MAGA Convictions

The Trump Administration was the swampiest swamp in American history.

Bannon - Convict

Navarro - Convict

Manafort - Convict

Papadopoulous - Convict

Flynn - Convict

Gates - Convict

Broidy - Convict

Nader - Convict

Cohen - Convict

Barrack - Convict

Stone - Convict

Giuliani - Disbarred

Parnas - Convict

Acosta - Resigned in disgrace

Mnuchin - Disgraced

Fitzgerald - Resigned in disgrace

Porter - Resigned in disgrace

Zinke - Resigned in disgrace

Scaramucci - Resigned in disgrace

Clovis - Resigned in disgrace

Chang - Resigned in disgrace

Patten - Convict

Smith - Indicted

Latham - Indicted

Cheely - Indicted

Eastman - Indicted

Shafer - Indicted

Chesebro - Convict, more indictments pending

Roman - Indicted

Still - Indicted

Ellis - Convict

Meadows - Indicted

Clark - Indicted

Powell - Convict

Jesus! Would you look at that?

I mean, it takes some SERIOUS skill to assemble that many scumbags together. Serious skill.

And you support far Left scumblike yourself.
The only thing I support is conservatism and the truth. Things you know nothing about.

The truth makes you scream.
The truth is you support globalist liberal scum like John McShitstain, Mittens, Bob Dole, the Bush Cabal Lot Lizard Cheney and other RINO "Republicans". This makes you complicit with the Democrats. I bet you will support Heels Up Harris the whore also.
The truth is you support globalist liberal scum like John McShitstain, Mittens, Bob Dole, the Bush Cabal Lot Lizard Cheney and other RINO "Republicans". This makes you complicit with the Democrats. I bet you will support Heels Up Harris the whore also.
It must really rip your guts the only black woman Trump could find to endorse him at his convention was another porn star.

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