Yet another attempt at Islamic indoctrination

Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons:

Other religions don't matter. Even though more violence is aimed towards Christians and Jews, the left only wants us to sympathize with Muslims.

Perhaps people would be more tolerant if they stopped bitching about us killing terrorists or showed more tolerance toward other religions.
You people and your damn religious strife...

The Muslims are the ones doing most of the bitching. No one likes them. Boo hoo. People are scared of them. Boo hoo.
They are offended by our flags. They are offended by bacon signs. They are upset because there is no free halal food at the food banks.

So, they always demand respect from us. They are the ones who should be going out of their way to tolerate non-Muslims and show us that they separate themselves from the radicals. Hard to believe they aren't radical when they bitch about American Sniper because so many terrorists- Muslims terrorists- were killed. They hate that.

I've lost count of how many Christians have been slaughtered recently by Muslims who simply hate them and think they should die. Some Christians were thrown into the sea by Muslims who didn't like them praying to their god. How many gays have been beheaded or thrown off the rooftops?

Where is the tolerance for non-Muslims? They need to learn about tolerance. And by that, I mean just stop fucking killing people because they aren't Muslim. They don't have to be nice, denounce terrorism or acknowledge that they are not the only religion on the planet. Just stop killing people and shut the fuck up. They can't tolerate others and they prove that every chance they get. Every single organization they run is geared toward spreading Islam and demanding respect from others. Not a single effort to show other religions that they have no problem with them. Not one.

Just imagine if a school teacher asked muslim students to remove their burkas and put on a nun's habit or recite something from the bible. Imagine the reaction if a muslim student took home homework where they were taught that the Christian god is the only god and they practiced taking communion or other ritual. The school would probably be bombed or the teachers would be shot. And the left would say the victims pushed them over the edge and bear the responsibility.
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It is being taught in the Islamic lessons- not with the other cultures, etc. Muslims call it a hijab-not other cultures.
Since you agree they should wear the hijab, should all be forced to wear a cross for Christian teachings?
A school tried to get female students to weat a hijab for the day so they can empathize with Muslim women. First of all, it is Muslims who oppress their women, not the average American. Secondly, I wonder if they allowed those guys who identify as women to do this. I doubt it considering it would be an insult to Muslims since they do not approve of the gays.

There have been more Christians slaughtered in recent times, but no schools are reaching out to Muslim students to ask them to empathize with them. No one is asking any students to appreciate the Jews and their struggle with anti-Semitism.

Maybe because this administration takes CAIR and their demands seriously while ignoring other religions.

I actually think the female students would feel sorry for Muslim women, and not because of how others reacted to their head covering, but the way Muslim women are forced to wear those stupid things in the first place.

Muslim women were upset when people didn't want to do this. They are trained to do as they are told and that means attacking anyone who doesn't embrace Islam. Maybe they are jealous that other religions don't oppress women and misery does love company.

CAIR has way too much influence in this country. The things being taught to young people are all pro-islam, yet other religions are largely ignored.

It's Muslims across the globe who are showing complete hatred for non-Muslims and gays. Why no mention of that? Muslims will not tolerate any criticism, even of the terrorists. Recently, Muslims protested the showing of American Sniper. They found it offensive to see terrorists getting shot. Boo fucking hoo, Muslims. If you can't stand to fight the radicals who murder for no reason, then you are just as bad.

"Hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. are practically non-existent. According to the FBI stats, of 5,928 incidents tabulated in 2013, only 135 were deemed anti-Islamic, while 625 of which were anti-Jewish. Yet the school didn’t ask any students to wear Jewish yarmulkes (head caps) for a day.

Muslim women are indeed being oppressed — in Muslim nations.

But oppression by Muslims against Christians happens in nearly every Muslim nation, every single day. But don’t expect Christophobic teachers to actually educate their students in an inconvenient fact."
All major religions should be taught in all schools, all of them. If it's worth blowing your ass up, and that of two dozen others, then it's worth understanding.

Islam is not well understood in this country but Christianity is, with 78% of Americans identifying as Christians. Almost everyone - regardless of their religion, has direct contact with Christianity in this country - it's in the public sphere, the media and the culture. Other religions, like Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Judaism are less well understood and if you are teaching cultural geography - trying to understand the religion of a region is a good idea. :dunno:

I wonder if she feels sorry orthodox Jewish women who are forced to cover their hair or wear wigs?
And the wearing of veils and head cover is a cultural social custom that was around long before Islam emerged in the region.....

