Worried the GOP finish the job started under Bush and gut the rest of the country.

Under Bush and the Republicans, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to other countries.

Slashing education in state after Republican controlled state ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American infrastructure ---> ongoing.

Even the threat of not helping tornado, hurricane and earthquake disaster victims.

The willingness to start foreign wars to create even more business opportunities.

Hoping the auto industry goes into bankruptcy.

In fact, the way Republicans have piled on the debt, it reminds me of Bain capital preparing a company for sale to maximize profits. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under their policies. If they get back into office, will they finish the job they started under Bush?

The Republicans aren't going to win.

They have moved so far to the right that they are losing independent voters.

Especially in those swing states with Republican governors.

so then in the next 4 years everything Dean mentioned will be stopped and reversed....right?.......:lol:.....you guys are such good little Democrats.....
Under Bush and the Republicans, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to other countries.

Slashing education in state after Republican controlled state ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American infrastructure ---> ongoing.

Even the threat of not helping tornado, hurricane and earthquake disaster victims.

The willingness to start foreign wars to create even more business opportunities.

Hoping the auto industry goes into bankruptcy.

In fact, the way Republicans have piled on the debt, it reminds me of Bain capital preparing a company for sale to maximize profits. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under their policies. If they get back into office, will they finish the job they started under Bush?

I don't see any links to support your useless rant.

you never see a link from Dean when he makes his accusations against how Republicans are supposed to be .....and i wonder why Dean never sticks around to answer Questions asked of him....in his own fucking threads......
Romney the 1% president.

Its the republican choice.

Pick a guy who benifited from the raping of the people.
It is a useless rant.

Shit. Last I heard the Auto industry, even after a huge transfusion of tax dollars, went into bankruptcy anyway.

We should slash education. Hell we keep dumping money into that bottomless pit and our kids aren't any smarter and won't be as long as the teachers unions hold sway.

Jobs have been leaving this country since the 70's and a Rep hasn't been Prez during that entire time.

As for wars? The current administration doesnt' seem to mind spilling blood.

Massive redistibution of wealth?? WOW. Last I heard all taxpayers got a tax break under Bush.

Last I heard FEMA rushs out to assist all victims of floods, fires, earthquakes and hurricanes. Not just FEMA under a Dem Prez either.

I hope they get back in office and but the brakes on Barry boy and his wish for a lefty utopia. You know where those working support everybody else.

May work for you but I think it sucks.
Everything I mentioned is backed up with statistics and data. Republicans have defunded education by half a billion to more than a billion in state after state. Republicans wanted to auto industry to go into bankruptcy. Cantor doesn't support disaster victims. Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%. Romney pays 13.9% taxes on tens of millions of dollars and he doesn't even work.

Everything true. Everything factual.

Plenty of documented evidence available....
Under Bush and the Republicans, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to other countries.

Slashing education in state after Republican controlled state ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American infrastructure ---> ongoing.

Even the threat of not helping tornado, hurricane and earthquake disaster victims.

The willingness to start foreign wars to create even more business opportunities.

Hoping the auto industry goes into bankruptcy.

In fact, the way Republicans have piled on the debt, it reminds me of Bain capital preparing a company for sale to maximize profits. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under their policies. If they get back into office, will they finish the job they started under Bush?

Wow... drunk already?

Shit. Last I heard the Auto industry, even after a huge transfusion of tax dollars, went into bankruptcy anyway.

Heard from where, your Rice Krispies?

GM Back on Top

General Motors Sales Slide 6.1 Percent to 167,962; Volt Up, CTS Down

Read more: General Motors Sales Slide 6.1 Percent to 167,962; Volt Up, CTS Down - WOT on Motor Trend

GM is very busy setting up shop in China and have been in Mexico for many years.

Sort of anti American...
Everything I mentioned is backed up with statistics and data. Republicans have defunded education by half a billion to more than a billion in state after state. Republicans wanted to auto industry to go into bankruptcy. Cantor doesn't support disaster victims. Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%. Romney pays 13.9% taxes on tens of millions of dollars and he doesn't even work.

