World class Pandering on the steps of Penn. Ave.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The office of the POTUS used to come with a certain decorum but apparently that is no longer a requirement. The national podium or as we like to call it the " Bully Pulpit " is there for the furtherance of the national interests and should never be co-opted for personal gain or personal use. Anyone who manages to reach that high station should already know this and not need to be admonished as to behavior standards or moral and ethical boundaries that should never be crossed while there but let's face it all men are human and all men err it's just that this most recent aberration is so self serving and egotistical that it boggles the mind to think of our Chief executive acting like a self pitying child behind that same podium. How so??.... by wandering into vain comparisons between himself and a teenage street thug who was recently shot to death for attacking and trying to beat to death another man who happened to be armed.

In what has to be one of the most shameful displays of ignorant behavior that we have ever seen from anyone in that office rising to the level of national imposter rather than national we know Obama has very weak leadership scores from both sides and that's no accident. leaders get blamed for things...Obie has found a way to avoid being blamed by not leading anyone or anything anywhere. Pretty good blanket stratgegy for a slacker. but bakc to the current, disgusting state of affairs.

The President of the United States in a news conference yesterday sullied his office and further sullied his reputation by pandering to the stereotype accusations of racist aimed directly at the non black and most accurately Non-black whites. His cry of Nxigger..Nxigger...Nxigger is growing tired and hollow and frankly IMO turning off a lot of the base that voted for him and probably will vote against whoever he decides to support as his replacement.

" I was followed in department stores??? ""......are you serious? That's the best racial oppression story you can come up with you sorry, egotistical, phony POS? It smacks of a wannabe....someone who never really did experience the horror of racial oppression but pretty much live a silver spoon life and never really wanted for anything. This guy is full of it when he says he can relate to poor blacks...he never was one...hell he was never even really black.

I'll wager that there's not one person here on these boards who hasn't been followed in a department store. It's the store detective's job and if he doesn't do it he gets moved along to the next jog that he fails to do.

If 3 out of 4 of the people that get caught in your store happen to be you black men....well then it's your duty to keep a close eye on young black men who walk through that door.

If you are a non-black that was sitting in your car minding your own business and then suddenly became a rape, robbery or beating victim based on hatred for your skin color and your attacker was're damn tootin' you lock your doors when you see a black man approaching your car. You probably lock them when you see any young man of any color approaching your car after that and you would be wise, not racist do so.

The POTUS is pandering to a very small segment of the population that he may be in the process of losing. Lately Maxine Waters.....the whore of the house....has been very critical of Obama for not doing more for the black community.....of course I'm not sure what she means by more and maybe Obama doesn't' want to deal with her since she was tarnished in a Tarp Scandal and is still being investigated but still the pressure is on. Same with the National Association of African American and Closet People the N...triple...A...C...P. They have also been critical of Obie for not elevating them to the status of superior.....see equal is no longer a good enough target.

The point here is that he is doing some cheap pandering to consolidate a very small portion of his base...something that took him almost six years to get around to because he figures, and he figures correctly that they will always be in the tank for him no matter what. He's right....they will be. No matter how poorly he treats them they are too desperate and too shallow to see beyond his half/white...half/black skin. Obama has judged them accurately as life long slaves....that they are of their own making.

In the mean time he hurls insult and condescension at another segment of the population that he figures, and figures correctly...will never vote for him no matter what..Conservatives and especially white conservatives though there are a growing number of black conservatives making some proper noise these days and good for them too!

So we are treated to the Maximum hypocrisy in office spewing the most despicable and poorly authored story of if he was the only person or the only skin color for that matter that had to endure any kind of human misunderstanding or unkindness... ( ever notice how its always all about him?)

Now that scandals abound and are closing in on him rapidly....I am sure that Axelrod/jarret have been telling him to Gin up the race is an opportunity for this guy to reach out and prove that he's not just a two bit cheap, race baiting con artist...

BUT.....BUT..... he failed MISERABLY once again confirming our suspicions that he is POTUS in name only and has no real love or concern for the true concept that is and will continue to be after his deviant presence is gone from the White house..... AMERICA.
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Heh heh..



I think it's time to rename Obie...

President Pander-bear
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The office of the POTUS used to come with a certain decorum but apparently that is no longer a requirement. The national podium or as we like to call it the " Bully Pulpit " is there for the furtherance of the national interests and should never be co-opted for personal gain or personal use. Anyone who manages to reach that high station should already know this and not need to be admonished as to behavior standards or moral and ethical boundaries that should never be crossed while there but let's face it all men are human and all men err it's just that this most recent aberration is so self serving and egotistical that it boggles the mind to think of our Chief executive acting like a self pitying child behind that same podium. How so??.... by wandering into vain comparisons between himself and a teenage street thug who was recently shot to death for attacking and trying to beat to death another man who happened to be armed.

