Ya'll ready for another Trump rally?


Seen one, you've seen them all.

I am happy that Tucker is no longer getting bumped for these spectacles.

Agreed. For some strange reason, Trump never seems to have anything of substance to talk about. He just speaks in superlatives and vague references, never anything specific.

He leaves that for the politicians. They speak in specifics, to an extent. Then get into office and do none of those things. Trump gave his mandate long ago on TV and in interviews and will touch upon it again in ads closer to the election.

Presidents aren't dictators, they need a willing Congress to get most things done. So promises are nice but immaterial; what Trump conveys is ATTITUDE, the desire to take whatever hand dealt him and do the best with it for the American people.

The difference between Trump and the others is that he is believable, and has a vision that most sensible people actually want.
When the weather gets good

Trump will bring millions and have a similar feeling of togetherness to defeat the evil that Woodstock brought

Trump will beat the Woodstock crowds
Trumps rallies brings people together to fight evil

This summer rallies maybe bigger than Woodstock

All this is proof that the crooked democrats will be locked up
People love finding out who the heroes and villains are

That is in humans dna

And that will have the democrats chased out of the nation
These are not women who change like the weather. These are the vast majority of American men

Ready to chase democrats out of the nation
"Useless critters", right? Small-town deplorables, bitterly clinging to their God, their guns, their antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment...

Have fun the next five years wondering why you lost another election.
I dont lose elections I'm surrounded by hard working people from all colors who share the same values as I do (acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, anti racism ....)
I'm glad those critters that support a bully and a pussy grabber cant afford where I live.
Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions. He beats Hillary? Suddenly those accusations are flung far and wide. Imagine that! Can he be a bully? Yeah.
Trump's Palm Beach Club Roils the Old Social Order 1997
calling someone "poor" is a lie, because everyone knows in the Trump economy, every single American is on their way to becoming filthy rich!

I dont lose elections I'm surrounded by hard working people from all colors who share the same values as I do (acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, anti racism ....)
I'm glad those critters that support a bully and a pussy grabber cant afford where I live.
Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Last edited:
Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.

Nope. (a) his father had turned the business over to him, and (b) he DID do it again, and (c) he DID make the statement; (d) it's not that he took out the ad calling for the death penalty ---- it's that he doesn't have the fucking BALLS to admit he was wrong, down to this moment, and no they did not repeat their confessions, don't sit here and try to bullshit me; (e, f, g, h and i) you can't deny the statements. Everything stands.
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.

More to the point, Trump never called any country a shithole. That was just another democrat lie. Trump was talking about many 3rd world countries being cesspools or some such word of corruption and poverty and I think it was Durbin or somebody sitting in on the meeting that ran out immediately afterwards to the media and changed it to "shithole" so the press could run with it as another made up Trump story.

The goal of the Left is to put out such ridiculous crap so as to get the public to the point that if Nancy Pelosi fell down the front steps of Congress and broke her neck, they could print that Trump kicked her down and all the brainwashed dupes on the Left, half would believe it and the other half would just run with it because they don't care.

In a better world, this would be called sedition, and such people would be summarily shot for working against their own nation.
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.

Nope. (a) his father had turned the business over to him, and (b) he DID do it again, and (c) he DID make the statement; (d) it's not that he took out the ad calling for the death penalty ---- it's that he doesn't have the fucking BALLS to admit he was wrong, down to this moment, and no they did not repeat their confessions, don't sit here and try to bullshit me; (e, f, g, h and i) you can't deny the statements. Everything stands.

Nope, got your facts screwed up.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.

Nope. (a) his father had turned the business over to him, and (b) he DID do it again, and (c) he DID make the statement; (d) it's not that he took out the ad calling for the death penalty ---- it's that he doesn't have the fucking BALLS to admit he was wrong, down to this moment, and no they did not repeat their confessions, don't sit here and try to bullshit me; (e, f, g, h and i) you can't deny the statements. Everything stands.

Nope, got your facts screwed up.