Everything true. Everything factual.

Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%.

How does cutting the rates for all people who pay do that?

You're not seriously asking that question?

OK, I'll play.

If you make 60,000 (which I'm sure is way, way more than you will ever make) and you get back a thousand dollars, it means a lot to you, but it doesn't change your lifestyle much at all.

However, if you have 10 million dollars and get back 500,000, does that mean the guy making 60,000 isn't working hard enough? That the guy making 60,000 is lazy? Since that's more than 8 years salary for the guy making 60,000, for sure he feels the person getting back 500,000 is getting rich. In just three years under this plan, one guy is getting 3,000 while the other guy is getting more than a quarter century of the yearly salary of the guy making 60,000.

So where is the money moving to? Figure it out? Think before saying anything.

Remember, Mitt Romney hasn't worked for years and he gets 57,000 dollars a day.
Under Bush and the Republicans, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to other countries.

Slashing education in state after Republican controlled state ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American infrastructure ---> ongoing.

Even the threat of not helping tornado, hurricane and earthquake disaster victims.

The willingness to start foreign wars to create even more business opportunities.

Hoping the auto industry goes into bankruptcy.

In fact, the way Republicans have piled on the debt, it reminds me of Bain capital preparing a company for sale to maximize profits. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under their policies. If they get back into office, will they finish the job they started under Bush?

Good times (for a selected few)!
Under Obama and the Socialist, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the Unemployment line ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to the government payroll ---> ongoing.

Slashing education in state after state as they try to end their overspending problems ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American Private Sector ---> ongoing.

Not helping the unemployed along the Gulf Coast or those in the Coal belt of the country. ---> ongoing

The willingness to start failed business ideas to repay donors to his presidental campain.

Hoping the auto industry makes vehicles that nobody wants so they can fall into bankrupty so the government can step in and give the companies to union leaders.

In fact, the way Democrats have piled on the debt, it reminds me the Bush presidency .... if you double it. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under these policies. If they get back into office, will they stop the job begun by this Socialist?

There, I fixed your post for you ..... No thanks are needed :)
Everything I mentioned is backed up with statistics and data. Republicans have defunded education by half a billion to more than a billion in state after state. Republicans wanted to auto industry to go into bankruptcy. Cantor doesn't support disaster victims. Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%. Romney pays 13.9% taxes on tens of millions of dollars and he doesn't even work.

Everything true. Everything factual.

Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%.

How does cutting the rates for all people who pay do that?

You're not seriously asking that question?

OK, I'll play.

If you make 60,000 (which I'm sure is way, way more than you will ever make) and you get back a thousand dollars, it means a lot to you, but it doesn't change your lifestyle much at all.

However, if you have 10 million dollars and get back 500,000, does that mean the guy making 60,000 isn't working hard enough? That the guy making 60,000 is lazy? Since that's more than 8 years salary for the guy making 60,000, for sure he feels the person getting back 500,000 is getting rich. In just three years under this plan, one guy is getting 3,000 while the other guy is getting more than a quarter century of the yearly salary of the guy making 60,000.

So where is the money moving to? Figure it out? Think before saying anything.

Remember, Mitt Romney hasn't worked for years and he gets 57,000 dollars a day.

Allowing the middle class guy to keep more of his money doesn't move the wealth of the nation to the 1%.

And what is "wealth of the nation" anyway?
Citizens have wealth, the nation doesn't.

So how does allowing the rich guy to keep more of his money move "the wealth of the nation" to the 1%? Looks like it allows the rich guy to keep more of his own wealth.
Use that little noggin of yours and explain your "logic". Thanks!
Under Bush and the Republicans, we saw:

Massive redistribution of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% ---> ongoing.

Massive movement of jobs from the Middle Class to other countries.

Slashing education in state after Republican controlled state ---> ongoing.

The unwillingness to invest in American infrastructure ---> ongoing.

