Workplace Discrimination based on Seual Orientation and Gender Identity Must End

Maybe YOU better do some 'soul searching'......Maybe you just have a hard time understanding that ACCEPTING homosexuality as normal is quite different than TOLERATING homosexuality which is what most folks do. Just like we tolerate mental illness and handicaps...we don't ask people to ACCEPT it as normal.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity and bigotry

So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
You don't read to good do ya? My sexual "fetish?"" Shit, you are more stupid than a rock!

Well....In reading your seem to have a sexual fetish when it comes to homosexuality. No shame...just admit it. Aberrant sexual behavior is tolerated. Just don't expect everyone to blindly accept it. Enjoy your fetish as long as you are not hurting anyone and keep it to yourself.
The fact that you are persistently here indicates to me that you have a sexual fetish when it comes to homosexuality.
Maybe YOU better do some 'soul searching'......Maybe you just have a hard time understanding that ACCEPTING homosexuality as normal is quite different than TOLERATING homosexuality which is what most folks do. Just like we tolerate mental illness and handicaps...we don't ask people to ACCEPT it as normal.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity and bigotry

So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
Homosexuality allways has been and allways will be a mental illness - you are living proof of that. Do you really wanna go there again dumbass, I don't think so - lol
While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Dear TheProgressivePatriot
I believe most of these cases of conflict are best assessed and resolved
through mediation, and not adversarial lawsuits as the immediate threat or intent.

It's one thing to be a Jehovah's Witness, Republican Christian, or Transgender Gay activist in your personal life.

It's another thing to bring political or religious beliefs to the workplace
to create any hostile, harassing or distracting environment.

These conflicts go two ways, both people need to be equally respectful and tolerant of each other's beliefs.

It's not just "one way" where the LGBT beliefs are the discriminated against minority
and the Christian who doesn't believe in gay marriage as natural being the oppressor.

the beliefs in conflict are mutual,
and it's how the people BEHAVE that determines if wrongs are personal,
civil or criminal in extent or degree.

If we resolve these as personal issues, they don't have to become
political statements and lawsuits.

My strongest recommendation is training in identifying and resolving differences
in beliefs WITHOUT causing damage or victimizing situations for ANYONE.

I would urge ANYONE in any school, business or organization to
set up mediation training and assistance for whenever such issues might arise.

Then anyone who wants to participate with a school or organization
should agree to go through the training, and agree to the process for
resolving conflicts freely and civily to AVOID legal abuses, actions or costs.

If people are not able to comply with conflict resolution, then
that's how you can identify problems that might otherwise lead to lawsuits,
regardless what the issue or content is behind a conflict.

Address the conflict resolution and due process procedures first.
Once people agree to a process, then you can work out any
issue of differences in political, religious or personal beliefs
and it doesn't have to cause harassment, embarrassment or discrimination at
school, work, in the military, or any other organization with large groups of diverse people.

Thanks TheProgressivePatriot
Once we set up proper conflict resolution that can manage this level of diversity,
one day, the Christian and Conservatives who most feared and hated liberal LGBT
will be grateful for this movement that pushed for true inclusion of cultural beliefs equally.

The Bible says whoever is loved shall be hated,
and whoever is hated will be loved.

One day the very people who hated and feared you
will love and thank you. And vice versa, the people
you thought were out to get you may turn out to be your best allies.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.

Homosexuality is abnormal in a population. Being abnormal typically has its roots in a handicap, mental illness, anti social behavior, etc. Calling me names is not going to convince anyone of anything.
The fact that you are persistently here indicates to me that you have a sexual fetish when it comes to homosexuality.

Ahhh the radical homosexual talking point when all else fails. Try to project your fetish on others and blame them. Think about it. Just how stupid is that? I already told you I agree with being tolerant of homosexuals but..NO...That is not good enough....We all have to now ACCEPT abnormal sexual behavior as part of normal society. What's next? Calling rape normal and natural? How about incest? How about child porn?

