Yea Though We Walk Through A Minefield Of Evil . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?

:salute: Great post!
You start you tirade by saying "We Americans are sane, but the rest of the world is evil. You know that is not true. There are some leaders who are evil and even some people and evil or insane. You go off to extremes so anyone reading this garbage realizes it is just that....garbage. Try to look at the other side of the orb and you will find police, nurses, teachers, mayors, representatives who are trying to do the right thing.

Don't be such a "Gloomy Goose". It is not true.
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?

I intend to fight!
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?
Have FAITH my friend ...
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?

:salute: Great post!

Thank you.
You start you tirade by saying "We Americans are sane, but the rest of the world is evil. You know that is not true. There are some leaders who are evil and even some people and evil or insane. You go off to extremes so anyone reading this garbage realizes it is just that....garbage. Try to look at the other side of the orb and you will find police, nurses, teachers, mayors, representatives who are trying to do the right thing.

Don't be such a "Gloomy Goose". It is not true.

I include all of humanity—or at least that was my intent.
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?

I intend to fight!

So do we . . . on the run . . . to better digs.
You start you tirade by saying "We Americans are sane, but the rest of the world is evil. You know that is not true. There are some leaders who are evil and even some people and evil or insane. You go off to extremes so anyone reading this garbage realizes it is just that....garbage. Try to look at the other side of the orb and you will find police, nurses, teachers, mayors, representatives who are trying to do the right thing.

Don't be such a "Gloomy Goose". It is not true.

I include all of humanity—or at least that was my intent.
Thank you
We Americans—we human beings—who remain sane, self-aware and free-minded lovers of ourselves and being alive, our families, our nation, Our God and the lives of all other members of our species, we truly are walking daily through a minefield of absolute, aphotic, anti-human evil. Where does one even begin?

Our very own elected government has murdered hundreds of thousands of us, publicly and on national cable news essentially, for the sake of winning elections and the consolidation of political power . . . as if "They" didn't already have absolute power over our lives to begin with. They're still doing it—mass murdering us, even as I sit here and type this. What's worse? WE KNOW they're killing us premeditatedly—killing our fellow Americans, killing our fellow human beings all around the globe, in the name of the "pandemic" that never was. However, it is not just the pandemic fascism that's killing us. Intentionally set, tens of miles wide fires are burning some of us alive—right now, tonight. Terrorist rioter thugs, mobs of them, are still out there in the streets of communities murdering, looting, sacking and destroying. Abortionists—inhuman monsters with scalpels who pretend to take oaths to save lives are still dismembering unborn children by the thousands on a daily basis and selling their parts . . . the most vulnerable stage of human life; genocide of our future. In public and private schools and universities across the nation our young, malleable minds—the minds of our future soldiers, cops, political and religious leaders and scientists are being fed pure lies and propaganda, poisonous ideology that twists their minds and causes them to despise their very own parents. And on and on and on the layers of pure evil go.

Our leaders elected to both side of the aisle worry more about their own public image and hence winning reelections than the lives of those who elected them . . . you and I and every other member of the great unwashed masses. Our police follow their orders blindly either because they want to protect their ability to feed their families or because they're drunk on the power to crack skulls legally. NO ONE good is in power and no one in power is doing any good or anything at all to save anyone's life.

Ours is a time of breathtaking descent, collapse, pandemonium, self-gratification, self-worship, distrust, zero empathy or compassion and outright hatred of our own species and its long history; our long march from Eden to "advanced" global civilization. No wise men remain, no pure women can be found. Every step we take in this world today is one step closer to mass global annihilation but not by God or an asteroid or a flood . . . but by our own hands; global suicide.

Call it the Dark Within Our Own Hearts Escaped or whatever you like . . . makes no difference. We are teetering on the edge of THE END and millions of fucking lunatic evil bastards are salivating over the chance to help push us over. As the band Ten Years After once sang, "Tell me, where is sanity?"

Will anyone take a stand, raise a sword against evil, try to fucking turn the tides? Will it even make a difference if they do . . . at this point?
You could thank God that you live in the most tolerant Country in the world that guarantees certain freedoms in the Bill of Rights or you can live on the dark side.

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