Ya Think The 'Russians Hacked Our Election' thing is a DNC attempt to distract from


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
..the fact that their e-mails were hacked and released, exposing hem as racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites?

Obama: America should have cared more about Russian meddling than the substance of the Democrats’ hacked emails

"At bottom, I think this is just Obama’s version of “Where’s the outrage?” Where’s the outrage that the guy who once stood up onstage and encouraged Russia to “find” Hillary Clinton’s emails and publish them was ultimately rewarded with the presidency? I guess, when voters were forced to choose between a candidate who’s likely to favor Russia and another candidate who’s likely to favor the highest foreign bidders in contributing to her Foundation, they went with the one who at least seemed to care about jobs."

Obama: America should have cared more about Russian meddling than the substance of the Democrats’ hacked emails - Hot Air
If so, thank you Russia for helping to make America great again
1) I see no reason why we can't care about both.

2) There is no evidence the "Russian meddling" swayed a single vote. However, IMHO, it's enough that they tried to fuck with our election process to make it a national security concern.
..the fact that their e-mails were hacked and released, exposing hem as racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites?r

So you are accusing the CIA of being part of the DNC?

Why am I not surprised?
1) I see no reason why we can't care about both.

2) There is no evidence the "Russian meddling" swayed a single vote. However, IMHO, it's enough that they tried to fuck with our election process to make it a national security concern.
I said this before, I am personally still confused about why it is so important to our friends on the left and in the media to draw attention to Obama's incompetence in safeguarding United States communications - just seems a little strange is all...
If so, thank you Russia for helping to make America great again

Not surprised that a Trump voter would be thrilled if Russia installed Trump as President.

as opposed to Soros installing the Hildebeast?

I'll take my chances, thank you!

So I will put you down as another Trump supporter who is thrilled by the idea that a foreign power installed our President.
1) I see no reason why we can't care about both.

2) There is no evidence the "Russian meddling" swayed a single vote. However, IMHO, it's enough that they tried to fuck with our election process to make it a national security concern.
I said this before, I am personally still confused about why it is so important to our friends on the left and in the media to draw attention to Obama's incompetence in safeguarding United States communications - just seems a little strange is all...

The issue is really rather simple.

The CIA says that Russia tried to interfere in the election of our President- this is not an attack on Trump- it is a statement that Russia tried to influence an American election.

Why would anyone not be concerned by this? Why would anyone not want to have this investigated?
Here you go- from the title of your thread:

The 'Russians Hacked Our Election' thing is a DNC attempt to distract

That was the WORST attempt to personally attack / smear someone I have seen on this board!

THANK YOU for PROVING what a deceptive, LYING, false Narrative-creating little Cockroach your are!

You intentionally left off a little something from the Thread Title you copied and pasted, dumbass:

"Ya Think The 'Russians Hacked Our Election' thing is a DNC attempt to distract from..."

It's called a QUESTION - as in to start a conversation, you lying little Fu@K!

Your intent was to personally attack me, and you had to lie and leave words out to do so, proving you are a lying, deceiving, piece of shit who has NO CREDIBILITY now!


Here you go- from the title of your thread:

The 'Russians Hacked Our Election' thing is a DNC attempt to distract

That was the WORST attempt to personally attack / smear someone I have seen on this board!

THANK YOU for PROVING what a deceptive, LYING, false Narrative-creating little Cockroach your are!

You intentionally left off a little something from the Thread Title you copied and pasted, dumbass:

"Ya Think The 'Russians Hacked Our Election' thing is a DNC attempt to distract from..."

It's called a QUESTION - as in to start a conversation, you lying little Fu@K!

Your intent was to personally attack me, and you had to lie and leave words out to do so, proving you are a lying, deceiving, piece of shit who has NO CREDIBILITY now!


LOL- your false outrage at my pointing out that you started a thread accusing the DNC for the "Russia hacked our election' meme- and you know that the CIA has specifically issued its report saying that Russia did.

Here- let me ask this question about you:

"Ya think that easyt65 has stopped beating his wife yet?"

You know- just a question- as in to start a conversation......lol

What a stupid little Trump sucking fucker you are.
LOL- your false outrage at my pointing out that you started a thread accusing the DNC for the "Russia hacked our election' meme- and you know that the CIA has specifically issued its report saying that Russia did.
'Accusing'? NO - ASKING, to start up a thread discussion. Do you KNOW words mean something?

Your intent was to personally attack me, and you had to lie and leave words out to do so, proving you are a lying, deceiving, piece of shit who has NO CREDIBILITY now! You are a lying liberal F*ing TROLL who likes to attack people and need to LIE to do so.
Why are these democrats upset?

I thought they liked when people from other countries voted in America

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