Yep.....Biden Is So Busy Creating Another Recession


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Let's see.....what has Biden done so far to screw up the economy and rob us of our money:

  • Signed a mandatory $15/hr wage that Obama made mandatory back in 2012
  • Revoked federal oil permits making us dependent on foreign oil again
  • Mandated electric cars for all government use
  • Raised taxes
  • Signed another mask mandate
  • Executive order to work to mitigate inequities caused or exacerbated by COVID-19
  • Signed directives on how to reopen schools
  • Signed an order changing the way we test for COVID-19
  • Signed an order getting us back into the Paris Climate Accords
  • Signed an order banning the terms Wuhan Virus or China Flu
  • Signed an order for racial equity

He's also planning on signing an EO making tax increases retroactive to whenever he deems is necessary to pay for all of the crap he's signing.

Let's see.....what has Biden done so far to screw up the economy and rob us of our money:

  • Signed a mandatory $15/hr wage that Obama made mandatory back in 2012
  • Revoked federal oil permits making us dependent on foreign oil again
  • Mandated electric cars for all government use
  • Raised taxes
  • Signed another mask mandate
  • Executive order to work to mitigate inequities caused or exacerbated by COVID-19
  • Signed directives on how to reopen schools
  • Signed an order changing the way we test for COVID-19
  • Signed an order getting us back into the Paris Climate Accords
  • Signed an order banning the terms Wuhan Virus or China Flu
  • Signed an order for racial equity

He's also planning on signing an EO making tax increases retroactive to whenever he deems is necessary to pay for all of the crap he's signing.

You can bet those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it big time.

Hell New Mexico voted Biden and he shut the Keystone Pipeline down costing thousands of jobs. New Mexico is livid and you can bet every one who voted for that jack ass is regretting it big time.

That moron will ruin this country.
Oil permits on public land are a moratorium for review yet oil is still being pumped and added to the glut from a 60% drop in a year since the pandemic which occurred under Trump and his economy history was no better than Oblama's even though yous guys claim differently.
Let's see.....what has Biden done so far to screw up the economy and rob us of our money:

  • Signed a mandatory $15/hr wage that Obama made mandatory back in 2012
  • Revoked federal oil permits making us dependent on foreign oil again
  • Mandated electric cars for all government use
  • Raised taxes
  • Signed another mask mandate
  • Executive order to work to mitigate inequities caused or exacerbated by COVID-19
  • Signed directives on how to reopen schools
  • Signed an order changing the way we test for COVID-19
  • Signed an order getting us back into the Paris Climate Accords
  • Signed an order banning the terms Wuhan Virus or China Flu
  • Signed an order for racial equity

He's also planning on signing an EO making tax increases retroactive to whenever he deems is necessary to pay for all of the crap he's signing.

Proof that he is working for the CCP, because he is definitely not working for the American people
Signed another mask mandate, there was only one signed for federals only which the mask mandate was enforced for the feds was already done by Trump. Another provision I can't see as causing "another recession".
  • Executive order to work to mitigate inequities caused or exacerbated by COVID-19
I know you hate the idea of everyone being treated fairly. Yet, this is not a determining factor of any future recession.
What taxes has Biden raised?
These folks love to make the widest and worst possible assumptions based on nothing more than words and shallow extrapolations.

The last person to trust on macroeconomic matters is a Trumpster.
I am just lucky I don't have to be exposed to it it real life. One thing I find in life really irritating is whiners...
Let's see.....what has Biden done so far to screw up the economy and rob us of our money:

  • Signed a mandatory $15/hr wage that Obama made mandatory back in 2012
  • Revoked federal oil permits making us dependent on foreign oil again
  • Mandated electric cars for all government use
  • Raised taxes
  • Signed another mask mandate
  • Executive order to work to mitigate inequities caused or exacerbated by COVID-19
  • Signed directives on how to reopen schools
  • Signed an order changing the way we test for COVID-19
  • Signed an order getting us back into the Paris Climate Accords
  • Signed an order banning the terms Wuhan Virus or China Flu
  • Signed an order for racial equity

He's also planning on signing an EO making tax increases retroactive to whenever he deems is necessary to pay for all of the crap he's signing.

I think you're going to find that the liberals on this board are not able to look beyond the immediate and see the domino effect of each of these actions.
Schools here have been open since September yet, I don't see how that will cause a recession.

Take a look at what he's done so far. I see recession on the way.
We are already in a recession from Trump do us a favor and bitch about that.

If we are in a recession as you say, its because of the Chinese virus. That hit us hard and is still hitting

Seems you forgot. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus this country was doing great. A great economy. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. Certainly not a recession.
Schools here have been open since September yet, I don't see how that will cause a recession.

Take a look at what he's done so far. I see recession on the way.
We are already in a recession from Trump do us a favor and bitch about that.

If we are in a recession as you say, its because of the Chinese virus. That hit us hard and is still hitting

Seems you forgot. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus this country was doing great. A great economy. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. Certainly not a recession.
It's still a recession no matter what caused it just like yer assertion that Biden is causing the next one that doesn't exist. See the conundrum?
So far I see nothing he has done as triggering a recession....Let us enjoy the Trump induced recession....
Trump induced recession? Don't try to pawn that bullshit off. The economic slowdown is 100% democrat caused. Democrats politicized a virus that their overlords in China created and then Democrat governors showed their true authoritarian natures and stomped the life out of small business. You guys own this shit.

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