Yes. joe biden and kamala harris are going to come after our guns, and this is how they are going to do it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The goal of obama was passing and protecting obamacare....this is why he didn't try to openly pass gun control laws...he left it to the states and the cities, as well as his left wing judicial appointments.

biden and harris will kick it up a a lot.....

The Democrats’ national platform contains a long list of gun control promises. On the agenda are national gun licensing, lawsuits against firearm manufacturers whenever guns are used improperly, bans on some semi-automatic guns that happen to look militaristic, Red Flag laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, long waiting periods for background checks, and mandatory gun storage laws. Even Democrat candidates in gun-friendly states have taken a more radical tack. U.S. Senate challenger Steve Bullock of Montana has publicly supported virtually all of the proposals in the platform.

Being able to sue gun stores and manufacturers whenever a crime or accident occurs (even a suicide) would put the firearms industry out of business.

Could you imagine what would happen to the car or the computer industries were similar rules to apply? 4.5 million Americans are injured each year in car accidents, and about 40,000 die. Criminals also frequently use cars when they commit crimes.

Similarly, computers make it easier for criminals to commit all sorts of crimes. How long would these companies remain in business if they faced lawsuits whenever their products are used improperly? Their products would become much more expensive to cover the company’s new legal fees.

While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris join Beto O’Rourke in calling AR-15s “weapons of war,” the semi-automatic AR-15 merely looks like the M-16 machine gun of Vietnam War fame. No military in the world uses these AR-15s.

Most guns owned by Americans are semi-automatics. To ban some of them based on their looks makes no sense. The AR-15 uses the same sort of bullet as small-game hunting rifles, fires with the same rapidity (one bullet per pull of the trigger), and inflicts equal damage.

Indeed, the AR-15’s .223 inch rounds are banned for deer-hunting in most US states. That’s because the small bullet is likely to prolong the animal’s suffering by wounding rather than killing it.

Democrat’s support of Red Flag laws is troubling. We all want to keep mentally ill people who are dangerous from getting guns. But with Red Flag laws, judges make decisions after only seeing a complaint about the mental state of the individual. No mental health experts are consulted, no hearing is held for up to a month after a person’s guns are confiscated, and no legal counsel is provided to those who can’t afford one.

Every state already has Involuntary Commitment laws, with all of the protections that Red Flag laws miss. A judge listens to a mental health care expert’s evaluation and has many options for treatment or protection.

At the federal level, the greatest threat to Second Amendment rights may come not from elected officials themselves, but from the judges that they pick.

Few issues divide Democrat and Republican-appointed judges more consistently and completely than gun control. President Trump’s 200 federal judicial confirmations have only just brought the courts into balance, with Democrat-appointees still controlling circuit courts for 24 states plus DC. Many of these circuit courts cover the most restrictive states and they will approve any regulation that comes before them, no matter how flagrantly it infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.

Don’t expect the Supreme Court to restrain these courts. All four Democrat appointments claim that people don’t have a right to self-defense, and have already noted that they will vote to overturn the court’s 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions. Those rulings merely ensured that the government could not completely ban guns.

The goal of obama was passing and protecting obamacare....this is why he didn't try to openly pass gun control laws...he left it to the states and the cities, as well as his left wing judicial appointments.

biden and harris will kick it up a a lot.....

The Democrats’ national platform contains a long list of gun control promises. On the agenda are national gun licensing, lawsuits against firearm manufacturers whenever guns are used improperly, bans on some semi-automatic guns that happen to look militaristic, Red Flag laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, long waiting periods for background checks, and mandatory gun storage laws. Even Democrat candidates in gun-friendly states have taken a more radical tack. U.S. Senate challenger Steve Bullock of Montana has publicly supported virtually all of the proposals in the platform.

Being able to sue gun stores and manufacturers whenever a crime or accident occurs (even a suicide) would put the firearms industry out of business.

Could you imagine what would happen to the car or the computer industries were similar rules to apply? 4.5 million Americans are injured each year in car accidents, and about 40,000 die. Criminals also frequently use cars when they commit crimes.

Similarly, computers make it easier for criminals to commit all sorts of crimes. How long would these companies remain in business if they faced lawsuits whenever their products are used improperly? Their products would become much more expensive to cover the company’s new legal fees.

While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris join Beto O’Rourke in calling AR-15s “weapons of war,” the semi-automatic AR-15 merely looks like the M-16 machine gun of Vietnam War fame. No military in the world uses these AR-15s.

Most guns owned by Americans are semi-automatics. To ban some of them based on their looks makes no sense. The AR-15 uses the same sort of bullet as small-game hunting rifles, fires with the same rapidity (one bullet per pull of the trigger), and inflicts equal damage.

Indeed, the AR-15’s .223 inch rounds are banned for deer-hunting in most US states. That’s because the small bullet is likely to prolong the animal’s suffering by wounding rather than killing it.