As I said, I don't care if you dip your dick in another man's shit hole. Just don't try to tell me it is normal.
Maybe YOU better do some 'soul searching'......Maybe you just have a hard time understanding that ACCEPTING homosexuality as normal is quite different than TOLERATING homosexuality which is what most folks do. Just like we tolerate mental illness and handicaps...we don't ask people to ACCEPT it as normal.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity and bigotry

So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
Homosexuality allways has been and allways will be a mental illness - you are living proof of that. Do you really wanna go there again dumbass, I don't think so - lol

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.
I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Sorry, being spiritual has nothing to do with homosexuality. No one here is promoting treating homosexuals any different in fact, society is historically very tolerant of them. They are just not the norm. The problem they have is thinking they are just like heteros and that is patently and scientifically false. just like radical feminism whose main tenet is that women can be 'just like men' which is utterly and completely ridiculous.

Since heterosexuals make up the bulk of humanity there is no way to call homosexuality normal....It may be 'normal' to have a small fraction of humanity with such handicaps, deformities, mental problems etc. but we certainly don't accept it as normal and we don't try to say it is a good thing to be afflicted with such illnesses.
The fact that you are persistently here indicates to me that you have a sexual fetish when it comes to homosexuality.

Ahhh the radical homosexual talking point when all else fails. Try to project your fetish on others and blame them. Think about it. Just how stupid is that? I already told you I agree with being tolerant of homosexuals but..NO...That is not good enough....We all have to now ACCEPT abnormal sexual behavior as part of normal society. What's next? Calling rape normal and natural? How about incest? How about child porn?

As I said, I don't care if you dip your dick in another man's shit hole. Just don't try to tell me it is normal.

Dear Leo123 no don't have to go THAT far.
Just bring up being equally tolerant and inclusive of
Christian beliefs and expressions, if schools and govt
are going to endorse LGBT practices and expressions.

Just ask for equality between those two sets of rules and standards
of which beliefs do or do not belong in public policies and schools,
and you'll start a fight. But at least it will be fair one!

LGBT and Christian practices are NOT illegal.
So those are fair game comparisons.

(but rape, incest child porn are illegal so that's not an equal comparison)

Are you okay with comparing
* Christian healing prayer with same sex marriage
and allowing one in public policy but banning the other due to conflicts in beliefs
that the state cannot endorse
* Crosses Bibles Christmas or Nativity scenes on public school or govt property
if LGBT expressions including "gay pride parades" are permitted
* allowing beliefs in creation to be taught in schools
if teaching is incorporated
regarding beliefs that homosexuality and same sex marriage are natural

If these are equally faith based, and people have free exercise of religion which isn't illegal to express such beliefs,
why ban just the Christian beliefs while forcing inclusion of LGBT beliefs. If LGBT beliefs and teachings are going to be included under penalty for discrimination, why not Christian beliefs and teachings?

Isn't it discrimination by creed to refuse one but impose the other?

Now that's a fair debate and discussion to have.
And who says people aren't free to resolve this in different ways? What if one city or school decides on inclusion of both,
another decides to remove both from schools and govt,
and another decides to SEPARATE policies and let people have different schools or venues for their own beliefs.

Do we even need to arrive at the same solutions in every case of conflict?
Maybe YOU better do some 'soul searching'......Maybe you just have a hard time understanding that ACCEPTING homosexuality as normal is quite different than TOLERATING homosexuality which is what most folks do. Just like we tolerate mental illness and handicaps...we don't ask people to ACCEPT it as normal.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity and bigotry

So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
Homosexuality allways has been and allways will be a mental illness - you are living proof of that. Do you really wanna go there again dumbass, I don't think so - lol

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....
I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Sorry, being spiritual has nothing to do with homosexuality. No one here is promoting treating homosexuals any different in fact, society is historically very tolerant of them. They are just not the norm. The problem they have is thinking they are just like heteros and that is patently and scientifically false. just like radical feminism whose main tenet is that women can be 'just like men' which is utterly and completely ridiculous.

