*Worst Traffic Light On Planet*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I know where it is, its in Azle Texas, USA.
2. At the intersection of Stewart St. and HWY 199, on the service road headed northwest, next to the old gas station, and across from the liquor store.
3. Its a smooth 5 minute light going in this direction.
4. I studied it as I was waiting at it, first off I was half a mile away driving towards it, all the while it was red, pulled up at the end of the line I was about the eighth car back, watching, mind you I have driven in just about every continent on the globe.
5. So as I watched, cars rolled by from each direction going over the bridge at Hwy 199, more than 25 cars, I counted them, first one direction then the other, headed towards El Paso were 19 cars, anyway then finally my light turns green, three cars made it through the light before there was a quick yellow, then red.
6. Then the madness started again.
7. I have never seen this kind of light anywhere on the planet, and I have been at some hair pulling lights before.
8. This light is indeed the *Light From HELL!*
9. This is the worse light on the globe, Azle Texas, is now *FAMOUS* for having the very worst light on the planet.
10. The Department of Transportation, here in Texas are as dumb as a box of rocks.
11. They claim the timing is correct.
12. Actually its an insult to boxes of rocks all over the planet, they are even dumber than one single box.
13. This is now my holy war on the Department of Transportation, they will crack into thousands of pieces, watch them crumble, like a rock to a sledge hammer.
The Address is: 101 Southwest Parkway, Azle Texas on google maps.

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Sorry bout that,

1. I know where it is, its in Azle Texas, USA.
2. At the intersection of Stewart St. and 199, on the service road headed northwest, next to the old gas station, and across from the liquor store.

That is the longest light in Parker and Tarrant County.
Sorry bout that,

1. I live out near Azle Texas, North West of Fort Worth, where I was born and raised.
2. I have travelled all over America, East Coast, West Coast, Central, all the South, and there has never been a worst light in all my 50 years of driving.
3. And have driven in Manila, there is no comparison.
4. Azle Texas is FAMOUS!!!!!!
5. Worst traffic light on the whole entire planet!

Battle Ground, Washington, where State Route 503, a.k.a. Northeast 122nd Avenue, a.k.a. Northwest 10th Avenue intersects Northeast 244th Street, a.k.a. Northwest 25th Street. There are licensed Professional Engineers, and fatal or near-fatal accidents happen regularly when the light is green all four ways due to a software programming defect.
Sorry bout that,

Battle Ground, Washington, where State Route 503, a.k.a. Northeast 122nd Avenue, a.k.a. Northwest 10th Avenue intersects Northeast 244th Street, a.k.a. Northwest 25th Street. There are licensed Professional Engineers, and fatal or near-fatal accidents happen regularly when the light is green all four ways due to a software programming defect.

1. Might be *The Most Dangerous*?
2. Or *Light With More Crashes*, *Worst Traffic Glitches In Programming*?
3. But no, thats not the measuring stick we are using here.
4. This light is unfairly slow in the one direction.
5. Its unjustifiably slow, in this one direction.
6. There should either be a ramp installed back onto the freeway, to then circumvent stopping at it, if you intend to head on up the FM 730, main drag for Azle.
7. I will ground them into powder.
8. And do it right from here.

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Buy one of those light changers that the Firemen have off of the black market. There are plenty of other places where it will be useful too.
We do have some STUPID fuckin lights in TX. There are lights on 4 lane highways that stop traffic at intersections where NO ONE is trying to cross, and the closer you get to the City of Autism the worse they get. It's like a deliberate attempt to piss people off so they run the light and end up with a ticket.
It's like a deliberate attempt to piss people off so they run the light and end up with a ticket
The lights are timed to create ticket revenue for cops, collision repair revenue for auto body shops, high risk premium revenue for auto insurance companies, and medical billing revenue for local hospitals.

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