Meaning what exactly?
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons.
Since you agree they should wear the hijab, should all be forced to wear a cross for Christian teachings?
A school tried to get female students to weat a hijab for the day so they can empathize with Muslim women. First of all, it is Muslims who oppress their women, not the average American. Secondly, I wonder if they allowed those guys who identify as women to do this. I doubt it considering it would be an insult to Muslims since they do not approve of the gays.

There have been more Christians slaughtered in recent times, but no schools are reaching out to Muslim students to ask them to empathize with them. No one is asking any students to appreciate the Jews and their struggle with anti-Semitism.

Maybe because this administration takes CAIR and their demands seriously while ignoring other religions.

I actually think the female students would feel sorry for Muslim women, and not because of how others reacted to their head covering, but the way Muslim women are forced to wear those stupid things in the first place.

Muslim women were upset when people didn't want to do this. They are trained to do as they are told and that means attacking anyone who doesn't embrace Islam. Maybe they are jealous that other religions don't oppress women and misery does love company.

CAIR has way too much influence in this country. The things being taught to young people are all pro-islam, yet other religions are largely ignored.

It's Muslims across the globe who are showing complete hatred for non-Muslims and gays. Why no mention of that? Muslims will not tolerate any criticism, even of the terrorists. Recently, Muslims protested the showing of American Sniper. They found it offensive to see terrorists getting shot. Boo fucking hoo, Muslims. If you can't stand to fight the radicals who murder for no reason, then you are just as bad.

"Hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. are practically non-existent. According to the FBI stats, of 5,928 incidents tabulated in 2013, only 135 were deemed anti-Islamic, while 625 of which were anti-Jewish. Yet the school didn’t ask any students to wear Jewish yarmulkes (head caps) for a day.

Muslim women are indeed being oppressed — in Muslim nations.

But oppression by Muslims against Christians happens in nearly every Muslim nation, every single day. But don’t expect Christophobic teachers to actually educate their students in an inconvenient fact."
All major religions should be taught in all schools, all of them. If it's worth blowing your ass up, and that of two dozen others, then it's worth understanding.
Shouldn't be forced to wear either but should understand both, and this:

And this:

Got a problem with that?

So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons:

Other religions don't matter. Even though more violence is aimed towards Christians and Jews, the left only wants us to sympathize with Muslims.

Perhaps people would be more tolerant if they stopped bitching about us killing terrorists or showed more tolerance toward other religions.

Why? You make a big deal about head scarves. Why only for Muslims?

Hint: as a member of the left, I don't like violence aimed at any religious group.
So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Try talking to a woman who managed to get away from Islam. It's not a choice. They are considered property of men and will dress the way they are told to do.

A few woman spoke out after Ben Afflect defended Islam. They said they have no voice and no one is brave enough to condemn the way they are treated by Muslim men. You are not doing them favors by assuming it's voluntary and defending the men who own them.

Lefties don't condemn Muslims for murdering Christians and gays. Always an excuse and usually blamed on the victims. Yea, don't piss off the Muslim men because they can't help responding in the most barbaric way possible.
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons:

Other religions don't matter. Even though more violence is aimed towards Christians and Jews, the left only wants us to sympathize with Muslims.

Perhaps people would be more tolerant if they stopped bitching about us killing terrorists or showed more tolerance toward other religions.
You people and your damn religious strife...

The Muslims are the ones doing most of the bitching. No one likes them. Boo hoo. People are scared of them. Boo hoo.
They are offended by our flags. They are offended by bacon signs. They are upset because there is no free halal food at the food banks.

So, they always demand respect from us. They are the ones who should be going out of their way to tolerate non-Muslims and show us that they separate themselves from the radicals. Hard to believe they aren't radical when they bitch about American Sniper because so many terrorists- Muslims terrorists- were killed. They hate that.

I've lost count of how many Christians have been slaughtered recently by Muslims who simply hate them and think they should die. Some Christians were thrown into the sea by Muslims who didn't like them praying to their god. How many gays have been beheaded or thrown off the rooftops?

Where is the tolerance for non-Muslims? They need to learn about tolerance. And by that, I mean just stop fucking killing people because they aren't Muslim. They don't have to be nice, denounce terrorism or acknowledge that they are not the only religion on the planet. Just stop killing people and shut the fuck up. They can't tolerate others and they prove that every chance they get. Every single organization they run is geared toward spreading Islam and demanding respect from others. Not a single effort to show other religions that they have no problem with them. Not one.