Even the threat of not helping tornado, hurricane and earthquake disaster victims.

The willingness to start foreign wars to create even more business opportunities.

Hoping the auto industry goes into bankruptcy.

In fact, the way Republicans have piled on the debt, it reminds me of Bain capital preparing a company for sale to maximize profits. Is that it? Is that the goal? Sell off what is left of the country until only a shell is left?

Unless Republicans can come up with an alternative scenario, this is how things seem to be going under their policies. If they get back into office, will they finish the job they started under Bush?

Bush was an Idiot, He is not the GOP. You are an Idiot as well. As Usual.
Everything I mentioned is backed up with statistics and data. Republicans have defunded education by half a billion to more than a billion in state after state. Republicans wanted to auto industry to go into bankruptcy. Cantor doesn't support disaster victims. Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%. Romney pays 13.9% taxes on tens of millions of dollars and he doesn't even work.

Everything true. Everything factual.

Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%.

How does cutting the rates for all people who pay do that?

You're not seriously asking that question?

OK, I'll play.

If you make 60,000 (which I'm sure is way, way more than you will ever make) and you get back a thousand dollars, it means a lot to you, but it doesn't change your lifestyle much at all.

However, if you have 10 million dollars and get back 500,000, does that mean the guy making 60,000 isn't working hard enough? That the guy making 60,000 is lazy? Since that's more than 8 years salary for the guy making 60,000, for sure he feels the person getting back 500,000 is getting rich. In just three years under this plan, one guy is getting 3,000 while the other guy is getting more than a quarter century of the yearly salary of the guy making 60,000.

So where is the money moving to? Figure it out? Think before saying anything.

Remember, Mitt Romney hasn't worked for years and he gets 57,000 dollars a day.

Let's include another comparison. What sort of education and business experience does a man making $60,000 have compared to an individual who makes [lets say] $500,000 a year? Does the man with a business degree that allows him to perform their job as a CEO, received any special educational treatment that someone making $60,000 can't obtain if they chose to push themselves further? Shouldn't salary be a reward for how hard you worked in receiving that Bachlors or Masters degree? Wow! What a concept!

What entitles those with a lower salary, to earn a greater tax return? Can you answer me that? Is this to become more of a sympathy Federal tax refund, with a pat on the back "you can do it if you try" encouragement letter?
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Bush tax cuts moved the wealth of the nation from the Middle Class to the top 1%.

How does cutting the rates for all people who pay do that?

You're not seriously asking that question?

OK, I'll play.

If you make 60,000 (which I'm sure is way, way more than you will ever make) and you get back a thousand dollars, it means a lot to you, but it doesn't change your lifestyle much at all.

However, if you have 10 million dollars and get back 500,000, does that mean the guy making 60,000 isn't working hard enough? That the guy making 60,000 is lazy? Since that's more than 8 years salary for the guy making 60,000, for sure he feels the person getting back 500,000 is getting rich. In just three years under this plan, one guy is getting 3,000 while the other guy is getting more than a quarter century of the yearly salary of the guy making 60,000.

So where is the money moving to? Figure it out? Think before saying anything.

Remember, Mitt Romney hasn't worked for years and he gets 57,000 dollars a day.

Let's include another comparison. What sort of education and business experience does a man making $60,000 have compared to an individual who makes [lets say] $500,000 a year? Does the man with a business degree that allows him to perform their job as a CEO, received any special educational treatment that someone making $60,000 can't obtain if they chose to push themselves further? Shouldn't salary be a reward for how hard you worked in receiving that Bachlors or Masters degree? Wow! What a concept!

What entitles those with a lower salary, to earn a greater tax return? Can you answer me that? Is this to become more of a sympathy Federal tax refund, with a pat on the back "you can do it if you try" encouragement letter?

A lot of it depends on where you were born and who your "daddy" is. Nothing at all to do with work.

Besides, how hard is it to destroy a company and throw people out of work? For many Republicans, it's probably really fun.

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