In what has to be one of the most shameful displays of ignorant behavior that we have ever seen from anyone in that office rising to the level of national imposter rather than national we know Obama has very weak leadership scores from both sides and that's no accident. leaders get blamed for things...Obie has found a way to avoid being blamed by not leading anyone or anything anywhere. Pretty good blanket stratgegy for a slacker. but bakc to the current, disgusting state of affairs.

The President of the United States in a news conference yesterday sullied his office and further sullied his reputation by pandering to the stereotype accusations of racist aimed directly at the non black and most accurately Non-black whites. His cry of Nxigger..Nxigger...Nxigger is growing tired and hollow and frankly IMO turning off a lot of the base that voted for him and probably will vote against whoever he decides to support as his replacement.

" I was followed in department stores??? ""......are you serious? That's the best racial oppression story you can come up with you sorry, egotistical, phony POS? It smacks of a wannabe....someone who never really did experience the horror of racial oppression but pretty much live a silver spoon life and never really wanted for anything. This guy is full of it when he says he can relate to poor blacks...he never was one...hell he was never even really black.

I'll wager that there's not one person here on these boards who hasn't been followed in a department store. It's the store detective's job and if he doesn't do it he gets moved along to the next jog that he fails to do.

If 3 out of 4 of the people that get caught in your store happen to be you black men....well then it's your duty to keep a close eye on young black men who walk through that door.

If you are a non-black that was sitting in your car minding your own business and then suddenly became a rape, robbery or beating victim based on hatred for your skin color and your attacker was're damn tootin' you lock your doors when you see a black man approaching your car. You probably lock them when you see any young man of any color approaching your car after that and you would be wise, not racist do so.

The POTUS is pandering to a very small segment of the population that he may be in the process of losing. Lately Maxine Waters.....the whore of the house....has been very critical of Obama for not doing more for the black community.....of course I'm not sure what she means by more and maybe Obama doesn't' want to deal with her since she was tarnished in a Tarp Scandal and is still being investigated but still the pressure is on. Same with the National Association of African American and Closet People the N...triple...A...C...P. They have also been critical of Obie for not elevating them to the status of superior.....see equal is no longer a good enough target.

The point here is that he is doing some cheap pandering to consolidate a very small portion of his base...something that took him almost six years to get around to because he figures, and he figures correctly that they will always be in the tank for him no matter what. He's right....they will be. No matter how poorly he treats them they are too desperate and too shallow to see beyond his half/white...half/black skin. Obama has judged them accurately as life long slaves....that they are of their own making.

In the mean time he hurls insult and condescension at another segment of the population that he figures, and figures correctly...will never vote for him no matter what..Conservatives and especially white conservatives though there are a growing number of black conservatives making some proper noise these days and good for them too!

So we are treated to the Maximum hypocrisy in office spewing the most despicable and poorly authored story of if he was the only person or the only skin color for that matter that had to endure any kind of human misunderstanding or unkindness... ( ever notice how its always all about him?)

Now that scandals abound and are closing in on him rapidly....I am sure that Axelrod/jarret have been telling him to Gin up the race is an opportunity for this guy to reach out and prove that he's not just a two bit cheap, race baiting con artist...

BUT.....BUT..... he failed MISERABLY once again confirming our suspicions that he is POTUS in name only and has no real love or concern for the true concept that is and will continue to be after his deviant presence is gone from the White house..... AMERICA.


Race relations is a perfectly appropriate use of the bully pulpit, it is indeed an issue of National import, and a conversation Americans want to have.

That conservatives are fearful of that conversation, of course, is not a good reason to not have it.
The office of the POTUS used to come with a certain decorum but apparently that is no longer a requirement. The national podium or as we like to call it the " Bully Pulpit " is there for the furtherance of the national interests and should never be co-opted for personal gain or personal use. Anyone who manages to reach that high station should already know this and not need to be admonished as to behavior standards or moral and ethical boundaries that should never be crossed while there but let's face it all men are human and all men err it's just that this most recent aberration is so self serving and egotistical that it boggles the mind to think of our Chief executive acting like a self pitying child behind that same podium. How so??.... by wandering into vain comparisons between himself and a teenage street thug who was recently shot to death for attacking and trying to beat to death another man who happened to be armed.

In what has to be one of the most shameful displays of ignorant behavior that we have ever seen from anyone in that office rising to the level of national imposter rather than national we know Obama has very weak leadership scores from both sides and that's no accident. leaders get blamed for things...Obie has found a way to avoid being blamed by not leading anyone or anything anywhere. Pretty good blanket stratgegy for a slacker. but bakc to the current, disgusting state of affairs.

