Would you give up your healthcare, your education and your tax breaks to build a wall?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?
It doesn't cost nearly that much and you full know it.
So who's the trespasser in your family?
Or is it your underpaid cleaning lady?
What kind of moron relies on the government for education? As far as medical care, eat right and get exercise and you probably won't need it. Did Robert E. Lee have a fucking "doctor" he called when his tummy hurt?
Our kid was homeschooled after 3rd Grade, till college.

In terms of "giving up" something, I would be happy to give up financial support of illegals, especially free public school for their offspring, free money for folks sitting home smoking crack all day, and the automatic annual raise for Congress.

Just as a starting point..
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?

It's the illegals who should have to give up their free healthcare, school, welfare and other stuff so we can build the wall. We spend billions each year to house, educate and feed illegal aliens. That doesn't include the expenses of prison for the dangerous criminals.

It would pay for itself. We just need congress and the states to stop funding illegal aliens. Stop birthright citizenship when parents are not citizens or here legally. No welfare benefits at all for anyone here illegally, just medical, room and board till deportation. Not only would the wall be paid for with a fraction of the money saved, the problem would solve itself if we stopped the rewards for entering illegally.
There will be no wall.
Hillary's not going to jail.
And trump will be lucky to stay out of prison once Mueller releases his final reports on the Comrade's Russian connections during the election and his longtime money laundering in Russia.
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?

It's the illegals who should have to give up their free healthcare, school, welfare and other stuff so we can build the wall. We spend billions each year to house, educate and feed illegal aliens. That doesn't include the expenses of prison for the dangerous criminals.

It would pay for itself. We just need congress and the states to stop funding illegal aliens. Stop birthright citizenship when parents are not citizens or here legally. No welfare benefits at all for anyone here illegally, just medical, room and board till deportation. Not only would the wall be paid for with a fraction of the money saved, the problem would solve itself if we stopped the rewards for entering illegally.

The US congress can not defund much of anything on this particular subject, this has to be done on the state and local levels.

While welfare and food stamps could be changed, it never will be..
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?

The plan is to make use of our able body lazy fucks like DaShawn and Gustavo...get to building that wall filth or the free shit will stop falling from the sky...Imagine your pathetic lifes without weed, Modelo and your pit bull.
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Deport illegals, build the wall, pause Muslim immigration, cancel NAFTA and stop with the pointless wars. Tax cuts = Agenda Item No. 1,549.
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?

Yes because I pay my tax's, educator is shit, public education is anyway, I won't ever lose my health care as I pay and have. Even paying all my adult life. Go head and build the wall. We will be fine.
Trump will build the wall. It is a mandate from the American people. Honor the mandate from We the People!
It doesn't come free.

What would you be willing to give up to build a wall?
Neither does illegal immigration!
Neither does welfare living!

Nothing is free, it costs somebody!

Coming to this country
to provide a better life for your family,
and coming to this country,
and being, yet another, financial burden,
are two totally different things!

You insinuate, people will have to decide
whether or not they'd be willing to give up
their health insurance so the wall can be built.

Those who have insurance
but, aren't even really paying for it
don't care that the insurance costs for others
have risen to offset those who aren't paying

Everything that has risen in costs
and every program that had its funding cut
or been eliminated, is due to the burden of
illegal immigration and welfare living

Because of illegal immigrants,
more schools have had to be built
or annexes have had to be added
to accommodate the influx of immigrant children

That, in itself, is very costly

Our system is burdened with
spending more then what is coming in

We are spending more because of people
that either shouldn't be here or don't carry their weight

They need to start holding sponsors accountable too.
Legal immigrants have a sponsor that has agreed
to be responsible for providing for them
No one seems to have the FACTS about costs of wall, how much it costs for illegals so here are some facts.

Worst case- using Democrat's estimation: $67 billion to build the 1,827 mile wall.
The completed wall could stretch 1,827 miles across the border with Mexico, according to the border officials.
At the current rate, McCaskill projected the cost to complete construction of the Wall would be $66.9 billion.

FACT: The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits,
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households

FACT: How many illegal households: 11.4 million
This "is in the same ballpark" as figures from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which estimated that 11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States in January 2012.[1][5] The estimate and trends are also consistent with figures reported by the Center for Migration Studies, which reported that the U.S. illegal immigrant population fell to 10.9 million by January 2016, the lowest number since 2003.[6]
Illegal immigrant population of the United States - Wikipedia
FACT: Average household 3 people per household:
FACT: Total illegal households: 3,666,666 illegal households
FACT: Multiple 3,666,666 illegal households times $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, equals $22,858,000,000 or $22.9 billion.

FACT divide $67 billion by $22.9 billion and you have less the 3 years to pay for the wall from the $22.9 billion savings in federal welfare benefits.

Just seems ludicrous for all these opinions about the wall, the costs... when simple math shows how this "wall" can be paid in less then 3 years savings from spending
for existing illegal households.

NOW... reality???
A) There will probably be no elimination of the $22.9 billion being currently spent on illegal households.
B) But future illegal immigrants rate would be dramatically reduced.
The rate of new illegal immigrants, combining both sources is 1,201,000 in FY 2015.
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia
C) So using the figure 1.2 million a year or 400,000 households as base point at a zero illegal crossing due to the wall, annual Federal savings about $2.5 billion a year.
D) Cost of wall $67 Billion divided by $2.5 billion in reduced federal welfare spending or about 26 years to pay for the wall JUST from annual savings of welfare spending.

Now REALITY: Federal government spending for the Wall? Maybe initially.. BUT:
Money going out of USA to Mexico from mexicans in USA using earnings.
These annual "remittances" — as they're called by analysts — topped $69 billion in 2016, according to central bank data compiled in a new report by the Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington, D.C.-based think-tank. The money has been a lifeline for the national economies of many countries in the region since at least the 1990s, when Manuel Orozco, a political scientist who authored the report, first began tracking remittances. They climbed steadily since then, only to plummet when the Great Recession hit the U.S. economy in 2008. But they began to rise again in 2012. The 2016 tally is the highest amount on record and an increase of nearly 8 percent over 2015.

About 40 percent of the money goes to just one country — Mexico — practically all of it sent by migrants in the United States. The recent surge is all the more notable because migration from Mexico has slowed to a crawl — with the number of migrants in the U.S. increasing by just 1 percent between 2010 and 2016 to a total of 11.8 million. Also, says Orozco, the median amount that any given Mexican migrant sends hasn't changed — about $300 at a go, 14 times a year, most commonly through a money transfer company such as Western Union.
Mexicans In The U.S. Are Sending Home More Money Than Ever

SO reality: A 10% tax on ALL remittances going to Mexico...
$69 billion total of which 40% goes to Mexico.. or $28 Billion.
A 10% tax would earn about $3 billion a year... so adding that to the $2.5 billion in savings is about $6 billion a year or now less then 10 years.

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