Wow, I guess I shouldn't...

Good morning Kooshdakhaa, or at least Morning, early morning where you are.

I think everyone is very correct about talking with a professional in this area. I don't think getting rid of the gun does any good. As 2nd amenders are found of saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." On the contrary, I think maybe you should go to the range today. I don't know about you but I love firing off rounds of ammunition, target practice only mind you. I don't know you so other than that I don't know what you like. I like to write a lot. If you chose to I will give you a topic and you can write about it. I would enjoy seeing what you write but that is up to you. Topic is: "How did I get my computer."

I don't mean to be too hard on you but Samson had a point last night. You do have to give us a sign on how you are doing on your end. It is not fair just to start a thread and then run from it. Especially a thread such as this. So, how are you doing this morning?

Love always, RV
If Samson had a point I failed to find it. On the matter of hearing from Kooshda, that would be very nice. I hope she is doing alright.
post on here about how I held a gun to my head the other night. Just, experimentally, you know, to see how it felt? I was thinking about talking about some of my problems right now, about how sad and depressed I am, thinking I might get some words of wisdom or comfort.

But seeing the way y'all treated Gracie, well, I guess I'd better not.

On the other hand, bring it on. I seem too weak to go through with it, maybe with your cruel remarks you can give me some incentive.

This is very disturbing.

If you don't have a good support system, I hope you find someone you can talk to, preferably someone trained in dealing with what you're going through.

Its not fair to say you might not get support here. I've read many posts where people held out their hand in friendship and understanding. Maybe you're just hurting too much right now to remember that.

Take this seriously and be good to yourself.

I hope you'll come and let us know how you're doing.
Good morning Kooshdakhaa, or at least Morning, early morning where you are.

I think everyone is very correct about talking with a professional in this area. I don't think getting rid of the gun does any good. As 2nd amenders are found of saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." On the contrary, I think maybe you should go to the range today. I don't know about you but I love firing off rounds of ammunition, target practice only mind you. I don't know you so other than that I don't know what you like. I like to write a lot. If you chose to I will give you a topic and you can write about it. I would enjoy seeing what you write but that is up to you. Topic is: "How did I get my computer."

I don't mean to be too hard on you but Samson had a point last night. You do have to give us a sign on how you are doing on your end. It is not fair just to start a thread and then run from it. Especially a thread such as this. So, how are you doing this morning?

Love always, RV

Um, removing the weapon of choice is a good start. But brilliant, just tell her to play with it instead...sheesh

:smiliehug: to you Kooshdakhaa. It's been a long struggle for you and you can't quit now.
If Samson had a point I failed to find it. On the matter of hearing from Kooshda, that would be very nice. I hope she is doing alright.

Well, I'd draw you a picture, but doubt that would be any more effective.

The OP said:

bring it on. I seem too weak to go through with it, maybe with your cruel remarks you can give me some incentive.

I said I did not have enough personal information about the OP to "bring [cruel remarks] on," and niether has anyone else responding to the thread.

Since the OP has not reappeared, then I assume that either
A. they were able to gather enough strength to "go through with it" despite the dearth of cruel remarks, or
B. played you and the rest of the naive sympathisers like a fiddle, and is laughing their ass off at your foolishness.

I like to believe "B" happened.
She posts a lot in pets and is very genuine about the loss of her dog and how much that has hurt her. I've talked to her a few times. I don't think she was playing us. But if that's what you want to think, so be it. I just hope she was able to see that some people here cared enough to try to help her. On a messageboard like this, that's about all you can hope for.
She posts a lot in pets and is very genuine about the loss of her dog and how much that has hurt her. I've talked to her a few times. I don't think she was playing us. But if that's what you want to think, so be it. I just hope she was able to see that some people here cared enough to try to help her. On a messageboard like this, that's about all you can hope for.

Yeah, over four (4) months has passed since the dog died.

She's playing you.
Good morning Kooshdakhaa, or at least Morning, early morning where you are.