Since heterosexuals make up the bulk of humanity there is no way to call homosexuality normal....It may be 'normal' to have a small fraction of humanity with such handicaps, deformities, mental problems etc. but we certainly don't accept it as normal and we don't try to say it is a good thing to be afflicted with such illnesses.

sorry Leo123 but yes the cases where people changed their homosexual attractions or orientations because they identified these as NOT natural or right for them, YES these people work through a SPIRITUAL process to go through deep changes so they restore their natural default orientation.

Similar with the people I know who made peace with being transgender or homosexual, and go through spiritual changes in their thinking to let go of conflicts and accept who they are and who they are not.

To some it is clearly a spiritual process.
Since we are all human beings, and connected indirectly,
I call it a spiritual process for everyone to "make peace" with each other in relations and in life.

You may not call it that, but that "connected" process, from individuals to the Collective society or humanity we all make up, I call that spiritual where all our energy is combined and influences/affects one another.

Not just homosexuality but all kinds of relationship issues, including race relations, political and religious affect human relations and society that I call a "spiritual" process.

Because the more we Forgive, the more we can heal the negative injuries and impact from wrongs and injustice from the past, and the more we can restore healthy good working relations between neighbors, then between groups, and finally between nations. Since this is an interactive connected process, from the individual level where we talk one on one, to the collective level worldwide and over all history of humanity, that is what I call the spiritual level where we influence each other unconsciously too.

Do you know anyone who went through a "spiritual" change before they reconciled or confirmed publicly as a Christian, or as a gay couple, or converted to or from Atheism or changed political identity? If you don't call that level of change "spiritual" then what do you call it? Psychological? Just "changing their minds"?

I see it much deeper than just the mind, because it is connected to other people too. So when it extends beyond just the individual and physical levels, it becomes "faith based" so I call that the spiritual level where the influences transcend the mind and body.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity and bigotry

So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
Homosexuality allways has been and allways will be a mental illness - you are living proof of that. Do you really wanna go there again dumbass, I don't think so - lol

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....

Thanks GreenBean glad to see you back and hope you stick around so we can keep each other going.

If I can make it with my bags of mixed marbles, dropping more than I can juggle, even the worst degenerate has no excuse!
We can ALL make it, if I can: if you think I'm like a nun dodging bullets on a battlefield,
what do you think TheProgressivePatriot feels like when Christians and Conservatives all rally against imposing LGBT propaganda, some even comparing it to legalizing pedophilia?
Don't both sides feel attacked from all sides? I hear it from everyone, on left and right!

Not to worry, despite the political pressures,
Science will prove the process of what's going on with spiritual healing and recovery. So all mental ills, addictions and abuses will be found to be treatable, cureable and/or preventable.
And any other conditions along with that, even anger and depression can be cured, and those are not always mental illness but those can be naturally occurring states and stages too! And they can be cured by forgiveness.

The more you can forgive the craziness you see going on,
and the more compassion you have instead of anger,
the more change you will influence instead of rejection and denial.

Try trading or transforming some of those negative thoughts you feel toward these "degenerates" into welcoming compassion and faith that if one person can change, how many others can change?

If we all focus on what we can change to compel others to reciprocate, then maybe we would not harbor such mutual resistance. then wonder why people refuse to change, if we keep attacking them that way.

If we want things to change, what are we willing to offer to that same process? And if you don't expect anything to change, then why bother posting corrections or explanations of counterpoints?

Which way do you want it?
Decide how much you are willing to expand your thinking or approach to include and work with others who conflict with you, and that's how much leeway and stretch you will get in return.

If you want someone to give an inch, then find out where you can give an inch. Before you ask someone to walk a whole mile in the opposite direction they are going, be willing to walk their direction for a mile.