The President of the United States in a news conference yesterday sullied his office and further sullied his reputation by pandering to the stereotype accusations of racist aimed directly at the non black and most accurately Non-black whites. His cry of Nxigger..Nxigger...Nxigger is growing tired and hollow and frankly IMO turning off a lot of the base that voted for him and probably will vote against whoever he decides to support as his replacement.

" I was followed in department stores??? ""......are you serious? That's the best racial oppression story you can come up with you sorry, egotistical, phony POS? It smacks of a wannabe....someone who never really did experience the horror of racial oppression but pretty much live a silver spoon life and never really wanted for anything. This guy is full of it when he says he can relate to poor blacks...he never was one...hell he was never even really black.

I'll wager that there's not one person here on these boards who hasn't been followed in a department store. It's the store detective's job and if he doesn't do it he gets moved along to the next jog that he fails to do.

If 3 out of 4 of the people that get caught in your store happen to be you black men....well then it's your duty to keep a close eye on young black men who walk through that door.

If you are a non-black that was sitting in your car minding your own business and then suddenly became a rape, robbery or beating victim based on hatred for your skin color and your attacker was're damn tootin' you lock your doors when you see a black man approaching your car. You probably lock them when you see any young man of any color approaching your car after that and you would be wise, not racist do so.

The POTUS is pandering to a very small segment of the population that he may be in the process of losing. Lately Maxine Waters.....the whore of the house....has been very critical of Obama for not doing more for the black community.....of course I'm not sure what she means by more and maybe Obama doesn't' want to deal with her since she was tarnished in a Tarp Scandal and is still being investigated but still the pressure is on. Same with the National Association of African American and Closet People the N...triple...A...C...P. They have also been critical of Obie for not elevating them to the status of superior.....see equal is no longer a good enough target.

The point here is that he is doing some cheap pandering to consolidate a very small portion of his base...something that took him almost six years to get around to because he figures, and he figures correctly that they will always be in the tank for him no matter what. He's right....they will be. No matter how poorly he treats them they are too desperate and too shallow to see beyond his half/white...half/black skin. Obama has judged them accurately as life long slaves....that they are of their own making.

In the mean time he hurls insult and condescension at another segment of the population that he figures, and figures correctly...will never vote for him no matter what..Conservatives and especially white conservatives though there are a growing number of black conservatives making some proper noise these days and good for them too!

So we are treated to the Maximum hypocrisy in office spewing the most despicable and poorly authored story of if he was the only person or the only skin color for that matter that had to endure any kind of human misunderstanding or unkindness... ( ever notice how its always all about him?)

Now that scandals abound and are closing in on him rapidly....I am sure that Axelrod/jarret have been telling him to Gin up the race is an opportunity for this guy to reach out and prove that he's not just a two bit cheap, race baiting con artist...

BUT.....BUT..... he failed MISERABLY once again confirming our suspicions that he is POTUS in name only and has no real love or concern for the true concept that is and will continue to be after his deviant presence is gone from the White house..... AMERICA.


Race relations is a perfectly appropriate use of the bully pulpit, it is indeed an issue of National import, and a conversation Americans want to have.

That conservatives are fearful of that conversation, of course, is not a good reason to not have it.
they won't even let white people join in.

But I find that the mind is ususally far more clairvoyant when recovering from the blood sugar dip of a large Alchohol overdose..


Race relations is a perfectly appropriate use of the bully pulpit, it is indeed an issue of National import, and a conversation Americans want to have.

That conservatives are fearful of that conversation, of course, is not a good reason to not have it.

Race relations is appropirate.....Lying the ones coming out of Obama's mouth designed to pander to poltical predilections and weaknesses of his clueless constituency speak volumes about the fact that he should never have been let anywhere near the oval office...

He has no business commenting on the legal proceedings in Florida....he is intefering with the justice system and will pay a heavy price for that going forward.

Indeed the book... The Amature .... is an appropriate nomen for that rabble rousing anarchist.

As far as the word CONVERSATION are you talking about...there's no conversatoin going on......nobody on the left wants any input at all from the right...they simply want to paste the word racist on anything that opposes their collectivist goals. That is not a conversation and once again Obama has shit his own pants as a POTUS. He just plain sucks at being the President because it doesn't fit with his world view to be one.

Now here's a conversation about Race Relations that is real and honest...

Things heat up as Piers Morgan invites Larry Elder to "The Grill": "I think you're stupid!" ? Piers Morgan - Blogs

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