Just imagine if a school teacher asked muslim students to remove their burkas and put on a nun's habit or recite something from the bible. Imagine the reaction if a muslim student took home homework where they were taught that the Christian god is the only god and they practiced taking communion or other ritual. The school would probably be bombed or the teachers would be shot. And the left would say the victims pushed them over the edge and bear the responsibility.
Obviously you have no idea how ridiculous, ignorant, and hateful you are – your hostility toward Muslims is completely unfounded, and your 'argument' fails as a fallacy as you attempt to blame all Muslims for the acts of the non-representative few.
So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Try talking to a woman who managed to get away from Islam. It's not a choice. They are considered property of men and will dress the way they are told to do.

Depends on where in the world you are.

A few woman spoke out after Ben Afflect defended Islam. They said they have no voice and no one is brave enough to condemn the way they are treated by Muslim men. You are not doing them favors by assuming it's voluntary and defending the men who own them.

So you are assuming it's all involuntary? How about Orthodox Jewish woman who have to cover their heads and bow to the authority of males? Or Hareddi who can't even share a bus with men or mix with them in prayer? Or Hindu's who throw widows out on the streets? Wouldn't be my choice but I'm not going to assume it's all "involuntary". Any religion that puts women in a lesser position is open to abuse and that includes Christianity.

Lefties don't condemn Muslims for murdering Christians and gays. Always an excuse and usually blamed on the victims. Yea, don't piss off the Muslim men because they can't help responding in the most barbaric way possible.

You think? There's been shitload of condemnation for what ISIS is doing to Christian and other minorities in the Middle East. Religious intolerance is religous intolerance - whether it's attacking Coptic Christians and exterminating Azidi's or attacking Muslims in Burma or spreading hate propaganda as in the OP.
So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Try talking to a woman who managed to get away from Islam. It's not a choice. They are considered property of men and will dress the way they are told to do.

Depends on where in the world you are.

A few woman spoke out after Ben Afflect defended Islam. They said they have no voice and no one is brave enough to condemn the way they are treated by Muslim men. You are not doing them favors by assuming it's voluntary and defending the men who own them.

So you are assuming it's all involuntary? How about Orthodox Jewish woman who have to cover their heads and bow to the authority of males? Or Hareddi who can't even share a bus with men or mix with them in prayer? Or Hindu's who throw widows out on the streets? Wouldn't be my choice but I'm not going to assume it's all "involuntary". Any religion that puts women in a lesser position is open to abuse and that includes Christianity.

Lefties don't condemn Muslims for murdering Christians and gays. Always an excuse and usually blamed on the victims. Yea, don't piss off the Muslim men because they can't help responding in the most barbaric way possible.

You think? There's been shitload of condemnation for what ISIS is doing to Christian and other minorities in the Middle East. Religious intolerance is religous intolerance - whether it's attacking Coptic Christians and exterminating Azidi's or attacking Muslims in Burma or spreading hate propaganda as in the OP.

You claim there is condemnation, yet offer none yourself. I haven't seen comments here from liberals coming out and saying the radical Muslim terrorists are evil pieces of shit who murder infidels and gays. You also manage to criticize other religions, as if that makes up for it. It doesn't. Evil is evil no matter where it exists. But you guys go out of your way not to say anything against Muslims.

“Lefties don't condemn Muslims for murdering Christians and gays. Always an excuse and usually blamed on the victims. Yea, don't piss off the Muslim men because they can't help responding in the most barbaric way possible.”

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Liberals correctly and appropriately condemn all those who commit crimes against any group of persons, regardless their religion, as it's idiocy to condemn an entire group for the actions of a few, and who act contrary to their religion.

The unwarranted hate you exhibit toward Muslims is just as ugly and destructive as that which you accuse Muslims of doing; indeed, you've become the very thing you condemn Muslims of being.
So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Try talking to a woman who managed to get away from Islam. It's not a choice. They are considered property of men and will dress the way they are told to do.

Depends on where in the world you are.

A few woman spoke out after Ben Afflect defended Islam. They said they have no voice and no one is brave enough to condemn the way they are treated by Muslim men. You are not doing them favors by assuming it's voluntary and defending the men who own them.

So you are assuming it's all involuntary? How about Orthodox Jewish woman who have to cover their heads and bow to the authority of males? Or Hareddi who can't even share a bus with men or mix with them in prayer? Or Hindu's who throw widows out on the streets? Wouldn't be my choice but I'm not going to assume it's all "involuntary". Any religion that puts women in a lesser position is open to abuse and that includes Christianity.

Lefties don't condemn Muslims for murdering Christians and gays. Always an excuse and usually blamed on the victims. Yea, don't piss off the Muslim men because they can't help responding in the most barbaric way possible.