We all have something unique to offer each other here.
But energy is neither created nor destroyed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So if we want someone to receive new ideas we have to offer, that means we have to make equal room for their ideas in return.

Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!

Thanks GreenBean
If I was going to go Nun and give up on this world,
I'd probably declare Constitutionalism to be a political religion,
set up my own Vatican City, and petition everyone else to leave me alone unless you respect equal rights and beliefs, due process and protections, and redressing grievances to reach consensus by conflict resolution and mediation to prevent violence and crime, bullying or other coercion, oppression, abuse or lawsuits. You're probably right, I'd have to live by myself and maybe one teddy bear (or my big stuffed gorilla I bought at goodwill) and just interact safely with people through my laptop!
So in your highly estimable opinion, being tolerant of people with mental problems and handicaps is somehow 'stupid' and bigoted? Thank you for admitting your intolerance.
No dumbfuck! Equating homosexuality with mental illness and handicaps is.
Homosexuality allways has been and allways will be a mental illness - you are living proof of that. Do you really wanna go there again dumbass, I don't think so - lol

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....

Thanks GreenBean glad to see you back and hope you stick around so we can keep each other going.

If I can make it with my bags of mixed marbles, dropping more than I can juggle, even the worst degenerate has no excuse!

Science will prove the process of what's going on with spiritual healing and recovery. So all mental ills, addictions and abuses will be found to be treatable, cureable and/or preventable.
And any other conditions along with that, even anger and depression can be cured, and those are not always mental illness but those can be naturally occurring states and stages too! And they can be cured by forgiveness.

The more you can forgive the craziness you see going on,
and the more compassion you have instead of anger,
the more change you will influence instead of rejection and denial.

Try trading or transforming some of those negative thoughts you feel toward these "degenerates" into welcoming compassion and faith that if one person can change, how many others can change?

If we all focus on what we can change to compel others to reciprocate, then maybe we would not harbor such mutual resistance. then wonder why people refuse to change, if we keep attacking them that way.

If we want things to change, what are we willing to offer to that same process? And if you don't expect anything to change, then why bother posting corrections or explanations of counterpoints?

Which way do you want it?
Decide how much you are willing to expand your thinking or approach to include and work with others who conflict with you, and that's how much leeway and stretch you will get in return.

If you want someone to give an inch, then find out where you can give an inch. Before you ask someone to walk a whole mile in the opposite direction they are going, be willing to walk their direction for a mile.

We all have something unique to offer each other here.
But energy is neither created nor destroyed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So if we want someone to receive new ideas we have to offer, that means we have to make equal room for their ideas in return.

Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!

Thanks GreenBean
If I was going to go Nun and give up on this world,
I'd probably declare Constitutionalism to be a political religion,
set up my own Vatican City, and petition everyone else to leave me alone unless you respect equal rights and beliefs, due process and protections, and redressing grievances to reach consensus by conflict resolution and mediation to prevent violence and crime, bullying or other coercion, oppression, abuse or lawsuits. You're probably right, I'd have to live by myself and maybe one teddy bear (or my big stuffed gorilla I bought at goodwill) and just interact safely with people through my laptop!

Re: "Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!"

LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....

Thanks GreenBean glad to see you back and hope you stick around so we can keep each other going.

If I can make it with my bags of mixed marbles, dropping more than I can juggle, even the worst degenerate has no excuse!

Science will prove the process of what's going on with spiritual healing and recovery. So all mental ills, addictions and abuses will be found to be treatable, cureable and/or preventable.
And any other conditions along with that, even anger and depression can be cured, and those are not always mental illness but those can be naturally occurring states and stages too! And they can be cured by forgiveness.

The more you can forgive the craziness you see going on,
and the more compassion you have instead of anger,
the more change you will influence instead of rejection and denial.

Try trading or transforming some of those negative thoughts you feel toward these "degenerates" into welcoming compassion and faith that if one person can change, how many others can change?