I think everyone is very correct about talking with a professional in this area. I don't think getting rid of the gun does any good. As 2nd amenders are found of saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." On the contrary, I think maybe you should go to the range today. I don't know about you but I love firing off rounds of ammunition, target practice only mind you. I don't know you so other than that I don't know what you like. I like to write a lot. If you chose to I will give you a topic and you can write about it. I would enjoy seeing what you write but that is up to you. Topic is: "How did I get my computer."

I don't mean to be too hard on you but Samson had a point last night. You do have to give us a sign on how you are doing on your end. It is not fair just to start a thread and then run from it. Especially a thread such as this. So, how are you doing this morning?

Love always, RV

Um, removing the weapon of choice is a good start. But brilliant, just tell her to play with it instead...sheesh

:smiliehug: to you Kooshdakhaa. It's been a long struggle for you and you can't quit now.

So just how far is Kooshdakhaa's second choice from her first choice. The point of going to the firing range is that if she has an abstract understanding of a firearm, as many do, maybe that thing going off and putting a nice clean hole in a target 50 yards away might jar the realization that is not an abstract idea but very real weapon and it is not a good idea to hold it to ones head. Another point it the firing range requires a drive to the place and the interaction with others. If Kooshdakhaa likes guns than let that be the motivator. She can also shot the heck out of the injustice of taking her loved pet.
She posts a lot in pets and is very genuine about the loss of her dog and how much that has hurt her. I've talked to her a few times. I don't think she was playing us. But if that's what you want to think, so be it. I just hope she was able to see that some people here cared enough to try to help her. On a messageboard like this, that's about all you can hope for.

Yeah, over four (4) months has passed since the dog died.

She's playing you.

If nothing has come, or she put something there, to fill that place where her dog was time may not be a relevant factor.

She may be playing and that is why she really should reply if she cares about us.
If Samson had a point I failed to find it. On the matter of hearing from Kooshda, that would be very nice. I hope she is doing alright.

Well, I'd draw you a picture, but doubt that would be any more effective.

The OP said:

bring it on. I seem too weak to go through with it, maybe with your cruel remarks you can give me some incentive.

I said I did not have enough personal information about the OP to "bring [cruel remarks] on," and niether has anyone else responding to the thread.

Since the OP has not reappeared, then I assume that either
A. they were able to gather enough strength to "go through with it" despite the dearth of cruel remarks, or
B. played you and the rest of the naive sympathisers like a fiddle, and is laughing their ass off at your foolishness.

I like to believe "B" happened.

{{{{{yawn}}}}}} Your vindication is just another sign of your weakness, Samson.

On the OP. This is about Kooshda, not you. Take a break from yourself please. This is getting old.
If Samson had a point I failed to find it. On the matter of hearing from Kooshda, that would be very nice. I hope she is doing alright.

Well, I'd draw you a picture, but doubt that would be any more effective.

The OP said:

bring it on. I seem too weak to go through with it, maybe with your cruel remarks you can give me some incentive.

I said I did not have enough personal information about the OP to "bring [cruel remarks] on," and niether has anyone else responding to the thread.

Since the OP has not reappeared, then I assume that either
A. they were able to gather enough strength to "go through with it" despite the dearth of cruel remarks, or
B. played you and the rest of the naive sympathisers like a fiddle, and is laughing their ass off at your foolishness.

I like to believe "B" happened.

{{{{{yawn}}}}}} Your vindication is just another sign of your weakness, Samson.

On the OP. This is about Kooshda, not you. Take a break from yourself please. This is getting old.

Nothing is vindicated but your naïveté

That's what makes watching your chain pulled amusing for the OP and myself.
I couldn't fill a teaspoon with the game you've got in you. You're a lightweight. Now beat it.

