Yet Another Kangaroo Judgement Against Trump

Trump wants revenge—and so does his base​

The Atlantic › archive › 2024/01 › trum...

Jan 16, 2024 — Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee, and he has vowed revenge on his political enemies. His voters want revenge as well—on their ...

Trump meets with Hungary's Viktor Orban, continuing his ...​

Los Angeles Times › politics › story › trump-meet...

11 hours ago — Former President Trump has met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a conservative populist whose crackdowns in Hungary have sparked ...
You saw nothing. Everything you believe has been debunked. Seek professional help. Don’t waste your life away believing in a lie.
Dumb ass, even the Federal governments own EXPERT ON ELECTION FRAUD said there was strong evidence of FRAUD. Of the 7 indicators of election fraud, only 3 of which would strongly indicate FRAUD, he observed all 7 of them. I am informed, you are a brainwashed Dem sheeple. Bahhhhhhh
Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

Ok. I had to do a little digging to find out why the Judge tossed the case.

In short, Trump waited too long to file the lawsuit.

Orbis said the lawsuit should be thrown out because the report was never meant to be made public and was published by BuzzFeed without the permission of Steele or Orbis. It also said the claim was filed too late.

The judge agreed, concluding Trump had “chosen to allow many years to elapse -– without any attempt to vindicate his reputation in this jurisdiction -– since he was first made aware of the dossier” in January 2017.

“The claim for compensation and/or damages … is bound to fail,” Steyn said.

The reasoning is that it couldn’t have been too harmful to Trump if he waited so long to file the suit. I’m not familiar with British law or precedence so I don’t know if this is normal or extraordinary. Perhaps some who are more familiar with British law can comment or explain. From the tone of the article, it sounds normal, but again that is more impression than conclusion.
Yeah right, he can't even run after his dog from the shower without fuckin it up.

Why was he chasing his dog? No wonder the mutt bites people

Oh wait, Ashley grew up
Funny has anyone ever seen Trump run or ride a bicycle?

Also funny how the only person sued for rape of a minor is your man Trump. The only person found liable for lying about a rape is your man Trump. The only person who had a close relationship wih Jeffrey Epstein is your man Trump. Trump is a total miscreant.
Dumb ass, even the Federal governments own EXPERT ON ELECTION FRAUD said there was strong evidence of FRAUD. Of the 7 indicators of election fraud, only 3 of which would strongly indicate FRAUD, he observed all 7 of them. I am informed, you are a brainwashed Dem sheeple. Bahhhhhhh
Trump’s own government officials called the election the most secure in history. Get out of the cult. Seek help!

Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

Brits don't take frivolous litigation lightly. Things are different there.
Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

And here we go. Not only are the cultists willing to deny elections when don't like the winner, they are denying the US court system when they don't like the rulings, now they are denying any court in world unless the ruling supports their cult leader. Wow wow wow.
Trump’s own government officials called the election the most secure in history. Get out of the cult. Seek help!

I have no use for lying cheating rigging Dem election thieves, they straight up stole it. Math says so. Science says so. Historical analytics says so. Here's your prize, an '*' next to your alleged election victories.
Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

I can't believe they will stop at ONLY 91 indictments. They gotta go for an even 100!
Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

The Steele Dossier was never "debunked". That's another Trump lie. As is the notion that the information it contained "damaged Trump's reputation". Trump's reputation is that he is a liar, a grifter and a con artist who has a deep admiration for Vladimir Putin. It's impossible to do further damage to Trump's reputation to begin with.

The British Court found that the Dossier didn't "defame" Trump at all. Trump only sued Steele in GB because American law didn't allow him to sue. Trump loses almost ALL of his court cases so why are you surprised he lost this one?
The Steele Dossier was never "debunked". That's another Trump lie. As is the notion that the information it contained "damaged Trump's reputation". Trump's reputation is that he is a liar, a grifter and a con artist who has a deep admiration for Vladimir Putin. It's impossible to do further damage to Trump's reputation to begin with.

The British Court found that the Dossier didn't "defame" Trump at all. Trump only sued Steele in GB because American law didn't allow him to sue. Trump loses almost ALL of his court cases so why are you surprised he lost this one?

It was debunked. Stop there
Totally unbelievable. Trump sues Christopher Steele over the debunked Steele Dossier for damaging his reputation, the Judge refuses to rule anything at all on the debunked dossier which obviously damaged Trump's reputation, and then that judge orders Trump to pay Christopher Steele's attorney fees.

Here's an idea...

Maybe if Trump paid his lawyers in something other than

Maybe he could hire some attorneys who actually passed a bar without getting drunk.
The Steele Dossier was never "debunked". That's another Trump lie. As is the notion that the information it contained "damaged Trump's reputation". Trump's reputation is that he is a liar, a grifter and a con artist who has a deep admiration for Vladimir Putin. It's impossible to do further damage to Trump's reputation to begin with.

The British Court found that the Dossier didn't "defame" Trump at all. Trump only sued Steele in GB because American law didn't allow him to sue. Trump loses almost ALL of his court cases so why are you surprised he lost this one?

Actually. It was. I’m not sure if they debunked everything. But a vast majority was.

Now to put this in context. I’d rather eat a raw turd than vote for Trump ever again. I’ve said I voted for him in 2016. But not in 2020. I didn’t vote in 2020.

When I heard the allegations in the dossier, of corrupt business deals. I could believe that. It reminded me of Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School describing the bribes and kickbacks needed to get a building constructed. I know it is a part of life, as unethical as it might be.

I did not believe the claims that Trump paid hookers to pee on him in a Moscow hotel.

I could believe hookers. But Trump is a man who needs to show how powerful he is all the time. If water sports were involved, Trump would be giving, not receiving. Of course the Fanboys claim I didn’t believe that. But all I can do is write truth, I have no way of forcing someone to accept it.

So my assessment was that some of it was possible. And it was just the way business is done. Here in Georgia they give all sorts of benefits to a business to set up here, and the business signs agreements to do business with the state.

An example. Georgia Ports put up the money to buy the land Hyundai is building their new factory on. In exchange, Hyundai promised to ship a majority of their cargo through the Georgia Ports. Hyundai must know they aren’t going to get preferential pricing on that, and the Port is expecting to make a lot of money on that cargo.

I’m sure the State tossed in some Tax Incentives. And those are just the deals we know about. Who knows what was done to get the County Commissioners on board. I wouldn’t be surprised if some hookers were involved at some point.

I heard a story once. The Thailand Military had a problem. Fully half of their recruits were found to have HIV. Public Health experts traveled to Thailand to discuss the issue with the Government Health Ministers. The experts were met at the airport, and taken to the hotel. At the hotel they found Hookers had been provided by those ministers for the entertainment of the experts.

I assume the public health experts did the double facepalm. For when one just isn’t enough.

I can believe some corruption happened. As far as I can tell it always happens.

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