If we all focus on what we can change to compel others to reciprocate, then maybe we would not harbor such mutual resistance. then wonder why people refuse to change, if we keep attacking them that way.

If we want things to change, what are we willing to offer to that same process? And if you don't expect anything to change, then why bother posting corrections or explanations of counterpoints?

Which way do you want it?
Decide how much you are willing to expand your thinking or approach to include and work with others who conflict with you, and that's how much leeway and stretch you will get in return.

If you want someone to give an inch, then find out where you can give an inch. Before you ask someone to walk a whole mile in the opposite direction they are going, be willing to walk their direction for a mile.

We all have something unique to offer each other here.
But energy is neither created nor destroyed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So if we want someone to receive new ideas we have to offer, that means we have to make equal room for their ideas in return.

Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!

Thanks GreenBean
If I was going to go Nun and give up on this world,
I'd probably declare Constitutionalism to be a political religion,
set up my own Vatican City, and petition everyone else to leave me alone unless you respect equal rights and beliefs, due process and protections, and redressing grievances to reach consensus by conflict resolution and mediation to prevent violence and crime, bullying or other coercion, oppression, abuse or lawsuits. You're probably right, I'd have to live by myself and maybe one teddy bear (or my big stuffed gorilla I bought at goodwill) and just interact safely with people through my laptop!

Re: "Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!"

LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to
RE: LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to

^ Then THAT is what you can expect to get in return GreenBean
Are you really happy with that as your "end" goal?

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....

Thanks GreenBean glad to see you back and hope you stick around so we can keep each other going.

If I can make it with my bags of mixed marbles, dropping more than I can juggle, even the worst degenerate has no excuse!

Science will prove the process of what's going on with spiritual healing and recovery. So all mental ills, addictions and abuses will be found to be treatable, cureable and/or preventable.
And any other conditions along with that, even anger and depression can be cured, and those are not always mental illness but those can be naturally occurring states and stages too! And they can be cured by forgiveness.

The more you can forgive the craziness you see going on,
and the more compassion you have instead of anger,
the more change you will influence instead of rejection and denial.

Try trading or transforming some of those negative thoughts you feel toward these "degenerates" into welcoming compassion and faith that if one person can change, how many others can change?

If we all focus on what we can change to compel others to reciprocate, then maybe we would not harbor such mutual resistance. then wonder why people refuse to change, if we keep attacking them that way.

If we want things to change, what are we willing to offer to that same process? And if you don't expect anything to change, then why bother posting corrections or explanations of counterpoints?

Which way do you want it?
Decide how much you are willing to expand your thinking or approach to include and work with others who conflict with you, and that's how much leeway and stretch you will get in return.

If you want someone to give an inch, then find out where you can give an inch. Before you ask someone to walk a whole mile in the opposite direction they are going, be willing to walk their direction for a mile.

We all have something unique to offer each other here.
But energy is neither created nor destroyed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So if we want someone to receive new ideas we have to offer, that means we have to make equal room for their ideas in return.

Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!

Thanks GreenBean
If I was going to go Nun and give up on this world,
I'd probably declare Constitutionalism to be a political religion,
set up my own Vatican City, and petition everyone else to leave me alone unless you respect equal rights and beliefs, due process and protections, and redressing grievances to reach consensus by conflict resolution and mediation to prevent violence and crime, bullying or other coercion, oppression, abuse or lawsuits. You're probably right, I'd have to live by myself and maybe one teddy bear (or my big stuffed gorilla I bought at goodwill) and just interact safely with people through my laptop!

Re: "Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!"

LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to
RE: LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to

^ Then THAT is what you can expect to get in return GreenBean
Are you really happy with that as your "end" goal?

Many have tried, but my butt is well protected :>

I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Good to see you're still going strong Emily. I'd like to compliment your eloquence but you come across as a nun walking into a battle field while the bullets are flying and trying to get both sides to pick up their marbles and go home. The problem here is that the mental degenerates lost theior marbles a long time ago and now they're trying to steal ours ....

