Mentally ill Ontario Teacher hired by school...


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

The school district needs to be sued for hiring an obviously disturbed human being. Parachute this guy into Iran.

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The school district needs to be sued for hiring an obviously disturbed human being. Parachute this guy into Iran.

View attachment 821635
I don't know getting hired at least in the USA as a teacher seems next to impossible don't know how these teachers got hired. I had a Master's in teaching, highly qualified, all kinds of recommendation letters. I tried to get hired as a teacher for like 6 years, it never happened. I gave up and went into healthcare.

I have a couple relatives got degrees in Education with licenses who never got hired either. I have a relative so upset after never getting hired as a teacher that went on to grad school and got an MBA from a top 20 business school and became a CPA. I know another who got a degree in Education, never got hired... so she got a Master's in Nursing and became a nurse instead.
Oh no . Is this about The Sniveller , Blocked Ghanaian ?
Cannot handle his over the top happy news .
I don't know getting hired at least in the USA as a teacher seems next to impossible don't know how these teachers got hired. I had a Master's in teaching, highly qualified, all kinds of recommendation letters. I tried to get hired as a teacher for like 6 years, it never happened. I gave up and went into healthcare.

I have a couple relatives got degrees in Education with licenses who never got hired either. I have a relative so upset after never getting hired as a teacher that went on to grad school and got an MBA from a top 20 business school and became a CPA. I know another who got a degree in Education, never got hired... so she got a Master's in Nursing and became a nurse instead.
Wow... So you're telling me that qualifications are not the main hiring criteria. I wonder what they use instead?
Wow... So you're telling me that qualifications are not the main hiring criteria. I wonder what they use instead?
Nope it isn't when it is teaching. A lot of it is a Clique to be honest. Who you know? Do they like your personality? Do you fit in with their group?

I had another relative that never could get hired in the public school system as a teacher, despite having a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mathmatics. So instead she taught in private Catholic schools for a lot less money. Easily passed high school and middle school math tests to be a Math teacher. 8 semesters of calculus for her Bachelor's. Two semesters of Calculus based Physics. Aced easily Calculus based Statistics. Masters in Mathmatic's including classes like Linear Algerbra & Abrtract Algerbra, Discrete Mathmatics, Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, etc. All kinds of teaching Mathmatics classes. 4.0 GPA for her Bachelor's and Master's. Straight A's in everything. No public school would hire her, so she got hired by the private Catholic schools for a lot less money. She could of easily made more money in a different profession, but teaching was her passion.
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Nope it isn't when it is teaching. A lot of it is a Clique to be honest. Who you know? Do they like your personality? Do you fit in with their group?

I had another relative that never could get hired in the public school system as a teacher, despite having a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mathmatics. So instead she taught in private Catholic schools for a lot less money. Easily passed high school and middle school math tests to be a Math teacher. 8 semesters of calculus for her Bachelor's. Two semesters of Calculus based Physics. Aced easily Calculus based Statistics. Masters in Mathmatic's including classes like Linear Algerbra & Abrtract Algerbra, Discrete Mathmatics, Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, etc. All kinds of teaching Mathmatics classes. 4.0 GPA for her Bachelor's and Master's. Straight A's in everything. No public school would hire her, so she got hired by the private Catholic schools for a lot less money. She could of easily made more money in a different profession, but teaching was her passion.
Total insanity....a talent like that is exactly what we need in our public schools especially in any and all fields of mathematics! Let me guess...she's white and conservative! Am I right?
Total insanity....a talent like that is exactly what we need in our public schools especially in any and all fields of mathematics! Let me guess...she's white and conservative! Am I right?
Now we are going back many, many, many years. She couldn't get hired in public schools as a Math teacher so instead she taught in the Catholic private schools all her life as a Math teacher. I wouldn't call her a Republican or a Democrat, she usually prefers to not vote and stays out of politics. She has retired from teaching.

She warned me and other relatives who failed to get hired in public schools that teaching is not this high indemand job where they need all kinds of teachers. She had specifically warned me when I was getting my Master's that this was all a lie, they don't need teachers and in fact a lot of schools fire teachers to cut costs. I fell for what I read in the newspaper and read in the news ... how high a demand their was for teachers and how easily you would get hired. 6 years of searching, a lot of interviews and rejections. I went into Healthcare instead making more money now actually than I would if I was lucky enough to land a teaching job.

It's when I see clowns like the one posted get hired as teachers I get so irked. How hard I worked and others I know who worked to become teachers, but failed and instead had to go in other professions: Nursing, Healthcare, Business, Accounting, Truck Driving, etc.
Now we are going back many, many, many years. She couldn't get hired in public schools as a Math teacher so instead she taught in the Catholic private schools all her life as a Math teacher. I wouldn't call her a Republican or a Democrat, she usually prefers to not vote and stays out of politics. She has retired from teaching.

She warned me and other relatives who failed to get hired in public schools that teaching is not this high indemand job where they need all kinds of teachers. She had specifically warned me when I was getting my Master's that this was all a lie, they don't need teachers and in fact a lot of schools fire teachers to cut costs. I fell for what I read in the newspaper and read in the news ... how high a demand their was for teachers and how easily you would get hired. 6 years of searching, a lot of interviews and rejections. I went into Healthcare instead making more money now actually than I would if I was lucky enough to land a teaching job.

It's when I see clowns like the one posted get hired as teachers I get so irked. How hard I worked and others I know who worked to become teachers, but failed and instead had to go in other professions: Nursing, Healthcare, Business, Accounting, Truck Driving, etc.
Diplomas are being handed out for transgenderism... Not for academic accomplishment. Each successive class of graduates here in the United States is moving gradually closer to complete functional illiteracy. Academic excellence is considered to be non-posh....geeky.

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