You think? There's been shitload of condemnation for what ISIS is doing to Christian and other minorities in the Middle East. Religious intolerance is religous intolerance - whether it's attacking Coptic Christians and exterminating Azidi's or attacking Muslims in Burma or spreading hate propaganda as in the OP.

You claim there is condemnation, yet offer none yourself.

Why would you expect me to in this thead?

I haven't seen comments here from liberals coming out and saying the radical Muslim terrorists are evil pieces of shit who murder infidels and gays.

Maybe you don't look very hard.

You also manage to criticize other religions, as if that makes up for it. It doesn't. Evil is evil no matter where it exists. But you guys go out of your way not to say anything against Muslims.

Yes. It is.

Funny thing that...I don't recall you saying anything about evil perpetrated by non-Muslims.
Liberals, what do you think would happen if schools had Muslim students wear garb from other religions and be required to learn quotes from the bible or participate in Jewish rituals? Would they cooperate and learn to be tolerant or would they whine like babies? Wouldn't they consider it an affront to their own religion if they were expected to go that far?

And why shouldn't Christian parents object to teachers telling students that allah is the only true god. It was stated as fact, not as the mere opinion held by muslims that it is. Teaching about religion would mean telling students that Muslims, like others, all believe that their god is the only true god. See the difference?

Having students make a prayer rug and pray to allah after learning the tenets of the religion isn't teaching them about islam. It is the same thing young muslims would be taught. And I don't buy for one second that the pages regarding other religions were left out due to some error at the publishers, as some schools have claimed when parents asked where the chapters for other religions were.
How can you even ask me, or any American woman to compare it to others? Unless, of course you agree to the subjugation of the female to a male.
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons.
Since you agree they should wear the hijab, should all be forced to wear a cross for Christian teachings?
A school tried to get female students to weat a hijab for the day so they can empathize with Muslim women. First of all, it is Muslims who oppress their women, not the average American. Secondly, I wonder if they allowed those guys who identify as women to do this. I doubt it considering it would be an insult to Muslims since they do not approve of the gays.

There have been more Christians slaughtered in recent times, but no schools are reaching out to Muslim students to ask them to empathize with them. No one is asking any students to appreciate the Jews and their struggle with anti-Semitism.

Maybe because this administration takes CAIR and their demands seriously while ignoring other religions.

I actually think the female students would feel sorry for Muslim women, and not because of how others reacted to their head covering, but the way Muslim women are forced to wear those stupid things in the first place.

Muslim women were upset when people didn't want to do this. They are trained to do as they are told and that means attacking anyone who doesn't embrace Islam. Maybe they are jealous that other religions don't oppress women and misery does love company.

CAIR has way too much influence in this country. The things being taught to young people are all pro-islam, yet other religions are largely ignored.

It's Muslims across the globe who are showing complete hatred for non-Muslims and gays. Why no mention of that? Muslims will not tolerate any criticism, even of the terrorists. Recently, Muslims protested the showing of American Sniper. They found it offensive to see terrorists getting shot. Boo fucking hoo, Muslims. If you can't stand to fight the radicals who murder for no reason, then you are just as bad.

"Hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. are practically non-existent. According to the FBI stats, of 5,928 incidents tabulated in 2013, only 135 were deemed anti-Islamic, while 625 of which were anti-Jewish. Yet the school didn’t ask any students to wear Jewish yarmulkes (head caps) for a day.

Muslim women are indeed being oppressed — in Muslim nations.

But oppression by Muslims against Christians happens in nearly every Muslim nation, every single day. But don’t expect Christophobic teachers to actually educate their students in an inconvenient fact."
All major religions should be taught in all schools, all of them. If it's worth blowing your ass up, and that of two dozen others, then it's worth understanding.
Shouldn't be forced to wear either but should understand both, and this:

And this:

Got a problem with that?

So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?
How can you even ask me, or any American woman to compare it to others? Unless, of course you agree to the subjugation of the female to a male.
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons.
Since you agree they should wear the hijab, should all be forced to wear a cross for Christian teachings?
All major religions should be taught in all schools, all of them. If it's worth blowing your ass up, and that of two dozen others, then it's worth understanding.
Shouldn't be forced to wear either but should understand both, and this:

And this:

Got a problem with that?

So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Are you saying that some subjegation is ok depending on who is doing it?
Liberals, what do you think would happen if schools had Muslim students wear garb from other religions and be required to learn quotes from the bible or participate in Jewish rituals? Would they cooperate and learn to be tolerant or would they whine like babies? Wouldn't they consider it an affront to their own religion if they were expected to go that far?