Thanks GreenBean glad to see you back and hope you stick around so we can keep each other going.

If I can make it with my bags of mixed marbles, dropping more than I can juggle, even the worst degenerate has no excuse!

Science will prove the process of what's going on with spiritual healing and recovery. So all mental ills, addictions and abuses will be found to be treatable, cureable and/or preventable.
And any other conditions along with that, even anger and depression can be cured, and those are not always mental illness but those can be naturally occurring states and stages too! And they can be cured by forgiveness.

The more you can forgive the craziness you see going on,
and the more compassion you have instead of anger,
the more change you will influence instead of rejection and denial.

Try trading or transforming some of those negative thoughts you feel toward these "degenerates" into welcoming compassion and faith that if one person can change, how many others can change?

If we all focus on what we can change to compel others to reciprocate, then maybe we would not harbor such mutual resistance. then wonder why people refuse to change, if we keep attacking them that way.

If we want things to change, what are we willing to offer to that same process? And if you don't expect anything to change, then why bother posting corrections or explanations of counterpoints?

Which way do you want it?
Decide how much you are willing to expand your thinking or approach to include and work with others who conflict with you, and that's how much leeway and stretch you will get in return.

If you want someone to give an inch, then find out where you can give an inch. Before you ask someone to walk a whole mile in the opposite direction they are going, be willing to walk their direction for a mile.

We all have something unique to offer each other here.
But energy is neither created nor destroyed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So if we want someone to receive new ideas we have to offer, that means we have to make equal room for their ideas in return.

Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!

Thanks GreenBean
If I was going to go Nun and give up on this world,
I'd probably declare Constitutionalism to be a political religion,
set up my own Vatican City, and petition everyone else to leave me alone unless you respect equal rights and beliefs, due process and protections, and redressing grievances to reach consensus by conflict resolution and mediation to prevent violence and crime, bullying or other coercion, oppression, abuse or lawsuits. You're probably right, I'd have to live by myself and maybe one teddy bear (or my big stuffed gorilla I bought at goodwill) and just interact safely with people through my laptop!

Re: "Decide what things you can gain from those you debate or disagree with, and that's where you can trade off and they can in turn gain as much from you!"

LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to
RE: LOL - Emily, the only things a libtard will gain from me is a good swift kick in the buttocks and perhaps an enlightening that they will never admit to

^ Then THAT is what you can expect to get in return GreenBean
Are you really happy with that as your "end" goal?

Many have tried, but my butt is well protected :>

So GreenBean you are not here to change anyone's mind
but just here to get your butt kicked assuring yourself you can take the hits.

Are you happy with that?
And any closet enlightening you won't admit to?

I'd bet TheProgressivePatriot is the type who would meet halfway WITHOUT compromising any truth,
but for the opposite, for the SAKE of being more accurate and inclusive and fair.

On the point you bring up that "ALL" homosexuality is mental illness,
I think both you and TPP could give and take on that argument.
And end up agreeing to acknowledge that SOME cases are mentally ill
especially extreme cases of sick men stalking raping torturing and killing young men.
Sure there are SOME we can agree are unnatural and even mentally ill attractions and obsessions.

But not ALL cases are mentally ill.
There are Christians who have come to peace with being gay spiritually
and that's just how God made them to be.

They are not all "mentally" imbalanced, disordered, delusional, or
under denial of some sort. There are Christians who have gone through
all the prayer and therapy and counseling, and made their peace with
God by coming to the realization that's how they naturally are spiritually.

And similar with SOME transgender.

I know we've discussed this before.
I think you made the comparison with having a "predilection"
for alcohol addition, whether it manifests or not, so that
is unnatural, and it's up to the person's responsibility
to get therapy counseling to make sure they don't
act on this "alcoholic" tendency they were either born with
or it developed later.