They're documented.
Which noone can prove him to be racist or a bigot. Known not to be before he was elected, due to his actions.

  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.

Nope. (a) his father had turned the business over to him, and (b) he DID do it again, and (c) he DID make the statement; (d) it's not that he took out the ad calling for the death penalty ---- it's that he doesn't have the fucking BALLS to admit he was wrong, down to this moment, and no they did not repeat their confessions, don't sit here and try to bullshit me; (e, f, g, h and i) you can't deny the statements. Everything stands.

Nope, got your facts screwed up.

They're documented.

Yeah, it is. Documented as buildings in Brooklyn, NY, where Fred was head. Trump was running Manhattan.
Fred's son Donald Trump joined Trump Management Company around 1968, and rose to become company president in 1971.[48] In the mid-1970s, Donald received loans from his father exceeding $14 million (later claimed by Donald to have been only $1 million).[49]This allowed Donald to enter the real-estate business in Manhattan, while his father stuck to Brooklyn and Queens.[50]
A rental agent said that Fred Trump had instructed him "not to rent to blacks" and to "decrease the number of black tenants by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere."[54] A consent decree between the DOJ and the Trump Organization was signed on June 10, 1975
Trump Management Company Part 01 of 08
FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case
  • Sued by the government for deliberately screening black people out of apartments.
  • Tells government investigator during the trial, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either".
  • Enters into agreement to improve the housing discrimination ---- then does it again.
  • "Laziness is a trait in blacks'.
  • "I have black guys counting my money --- I hate it".
  • Getting all the black people off the casino floor when he came in
  • Central Park Five
  • "They don't look like Indians to me"
  • "Forgetting" who David Dooky is à la Sergeant Shultz
  • "Pocahontas"
  • "Shithole countries" -- oh wait, never mind, that's after he was elected.
Oh, just quit. Those discrimination cases were under his father as he was leaving school.
Pocahontas is not racist. Shithole countries is not racist. They have major problems with corruption.
Central Park Five? He was not the only one that got that wrong, and interestingly, some of them that confessed, even though later exonerated did repeat their confessions later. It is one of those that no one will ever know with full certainty whether any were involved or not-
The panel also mentioned that after they had already been convicted, some of the Five reiterated their confessions during parole hearings.
Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty
Was he stupid to take out the ad? Yes. Doesn’t make him a racist.
The other things were never proven, only heresay, by anonymous or fired sources.

Nope. (a) his father had turned the business over to him, and (b) he DID do it again, and (c) he DID make the statement; (d) it's not that he took out the ad calling for the death penalty ---- it's that he doesn't have the fucking BALLS to admit he was wrong, down to this moment, and no they did not repeat their confessions, don't sit here and try to bullshit me; (e, f, g, h and i) you can't deny the statements. Everything stands.

Nope, got your facts screwed up.

They're documented.

Yeah, it is. Documented as buildings in Brooklyn, NY, where Fred was head. Trump was running Manhattan.
Fred's son Donald Trump joined Trump Management Company around 1968, and rose to become company president in 1971.[48] In the mid-1970s, Donald received loans from his father exceeding $14 million (later claimed by Donald to have been only $1 million).[49]This allowed Donald to enter the real-estate business in Manhattan, while his father stuck to Brooklyn and Queens.[50]
A rental agent said that Fred Trump had instructed him "not to rent to blacks" and to "decrease the number of black tenants by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere."[54] A consent decree between the DOJ and the Trump Organization was signed on June 10, 1975
Trump Management Company Part 01 of 08
FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

Yes I know all that, and more. I just posted about it. What, you want a job confirming my posts now?
Seems like trump may have his biggest Rally in INDIA

Trump will wipe out liberals world wide

That ought to work out well. Especially when he mention's India's neighbors, "Button" and "Nipple".


Why would you want Rump --- or anybody --- to "wipe out Liberals"? If you don't like the country Liberals built ---- leave.
Maybe try Button or Nipple.

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