yes, i'm running as a socialist

It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

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Sorry, a few more than 12
Here's How Common the Tide Pod Challenge Really Is

It was hyperbole, but considering there are 74 million millennials in the country, I think the point still stands.

Ok, good to know, I'll keep that in mind when reading any of your posts.

Please do.
Well, you are the Statist here Comrade. Whether you are a bigot or not I'm not sure about. Do you hate white people and Christians? Most leftists like you do, but I can't say in your particular case.

What I do know is you are a far left, big government promoter who seeks to further the socialist agenda.

I would challenge you to find one post from me supporting big government.

You on the other hand are a Trump zealot and Trump is all about big government...thus making you the statist.

The problem with such a quote is that the conservative of today is further left than the liberal of 15 years ago.
Ted Cruz is more liberal than John Kerry? You are nuts.

Gator is just another Jake Starkey type troll who demands "I'm a real conservative because I support socialism."

These mutts ooze over from KOS and ThinkProgress completely convinced they will fool all the "rubes."

The problem with such a quote is that the conservative of today is further left than the liberal of 15 years ago.
Ted Cruz is more liberal than John Kerry? You are nuts.

Gator is just another Jake Starkey type troll who demands "I'ma real conservative because I support socialism."

These mutts ooze over from KOS and ThinkProgress completely convinced they will fool all the "rubes."

And you are just one more lying Trump zealot that makes comments they cannot support. I have been on this board for a little over a year and have been accused of being a liberal during that time due to my dislike of Trump. During that time I have challenged more than a dozen liars like you to provide a single post from me supporting big government or liberal positions..and not a single one of you have ever been able to do so.
Well, you are the Statist here Comrade. Whether you are a bigot or not I'm not sure about. Do you hate white people and Christians? Most leftists like you do, but I can't say in your particular case.

What I do know is you are a far left, big government promoter who seeks to further the socialist agenda.

I would challenge you to find one post from me supporting big government.

You on the other hand are a Trump zealot and Trump is all about big government...thus making you the statist.

Right back atcha Comrade, show any post of mine promoting or supporting big government?
Well, you are the Statist here Comrade. Whether you are a bigot or not I'm not sure about. Do you hate white people and Christians? Most leftists like you do, but I can't say in your particular case.

What I do know is you are a far left, big government promoter who seeks to further the socialist agenda.

I would challenge you to find one post from me supporting big government.

You on the other hand are a Trump zealot and Trump is all about big government...thus making you the statist.

Right back atcha Comrade, show any post of mine promoting or supporting big government?

Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

you support tariffs, tariffs are nothing more than the Govt interfering in the free market. Tariffs work so well in China because they have a socialist market economy...and that is what you are supporting for the US...big government controlling the economy.

Your turn...

The problem with such a quote is that the conservative of today is further left than the liberal of 15 years ago.
Ted Cruz is more liberal than John Kerry? You are nuts.

Gator is just another Jake Starkey type troll who demands "I'ma real conservative because I support socialism."

These mutts ooze over from KOS and ThinkProgress completely convinced they will fool all the "rubes."

And you are just one more lying Trump zealot that makes comments they cannot support. I have been on this board for a little over a year and have been accused of being a liberal during that time due to my dislike of Trump. During that time I have challenged more than a dozen liars like you to provide a single post from me supporting big government or liberal positions..and not a single one of you have ever been able to do so.

You've been here a couple of months. In that time I have yet to see a single post of your's that did not take the left side of whatever issue was at question.

Not one.

You claim to be a Libertarian, yet you had never heard of Murray Rothbard, founder of the Libertarian party. When provided a link to "Man, Economy and State" the seminal work of the Libertarian movement, you refused to even look at it..

I know exactly what you are, a Noam Chomsky socialist.
Well, you are the Statist here Comrade. Whether you are a bigot or not I'm not sure about. Do you hate white people and Christians? Most leftists like you do, but I can't say in your particular case.

What I do know is you are a far left, big government promoter who seeks to further the socialist agenda.

I would challenge you to find one post from me supporting big government.

You on the other hand are a Trump zealot and Trump is all about big government...thus making you the statist.

Right back atcha Comrade, show any post of mine promoting or supporting big government?

Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

you support tariffs, tariffs are nothing more than the Govt interfering in the free market. Tariffs work so well in China because they have a socialist market economy...and that is what you are supporting for the US...big government controlling the economy.

