WTF has Joe Biden done to eliminate the "systemic racism" in America during his 47 years in Washington?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Jack diddly squat. If fact, he has been a blatant racist his entire career.

So what kind of moron would voter for this clown based on his promise to end something he has made worse during his almost 5 decades sucking the public teet?

Let me spell it out.....

Yet all of a sudden, democrats magically believe if he's elected, everything changes?

If that's not the definition of insanity.....

I pray that in his second term, President Trump sweeps aside Political Correctness and restarts America's system of Asylums and mental Institutions.
Is there ANY doubt we have a national mental health crisis with Left Lunacy?

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He has cashed the race card and made a butt load of money throwing gas on the fire every 2 years.

This is nothing has always happened for decades.............they must destroy to gain they can save us....................and dumb asses.........fitting symbol of the DNC ....believe them when they say they are here to help them...........
He has cashed the race card and made a butt load of money throwing gas on the fire every 2 years.

This is nothing has always happened for decades.............they must destroy to gain they can save us....................and dumb asses.........fitting symbol of the DNC ....believe them when they say they are here to help them...........

It's not new.....

But how can Democrats and lefties fall for the exact same scam over and over and over for 80 years ?!?!?!
He has cashed the race card and made a butt load of money throwing gas on the fire every 2 years.

This is nothing has always happened for decades.............they must destroy to gain they can save us....................and dumb asses.........fitting symbol of the DNC ....believe them when they say they are here to help them...........

It's not new.....

But how can Democrats and lefties fall for the exact same scam over and over and over for 80 years ?!?!?!
The sounds good are owed...........join me and you will have the good get to watch tv to earn it............

Or........brain washed morons.
It's not new.....

But how can Democrats and lefties fall for the exact same scam over and over and over for 80 years ?!?!?!

If it wasn't for three things.

1. Nixon and Watergate. Nixon screwed it all big time over Watergate and had he gone on television and admitted he had made mistakes he may well have saved the day. But by stonewalling to the end he doomed what was about to be a huge Republican gain nationally.

2. The MSM. The MSM is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. Their propaganda and their ignoring of all the wrongs the Democrats do have helped to hoodwink millions.

3. George W. Bush. While his father screwed up over taxes and lost what should have been a winnable election in 1992 Republicans still managed to take the House for the first time in decades in 1994.

Then came GW and the lies about WMD*, and the Second Iraq War. That set Republicans and the nation back a decade.

* Interestingly, many of those 70 or so national security people who recently came out in support of Biden were part of that lie and the war.

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