We are talking about the US, correct?
If so, I don't think Muslim students would have any more of a problem then Christian students and Jewish students.

And why shouldn't Christian parents object to teachers telling students that allah is the only true god. It was stated as fact, not as the mere opinion held by muslims that it is.

If indeed that is what they are taught, then that would be inappropriate. If they are taught that that is what Muslims believe then there is nothing wrong with that.

Teaching about religion would mean telling students that Muslims, like others, all believe that their god is the only true god. See the difference?

Absolutely - but how do you know which is being taught?

Having students make a prayer rug and pray to allah after learning the tenets of the religion isn't teaching them about islam. It is the same thing young muslims would be taught. And I don't buy for one second that the pages regarding other religions were left out due to some error at the publishers, as some schools have claimed when parents asked where the chapters for other religions were.

What is the context of this - what is the actual lesson being taught?
Coyote, the lessons where they were requested to wear thehijab, was on Islam, to find empathy for the religion. This was NOT about anything else. You and others are trying to obfuscate, rather than discuss the facts these girls were requested to wear the hijab.
How can you even ask me, or any American woman to compare it to others? Unless, of course you agree to the subjugation of the female to a male.
Yet the school has no plans but for the Islamic hijab. And those stating it is worn in other cultures/countries: they are not teaching the other cultures, etc. This is part of the Islamic teaching lessons.
Since you agree they should wear the hijab, should all be forced to wear a cross for Christian teachings?
Shouldn't be forced to wear either but should understand both, and this:

And this:

Got a problem with that?

So do you have a problem with religious women choosing to cover their hair or only Islamic women?

Are you saying that some subjegation is ok depending on who is doing it?
Coyote, the lessons where they were requested to wear thehijab, was on Islam, to find empathy for the religion. This was NOT about anything else. You and others are trying to obfuscate, rather than discuss the facts these girls were requested to wear the hijab.

Mason principal cancels Muslim event apologizes

The event was meant to combat stereotypes students may face when wearing head coverings, McCarty-Stewart wrote, but "as the event spread beyond our school community, however, we received many strong messages that made me reconsider the event's ability to meet its objectives.

"I now realize that as adults we should have given our students better guidance. After much consideration and after talking with the student event organizers, we have canceled the event."

The Covered Girl Challenge was initially scheduled for April 23. Female students who wanted to participate would wear a headscarf, or hijab, for the entire school day. Then, there would be a time for discussion and reflection.

I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is here. It's voluntary. It's not indoctrination. It's not teaching a religion. It's trying to combat stereotypes.

What a hideous over reaction.
What is wrong with this picture?? Here we sit, in America, actually having liberals/progressives, tell us it is ok for schools to request students to wear a hijab to show empathy for a religion that subjugates their women, by treating them as chattel. The very same people that scream sexism if you dare question a woman by asking her to shush so you can get a word in edgewise.

Am I mad or what??
What is wrong with this picture?? Here we sit, in America, actually having liberals/progressives, tell us it is ok for schools to request students to wear a hijab to show empathy for a religion that subjugates their women, by treating them as chattel. The very same people that scream sexism if you dare question a woman by asking her to shush so you can get a word in edgewise.

Am I mad or what??

Not all Muslims subjugate their women and treat them as chattel. Would you be as upset if it were Hindus? Or Orthodox Jews? Or fundamentalist Christians?
Stereotype? Really? That makes it worse. We know what that hijab represents, suppression of women's rights. Are they including that in the lessons? Do they include the fact it is ok to stone a woman to death in Islam for NOT wearing the hijab in public?
Coyote, the lessons where they were requested to wear thehijab, was on Islam, to find empathy for the religion. This was NOT about anything else. You and others are trying to obfuscate, rather than discuss the facts these girls were requested to wear the hijab.

Mason principal cancels Muslim event apologizes

The event was meant to combat stereotypes students may face when wearing head coverings, McCarty-Stewart wrote, but "as the event spread beyond our school community, however, we received many strong messages that made me reconsider the event's ability to meet its objectives.

"I now realize that as adults we should have given our students better guidance. After much consideration and after talking with the student event organizers, we have canceled the event."

The Covered Girl Challenge was initially scheduled for April 23. Female students who wanted to participate would wear a headscarf, or hijab, for the entire school day. Then, there would be a time for discussion and reflection.

I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is here. It's voluntary. It's not indoctrination. It's not teaching a religion. It's trying to combat stereotypes.

What a hideous over reaction.

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