Democrat’s support of Red Flag laws is troubling. We all want to keep mentally ill people who are dangerous from getting guns. But with Red Flag laws, judges make decisions after only seeing a complaint about the mental state of the individual. No mental health experts are consulted, no hearing is held for up to a month after a person’s guns are confiscated, and no legal counsel is provided to those who can’t afford one.

Every state already has Involuntary Commitment laws, with all of the protections that Red Flag laws miss. A judge listens to a mental health care expert’s evaluation and has many options for treatment or protection.

At the federal level, the greatest threat to Second Amendment rights may come not from elected officials themselves, but from the judges that they pick.

Few issues divide Democrat and Republican-appointed judges more consistently and completely than gun control. President Trump’s 200 federal judicial confirmations have only just brought the courts into balance, with Democrat-appointees still controlling circuit courts for 24 states plus DC. Many of these circuit courts cover the most restrictive states and they will approve any regulation that comes before them, no matter how flagrantly it infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.

Don’t expect the Supreme Court to restrain these courts. All four Democrat appointments claim that people don’t have a right to self-defense, and have already noted that they will vote to overturn the court’s 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions. Those rulings merely ensured that the government could not completely ban guns.

I hope they come after your guns first, that's sure to make you cry.
I know some pretty staunch democrats who have no plans to vote for Biden (and some may actually vote for Trump) over the gun issue...
The NRA will block them in both Houses with all the politicians they've paid off.
Yes. joe biden and kamala harris are going to come after our guns, and this is how they are going to do it.
Here's the bottom line......

NO ONE is responsible for your freedom other than yourself. Not the Constitution, not the President.
Silence is Violence.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for you to do nothing"
In modern times, you will either fight vigorously for your freedom, or you will lose it. Period.

The Days of "Free" freedom are gone.
The Democrats’ national platform contains a long list of gun control promises. On the agenda are national gun licensing, lawsuits against firearm manufacturers whenever guns are used improperly, bans on some semi-automatic guns that happen to look militaristic, Red Flag laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, long waiting periods for background checks, and mandatory gun storage laws. Even Democrat candidates in gun-friendly states have taken a more radical tack. U.S. Senate challenger Steve Bullock of Montana has publicly supported virtually all of the proposals in the platform.
It all sounds good to me. Deal with it!
I know some pretty staunch democrats who have no plans to vote for Biden (and some may actually vote for Trump) over the gun issue...
The NRA will block them in both Houses with all the politicians they've paid off.
Don't be too sure of that. The NRA has problems:

I know some pretty staunch democrats who have no plans to vote for Biden (and some may actually vote for Trump) over the gun issue...
The NRA will block them in both Houses with all the politicians they've paid off.
Don't be too sure of that. The NRA has problems:

NRA is a thieving mess. Even if not, they can't do magic. They used to have clout. But that was when there were less lefties. Now a NRA endorsement may harm more than help a politician.
The goal of obama was passing and protecting obamacare....this is why he didn't try to openly pass gun control laws...he left it to the states and the cities, as well as his left wing judicial appointments.

biden and harris will kick it up a a lot.....

The Democrats’ national platform contains a long list of gun control promises. On the agenda are national gun licensing, lawsuits against firearm manufacturers whenever guns are used improperly, bans on some semi-automatic guns that happen to look militaristic, Red Flag laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, long waiting periods for background checks, and mandatory gun storage laws. Even Democrat candidates in gun-friendly states have taken a more radical tack. U.S. Senate challenger Steve Bullock of Montana has publicly supported virtually all of the proposals in the platform.

Being able to sue gun stores and manufacturers whenever a crime or accident occurs (even a suicide) would put the firearms industry out of business.

Could you imagine what would happen to the car or the computer industries were similar rules to apply? 4.5 million Americans are injured each year in car accidents, and about 40,000 die. Criminals also frequently use cars when they commit crimes.

Similarly, computers make it easier for criminals to commit all sorts of crimes. How long would these companies remain in business if they faced lawsuits whenever their products are used improperly? Their products would become much more expensive to cover the company’s new legal fees.

While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris join Beto O’Rourke in calling AR-15s “weapons of war,” the semi-automatic AR-15 merely looks like the M-16 machine gun of Vietnam War fame. No military in the world uses these AR-15s.

Most guns owned by Americans are semi-automatics. To ban some of them based on their looks makes no sense. The AR-15 uses the same sort of bullet as small-game hunting rifles, fires with the same rapidity (one bullet per pull of the trigger), and inflicts equal damage.

Indeed, the AR-15’s .223 inch rounds are banned for deer-hunting in most US states. That’s because the small bullet is likely to prolong the animal’s suffering by wounding rather than killing it.

