Would Donald Trump Fans Support Hitler?

Very telling

This "reporter" had half a page of Hitler quotes that would be supported by most Democrats.

Would this same cowardly, dishonest, deceitful, noodle spine rotten typical Democrat ask the same question: Do You Support...? if the quotes were by Lenin, Stalin. Marx, Alansky or Obama?

Would he misinterpret their answers as did when he was deceiving people who might not have been as schooled in lying and deceiving as he was, taught by his echo chamber loading masters?
Democrats have a secret fear that the public would find Hitler more acceptable than Hillary. Who knows, they might be right.

There is no reason to think that given unlimited power, Hillary Clinton would treat Republicans/conservatives any kinder than Hitler treated Jews, gypsies, Catholics (and some says that Hitler was Christian!!), homosexuals and people other than white. No reason, whatsoever, based on her own words.i
Guno, you are pathetic. The question is , "Would Hitler support Hillary?" The answer is "Hell Yes". Anybody that help's Iran wipe Israel off the map is his kind of gal.
Hillary IS Hitler.



First she'll get rid of our guns, next our right to criticize her...... She wants to bring us all to heel.
My god, Trump supporters are dumb.
Then that makes Clinton supporters stupidity's marvel. You allow her to lie with impunity. We don't.
Any living thing on earth but that evil, twisted, tyrannical, miserable harpy. She'll destroy what is left of our country for a price. And has told us as much. Asia will be humming along nicely though....
And who are the biggest anti-Jew group out there? Muslims. Hillary fully supports Muslims, Trump is against them. Yet this somehow makes Trump more like Hitler.
I see more and more similarities between Trump and Adolf every day.

I can hardly wait for this tv insanity to end.

We have now all gotten a ring side seat to how Adolf managed to rise to power.

In his day Jews were the unwanted quantity.

Today it seems to be Mexican immigrants.

As far as Trump's other promises go, Adolf promised and delivered the same things by way of a massive arms buildups same as Reagan had done.

Yes, which led to the wall coming down in Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Specifically, what has Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama accomplished with his slashing the size of our military? Worldwide Terrorist attacks are up how much? And how are conditions in the Middle East along with Afghanistan.
Very telling

Socialist Bernie Sanders would be far more likely to follow the dictates of Adolph Hitler along with Hillary Clinton. Bernie pushed Hillary so far to the left that you couldn't see daylight between them at the end of their battle.


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