WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive"

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, ...”
.... such as the time Canada prosecuted conservative author Mark Steyn for offending Muslims in a book.

PC is always a one-way street. Always.

How's this for over the top PC?

PATHETIC: Trudeau Government Calls Jihadis “Returning Foreign Terrorist Travellers”
Why Alberta Will Secede and Join Us

It's Howdy Trudy time! His conception and naming happened at the same time. As Pierre told it, "Margaret got me so excited that I came when I was just in."
What was the Mayor supposed to say?
Oh I dont know...if he is a foreigner how bout the safety of our citizens comes before the comfort of strangers.....
But since it wasn’t a foreigner, what should he say?
Do we know that....just got home
Yeah it was a loon named Alek. Maybe he actually is a foreigner but he was going to school in Canada since at least 2011. I just glanced at the article.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?
Oh I dont know...if he is a foreigner how bout the safety of our citizens comes before the comfort of strangers.....
But since it wasn’t a foreigner, what should he say?
Do we know that....just got home
Yeah it was a loon named Alek. Maybe he actually is a foreigner but he was going to school in Canada since at least 2011. I just glanced at the article.
Pretty spotty info
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
I hate it when they call cold blooded murder a tragedy!
Doesn't the bible say: Love thine enemies?", or "Those without sin throw the first stone"?
I am agnostic, I say destroy the bastards...
What bastards? White Canadians?
Most of the time it's a Rag head..........might not be this time.......but the law of probability shows it's usually a nut bag with a towel wrapped around his head too tight................
What was the Mayor supposed to say?
Oh I dont know...if he is a foreigner how bout the safety of our citizens comes before the comfort of strangers.....
But since it wasn’t a foreigner, what should he say?
Do we know that....just got home
Yeah it was a loon named Alek. Maybe he actually is a foreigner but he was going to school in Canada since at least 2011. I just glanced at the article.
Pretty spotty info
It’s accurate
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

That Torontonians have the victims and their families in their hearts and prayers would be a good lead in as compared to yakking on about inclusiveness and TO's reputation.
Let's obfuiscate things tell next Tuesday. SHHH, it's a secret don't want to offend anyone. Islam is the villain here, not me for pointing that out. Brain washed twits that go on wild hairs and slaughter non Muslims, that's a fine upstanding Canadian tradition now?
Cripes, the delay in naming the terrorist definitely leads me to believe he could be a returning ISIS jihadist errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "extremist tourist" according to the liberals.
It’s a crazed cracka named Alek. Last name sounded Austrian maybe? I forget. Anyways, you can go ahead and start ignoring the story now.
Ah one o’ those. Is that not one of yours? How would you classify him?
Yep. A muzz. They are saying he's not affiliated with any terrorist goup. What a joke that is.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?
Oh I dont know...if he is a foreigner how bout the safety of our citizens comes before the comfort of strangers.....
But since it wasn’t a foreigner, what should he say?
Do we know that....just got home
Yeah it was a loon named Alek. Maybe he actually is a foreigner but he was going to school in Canada since at least 2011. I just glanced at the article.

Alek Minassian. And after finding out that the name of the Ecole Polytechnique shooter was changed, I'll wait for more to shake out on this suspect.

I don't care what religion this monster is. My beef is with Mayor Tory being more concerned about the city's image world wide than what just went down.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

That Torontonians have the victims and their families in their hearts and prayers would be a good lead in as compared to yakking on about inclusiveness and TO's reputation.
"we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

You'd think after 5700 hundred posts you'd have the quote feature down.....

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