would any of the libs like to say something good about America and Christianity??


Many have loved America more than anyone on this forum, either left or right. Too bad they can't speak. For they put us ALL to shame!​
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what conservative group is waging all out war on Christianity ??? what right wing group wants to take God out of the pledge ?? what right wing group is attacking people that give thanks to God in a public forum ???...... take your lies elsewhere !!!
yidnar....stop being an idiot. I've come to the conclusion that most republicans/conservatives that claim to be Christians and are whining about a handful of atheists or jews or agnostics or muslims taking ''their'' religion away from them, have no IDEA of what being Christian and following Christ's teachings means.....you seem to be a perfect example of this 'cluelessness'.... What does being a Christian MEAN TO YOU? How do you fit in to this religion? Do you love your enemies? Do you turn your cheek when slapped? do you walk an extra mile with your adversary? do you cast stones at sinners? or do you feed the hungry, clothe the poor, help the stranger, visit those in prison....have you empathy for those with less, or do you walk on by those that are hurting? Do you revere the wealthy while shunning those with less? do you mock those with less? Do you support destroying the Earth? Do you lie? Do you judge those who surround you? do you covet what your neighbor has....support capitalism and greed? do you love thy neighbor as thyself? do you forgive those who have sinned against you? Were you a virgin when you married? do you give unto caesar what is his....? do you believe Christ was the son of God? Do you believe Jesus died for the sins of all or only for your sins?

you and your ilk, don't seem to be believers in Christ or what He taught....if you have some proof that i am wrong on this, please share with us what makes you a Christian and follower of Christ!

Who gives a hoot on whether kids can say some memorized prayer in school.....that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with being a Christian dear....nada, not a thing......

show me your walk and not your talk!
do you do these things traitor ???
Well Yidnar, I am not a perfect human being as Christ was on earth, but Yes, i do those things as best as I can and I strive daily to follow what Christ taught us....Doesn't every true Christian?

And yet how odd that not one has said anything on this thread that is pro-American or pro-Christian.

You have some stats that verify your claim that most libs are Christian?

Do you have any stats most libs are not Christian? Didn't think so.
It's not my job to disprove a point that hasn't been made.

If your point is that most Dems are not Christians or patriotic, then, yes, the burden is yours.

And you already lied above when you wrote, "Quote: Originally Posted by koshergrl And yet how odd that not one has said anything on this thread that is pro-American or pro-Christian." That is contradicted by earlier posts.

Question: can a Jew be conservative and patriotic?
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It's not my job to disprove a point that hasn't been made.

If your point is that most Dems are not Christians or patriotic, then, yes, the burden is yours.

And you already lied above when you wrote, "Quote: Originally Posted by koshergrl And yet how odd that not one has said anything on this thread that is pro-American or pro-Christian." That is contradicted by earlier posts.

Question: can a Jew be conservative and patriotic?

No, you fucking idiot. Care said "most Dems are Christian" and I told her to prove it.
It's not my job to disprove a point that hasn't been made.

If your point is that most Dems are not Christians or patriotic, then, yes, the burden is yours.

And you already lied above when you wrote, "Quote: Originally Posted by koshergrl And yet how odd that not one has said anything on this thread that is pro-American or pro-Christian." That is contradicted by earlier posts.

Question: can a Jew be conservative and patriotic?

No, you fucking idiot. Care said "most Dems are Christian" and I told her to prove it.

Your question has been answered. Read all the posts, koshergirl: all of them.

The move along. Your OP is fail.

Question: can a Jew be conservative and patriotic?
Nobody has proven that most libs are Christian. You haven't even read the posts, or you would have known I never made a claim, I was just asking Care to back up her own blathering.
Saying 'Jesus was a liberal" and saying "democrats are Christian" does not prove that libs are primarily Christian.

Not that it matters.
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