm a leftie, and I personally don't agree with the ACLU on this one. You're clearly generalizing.

Besides, the ACLU would have nothing to gain by the cross being stolen, the point of their lawsuit is the religious issue, not the sign itself.

It's probably just a bunch of kids that did it as a prank.
Yeah, of course you'd think that. QFT:

I don't know for sure either... but from the looks

Mojave National Preserve, Natural, Mojave Desert, Mitchell Caverns
... it's not your typical locale or terrain for your typical drunken teenage vandalism... vandalism or pranks in a neighborhood, yeah... vandalism or pranks within 10 miles of a hangout, yeah...

I think motive would be a key to this thing... and, as I said, it's only my opinion, but I would bet dollars to donuts that this is indeed perpetrated and committed by someone in opposition to the monument
Read the bloody thread. I did not accuse the ACLU. I said that the involvement of the ACLU in the Supreme Court case makes it likely that the perpetrators share the same leftwing POV.

Boedicca just likes stirring the proverbial pot. She/He knows they have your goat so theyll continue to yammer on and on about their view.

Let it go. We know they are responsible for the war in Iraq. We can be responsible for the cross.
Yeah, of course you'd think that. QFT:

I can't even imagine anyone getting worked up about this enough to go and steal someone's war memorial.

This is not an issue that stirs emotions on the left. The ACLU lawsuit is in my opinion, frivolous and foolish.

Who the hell cares if someone put a war memorial in a national park, religious or not?
Considering how you babbling lefties immediately claimed that Obama didn't make the Xbox remark, it's wise to assume that you don't accept any news as news.

So, who is going to take me up on the $100 bet that a leftwing person or persons stole the cross?
Remember, the people crying about the cross vandalism are the same ones that supported the vandalism of a Mexican flag in the other thread, and even had suggestions that they burn the Mexican flag. All while going nuts if a anybody burned the american flag. So we know they are dishonest and completely full of shit, or just way to stupid to realize it
Yeah, of course you'd think that. QFT:

I can't even imagine anyone getting worked up about this enough to go and steal someone's war memorial.

This is not an issue that stirs emotions on the left. The ACLU lawsuit is in my opinion, frivolous and foolish.

Who the hell cares if someone put a war memorial in a national park, religious or not?

Really?? When they were worked up enough about it to try and get it taken down thru a long and drawn out court process

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