YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Trump is going to make some waves over this. Merrick Garland is gambling on momentum turning in Biden's direction but it's not a sure thing that it's safe to stamp on this one.

It had to be put to the test sooner or later.

There is almost certainly going to be some violence promoted by Trump and what better time for another murder on the street by gun?

On a positive note, there could be a possibility of calling in the military to end this lunacy.

kevin mcspineless is next. i hope this sends a message to stephan miller & the rest of the flying monkeys in donny's circle.

Breaking now on CNN.

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Damn, bud. You sound happier than a queer in Boy's Town. Get a grip. Steve will raise all the cash he needs for legal expenses and probably make a bit over. This level of excitement is unseemly. Trump wins in '24. Biden's HNIC loses some of his power in '22, and Rittenhouse walks, probably with a sizable chunk of Kenosha cash after the civil suits are litigated.

In legal circles there's an old adage:
You can get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich". That doesn't mean you can convict it, though ;)
bannon is going to jail.

We will have to see how this plays out.

Nixon would have been charged with contempt of Congress for not turning his oval office taped conversations with his advisors, in the Watergate congressional investigation....but he resigned and then was pardoned for his crimes by president Ford..

This is a link to the actual news from today. Bannon has been indicted for refusing to answer Congress.

I think this will scare some of the other "inner circle" people.
Well scared is what controls you all but not US.
Hopefully this Bannon indictment and arrest warrant will send a chill down the spines of the other members of the Trump mafia.
Damn, bud. You sound happier than a queer in Boy's Town. Get a grip. Steve will raise all the cash he needs for legal expenses and probably make a bit over. This level of excitement is unseemly. Trump wins in '24. Biden's HNIC loses some of his power in '22, and Rittenhouse walks, probably with a sizable chunk of Kenosha cash after the civil suits are litigated.

In legal circles there's an old adage:
You can get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich". That doesn't mean you can convict it, though ;)

he flat out ignored a subpoena. if you or I did that, what do you think would happen?
The RWingers are so panicked around here. Or is it total denial? Hmmm
Denial? Of what? What do you expect to be proven through Bannon's testimony? Do you seriously believe you'll finally "get Trump"? The FBI spent several months with an unlimited budget and subpoena power and admitted the evidence for some kind of "conspiracy" was 'scant'. I'll give you people one thing... you never stop hoping. No one here will say it aloud but it's obvious that the ultimate goal is to put a political stake through the heart of the Bad Orange Man. You cannot get a conviction for Treason or even sedition. He was acquitted in two Impeachments. There is N O T H I N G left to convict him for that would keep him from running again. Nothing.

VA was just the leading edge of the Red Wave. Enjoy...

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said he had “promised” his department would follow the rule of law in issuing the charges against Bannon.

“Since my first day in office, I have promised Justice Department employees that together we would show the American people by word and deed that the department adheres to the rule of law, follows the facts and the law and pursues equal justice under the law,” Garland said in a statement. “Today’s charges reflect the department’s steadfast commitment to these principles.”

Hopefully this Bannon indictment and arrest warrant will send a chill down the spines of the other members of the Trump mafia.
The emotion of fear and attempted artificial fear is your governing Mantra . Does not work on us thinkers who are saving the Nation despite your commie attempts to destroy it.
This looks like Garland and his GJ covering for boss' failures. LOLOL Taking Joe and kalamata out of the public's view. LOLOL THIS is how far our country has fallen. At some point, these folk are gonna pay for this.
Contempt of Congress is a misdemeanor. The maximum penalty is $1,000 and 12 months in jail. :laughing0301:

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