Back to the OP. I believe Kooshda will come back and talk when she is ready. Until then we can pray for her well being.
She posts a lot in pets and is very genuine about the loss of her dog and how much that has hurt her. I've talked to her a few times. I don't think she was playing us. But if that's what you want to think, so be it. I just hope she was able to see that some people here cared enough to try to help her. On a messageboard like this, that's about all you can hope for.

Yeah, over four (4) months has passed since the dog died.

She's playing you.

If nothing has come, or she put something there, to fill that place where her dog was time may not be a relevant factor.

She may be playing and that is why she really should reply if she cares about us.



So if she cannot reply, then you're victimized?

Yeah, over four (4) months has passed since the dog died.

She's playing you.

If nothing has come, or she put something there, to fill that place where her dog was time may not be a relevant factor.

She may be playing and that is why she really should reply if she cares about us.



So if she cannot reply, then you're victimized?


A common theme in those who commit suicide, this flavor anyway, is that they don't want to hurt anyone else. If she is aware that she would hurt us if she makes a post and then does not reply then she is not serious.

Of course if she is planning on taking out a few dozen people on the way then the above is voided.
If nothing has come, or she put something there, to fill that place where her dog was time may not be a relevant factor.

She may be playing and that is why she really should reply if she cares about us.



So if she cannot reply, then you're victimized?


A common theme in those who commit suicide, this flavor anyway, is that they don't want to hurt anyone else. If she is aware that she would hurt us if she makes a post and then does not reply then she is not serious.

Of course if she is planning on taking out a few dozen people on the way then the above is voided.

So you are only trying to manipulate her.



So if she cannot reply, then you're victimized?


A common theme in those who commit suicide, this flavor anyway, is that they don't want to hurt anyone else. If she is aware that she would hurt us if she makes a post and then does not reply then she is not serious.

Of course if she is planning on taking out a few dozen people on the way then the above is voided.

So you are only trying to manipulate her.


No, I am trying to manipulate you. She is only an innocent bystander. How does that make you feel?
A common theme in those who commit suicide, this flavor anyway, is that they don't want to hurt anyone else. If she is aware that she would hurt us if she makes a post and then does not reply then she is not serious.

Of course if she is planning on taking out a few dozen people on the way then the above is voided.

So you are only trying to manipulate her.


No, I am trying to manipulate you. She is only an innocent bystander. How does that make you feel?



Thanks! For caring!

Why do you believe she mentioned Gracie in the OP? That seemed a bit random.
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So you are only trying to manipulate her.


No, I am trying to manipulate you. She is only an innocent bystander. How does that make you feel?



Thanks! For caring!

Why do you believe she mentioned Gracie in the OP? That seemed a bit random.

Not random at all. There is a thread which Gracie started expressing a vulnerble medical/emotional problem she is going through now and she was vilified by quite a few people. It was really ugly. No compassion at all by some people.
So you are only trying to manipulate her.


No, I am trying to manipulate you. She is only an innocent bystander. How does that make you feel?



Thanks! For caring!

Why do you believe she mentioned Gracie in the OP? That seemed a bit random.

I only know because of this thread: There are no random events, only coincidences. I should know. ;)

Well actually I was actually manipulating Kooshdakhaa but my manipulation of you was only a manipulation to manipulate the OP. How does that make you feel now? If you feel manipulated you shouldn't. Or should you? :terror:
No, I am trying to manipulate you. She is only an innocent bystander. How does that make you feel?



Thanks! For caring!

Why do you believe she mentioned Gracie in the OP? That seemed a bit random.

I only know because of this thread: There are no random events, only coincidences. I should know. ;)

Well actually I was actually manipulating Kooshdakhaa but my manipulation of you was only a manipulation to manipulate the OP. How does that make you feel now? If you feel manipulated you shouldn't. Or should you? :terror:

Actually, I feel all warm and fuzzy, regardless of who you may or may not be manipulating.

So you believe there was some link, some non-coincidence, between Gracie-Bashing and the inspiration to being this thread?

What would be that motive?


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