Your turn...

Reduced to blatant lying - how pathetic.

No Comrade, I most certainly do not support Tariffs.

Taft-Hartley is widely viewed as one of the primary causes of the great depression, you ignorant git. My stating that this was a Taft-Hartley move by Trump is quite the opposite of endorsement, you moron.

The problem with such a quote is that the conservative of today is further left than the liberal of 15 years ago.
Ted Cruz is more liberal than John Kerry? You are nuts.

Gator is just another Jake Starkey type troll who demands "I'ma real conservative because I support socialism."

These mutts ooze over from KOS and ThinkProgress completely convinced they will fool all the "rubes."

And you are just one more lying Trump zealot that makes comments they cannot support. I have been on this board for a little over a year and have been accused of being a liberal during that time due to my dislike of Trump. During that time I have challenged more than a dozen liars like you to provide a single post from me supporting big government or liberal positions..and not a single one of you have ever been able to do so.

You've been here a couple of months. In that time I have yet to see a single post of your's that did not take the left side of whatever issue was at question.

Not one.

You claim to be a Libertarian, yet you had never heard of Murray Rothbard, founder of the Libertarian party. When provided a link to "Man, Economy and State" the seminal work of the Libertarian movement, you refused to even look at it..

I know exactly what you are, a Noam Chomsky socialist.

And yet you cannot find a single post of mine taken the “left” side. Why do you suppose that is?

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This fear, and fear mongering of government, is in my mind nothing more than anarchy lite. We live in a nation threatened by many things a man or women can not protect themselves from alone.

and right now the biggest threat to our way of life is from the inside, not the outside. If we give up or have taken away our freedoms and liberties for safety, what have we really won?

In November of every even year we have the Right to change the course set by the previous government; as long as we have the right to vote, and we fulfill our duty to study the candidates, there is little fear that our nation will ever suffer an authoritarian government.

We are given the illusion of choice every other November to keep the masses happy. Over the course of the last few decades the general populous has been programmed to believe that there are only two "legit" choices, the one with the (R) or the one with the (D). So, we pick between those two, the problem is there is very little difference between the two anymore, so is there really a choice?

Someone once said, a nation gets the government they deserve. Sadly, we got Trump and Ryan and McConnell, but only for a short time. The harm they've done can and will be overturned if we study the people running for office, and put men and women of good will into the seats of power.

The problem is that has not happened in my lifetime, and I have been alive for more than a half a century.

You didn't define the biggest threat from the inside, nor list what freedoms have been taken from you. I would agree if the threat comes directly from the current iteration of conservatism, which is autocratic, self righteous and won't ever compromise on their principles; principles which have no nexus to a moral compass.

I too have been around a while, Harry Truman was POTUS when I was born.
Stalin was a totalitarian, nothing else. Marx was not a prophet from 'God', yet he did make some much needed contributions to the social debate about the place of labor in economic schemes.
'Capitalism' is no savior. It is not your friend. It is not your enemy. It is merely one of a number of approaches to how things can be organized.
The enemy is avarice, greed, the incapacity to be satisfied.
The enemy is old way thinking.
New games need to be invented, and this time we need to keep in mind that they are just that; games.
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Fiscal conservatives passed a tax bill which will add trillions to the National Dept over ten years.

Then they're not fiscal conservatives.

That's what they call themselves. The same one's who call Democrats taxers and spenders, at least what the D's spend on benefits others, and not feathering their own nest.

And Democrats who see individual liberty as the enemy call themselves liberals.
Fiscal conservatives passed a tax bill which will add trillions to the National Dept over ten years.

Then they're not fiscal conservatives.

That's what they call themselves. The same one's who call Democrats taxers and spenders, at least what the D's spend on benefits others, and not feathering their own nest.

And Democrats who see individual liberty as the enemy call themselves liberals.

Do you go out of your way to prove you're an incompetent hack, or does it come naturally?
My only reason for optimism in the coming mid-term elections is that Democrats/Leftists are so stupid. They think the reason HRC did not win in 2016 was that she was not "progressive" enough. Hell, they think Bernie Sanders was not "progressive" enough.

Hence, they think that if they actually run as socialists, they can win where HRC failed.

Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze don't straighten them out!

Liberals usually double down when they lose.

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