Democrat’s support of Red Flag laws is troubling. We all want to keep mentally ill people who are dangerous from getting guns. But with Red Flag laws, judges make decisions after only seeing a complaint about the mental state of the individual. No mental health experts are consulted, no hearing is held for up to a month after a person’s guns are confiscated, and no legal counsel is provided to those who can’t afford one.

Every state already has Involuntary Commitment laws, with all of the protections that Red Flag laws miss. A judge listens to a mental health care expert’s evaluation and has many options for treatment or protection.

At the federal level, the greatest threat to Second Amendment rights may come not from elected officials themselves, but from the judges that they pick.

Few issues divide Democrat and Republican-appointed judges more consistently and completely than gun control. President Trump’s 200 federal judicial confirmations have only just brought the courts into balance, with Democrat-appointees still controlling circuit courts for 24 states plus DC. Many of these circuit courts cover the most restrictive states and they will approve any regulation that comes before them, no matter how flagrantly it infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.

Don’t expect the Supreme Court to restrain these courts. All four Democrat appointments claim that people don’t have a right to self-defense, and have already noted that they will vote to overturn the court’s 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions. Those rulings merely ensured that the government could not completely ban guns.

I read an article in NRA Freedom Magazine yesterday discussing oral arguments in a case involving NY's may issue law. If the questions asked of the NY solicitor general are any indication, they appear to be ready to repeal or severely modify the NY law. If they do, that would have implications in all may issue States.

The rubes keep falling for the gun manufacturers and retailers most successful marketing ploy of all time.




"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." - Donald J. Trump
The rubes keep falling for the gun manufacturers and retailers most successful marketing ploy of all time.




"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." - Donald J. Trump
Look republicans love, support, and defend?

The worst grifter ever.

They are easy marks for BS.

The gun manufacturers know this.

Who could be stupid enough to purchase something, they are convinced will be banned?
The goal of obama was passing and protecting obamacare....this is why he didn't try to openly pass gun control laws...he left it to the states and the cities, as well as his left wing judicial appointments.

biden and harris will kick it up a a lot.....

The Democrats’ national platform contains a long list of gun control promises. On the agenda are national gun licensing, lawsuits against firearm manufacturers whenever guns are used improperly, bans on some semi-automatic guns that happen to look militaristic, Red Flag laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, long waiting periods for background checks, and mandatory gun storage laws. Even Democrat candidates in gun-friendly states have taken a more radical tack. U.S. Senate challenger Steve Bullock of Montana has publicly supported virtually all of the proposals in the platform.

Being able to sue gun stores and manufacturers whenever a crime or accident occurs (even a suicide) would put the firearms industry out of business.

Could you imagine what would happen to the car or the computer industries were similar rules to apply? 4.5 million Americans are injured each year in car accidents, and about 40,000 die. Criminals also frequently use cars when they commit crimes.

Similarly, computers make it easier for criminals to commit all sorts of crimes. How long would these companies remain in business if they faced lawsuits whenever their products are used improperly? Their products would become much more expensive to cover the company’s new legal fees.

While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris join Beto O’Rourke in calling AR-15s “weapons of war,” the semi-automatic AR-15 merely looks like the M-16 machine gun of Vietnam War fame. No military in the world uses these AR-15s.

Most guns owned by Americans are semi-automatics. To ban some of them based on their looks makes no sense. The AR-15 uses the same sort of bullet as small-game hunting rifles, fires with the same rapidity (one bullet per pull of the trigger), and inflicts equal damage.

Indeed, the AR-15’s .223 inch rounds are banned for deer-hunting in most US states. That’s because the small bullet is likely to prolong the animal’s suffering by wounding rather than killing it.

Democrat’s support of Red Flag laws is troubling. We all want to keep mentally ill people who are dangerous from getting guns. But with Red Flag laws, judges make decisions after only seeing a complaint about the mental state of the individual. No mental health experts are consulted, no hearing is held for up to a month after a person’s guns are confiscated, and no legal counsel is provided to those who can’t afford one.

Every state already has Involuntary Commitment laws, with all of the protections that Red Flag laws miss. A judge listens to a mental health care expert’s evaluation and has many options for treatment or protection.

At the federal level, the greatest threat to Second Amendment rights may come not from elected officials themselves, but from the judges that they pick.

Few issues divide Democrat and Republican-appointed judges more consistently and completely than gun control. President Trump’s 200 federal judicial confirmations have only just brought the courts into balance, with Democrat-appointees still controlling circuit courts for 24 states plus DC. Many of these circuit courts cover the most restrictive states and they will approve any regulation that comes before them, no matter how flagrantly it infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.

Don’t expect the Supreme Court to restrain these courts. All four Democrat appointments claim that people don’t have a right to self-defense, and have already noted that they will vote to overturn the court’s 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions. Those rulings merely ensured that the government could not completely ban guns.

More than a year later and another rightwing lie exposed.

No one is ‘coming after’ anyone’s guns.

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