I also compared it with atheism, and how some
people are just naturally that way, that's how they think
in secular nontheist terms, while others are Anti-theist
or against theism for personal reasons where they harbor
negative emotions and bias AGAINST something that
causes them to deny and reject in an "unnatural" way.

Would you agree some atheists are rejecting faith
for unnatural reasons and causing internal conflict?
While others are "nontheists" and naturally
secular thinkers who don't harbor unnatural emotional
denials or blocks against people of faith who see things differently.

If TheProgressivePatriot is more open to the POSSIBILITY
that SOME cases of homosexuality may be unnatural mental illness
while SOME are natural and not going to or needing to change,
I'd say that mindset is more inclusive and fair, to admit BOTH are POSSIBLE,
than your approach that all cases are mental illness period without exception.

If you really believe that GreenBean then I'd go with the theory
that ALL people harbor mental illness to some degree then,
as nobody is perfectly natural without emotional bias from somewhere
in our history. Then I could agree with you if you take the
definition of mental illness that far where you implicate all of humanity!
I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Sorry, being spiritual has nothing to do with homosexuality. No one here is promoting treating homosexuals any different in fact, society is historically very tolerant of them. They are just not the norm. The problem they have is thinking they are just like heteros and that is patently and scientifically false. just like radical feminism whose main tenet is that women can be 'just like men' which is utterly and completely ridiculous.

Since heterosexuals make up the bulk of humanity there is no way to call homosexuality normal....It may be 'normal' to have a small fraction of humanity with such handicaps, deformities, mental problems etc. but we certainly don't accept it as normal and we don't try to say it is a good thing to be afflicted with such illnesses.

sorry Leo123 but yes the cases where people changed their homosexual attractions or orientations because they identified these as NOT natural or right for them, YES these people work through a SPIRITUAL process to go through deep changes so they restore their natural default orientation.

Similar with the people I know who made peace with being transgender or homosexual, and go through spiritual changes in their thinking to let go of conflicts and accept who they are and who they are not.

To some it is clearly a spiritual process.
Since we are all human beings, and connected indirectly,
I call it a spiritual process for everyone to "make peace" with each other in relations and in life.

You may not call it that, but that "connected" process, from individuals to the Collective society or humanity we all make up, I call that spiritual where all our energy is combined and influences/affects one another.

Not just homosexuality but all kinds of relationship issues, including race relations, political and religious affect human relations and society that I call a "spiritual" process.

Because the more we Forgive, the more we can heal the negative injuries and impact from wrongs and injustice from the past, and the more we can restore healthy good working relations between neighbors, then between groups, and finally between nations. Since this is an interactive connected process, from the individual level where we talk one on one, to the collective level worldwide and over all history of humanity, that is what I call the spiritual level where we influence each other unconsciously too.

Do you know anyone who went through a "spiritual" change before they reconciled or confirmed publicly as a Christian, or as a gay couple, or converted to or from Atheism or changed political identity? If you don't call that level of change "spiritual" then what do you call it? Psychological? Just "changing their minds"?

I see it much deeper than just the mind, because it is connected to other people too. So when it extends beyond just the individual and physical levels, it becomes "faith based" so I call that the spiritual level where the influences transcend the mind and body.

What is being pushed today is bald-faced bullying by the radical left and homosexuals to change society to see homosexuality as normal. They do not want to even try to conform with nature and society they want nature and society to change so that their aberrant behavior is accepted as just like heterosexuals. If they could get rid of spiritualism and religion to accomplish that goal they would gladly embrace the eradication of all belief that disagrees with their narcissistic agenda. I can forgive and tolerate those I disagree with but I will not accept them wanting ME to change to suit their desire to be seen as equal to heterosexuals.....They are not equal and never will be. I am not saying homosexual people are somehow less human beings or to be chastised and sidelined in most of life but, when it comes to sex, they do not warrant equality to heterosexuals.
Again, so much for my attempts at provoking an actual, intellectual debate on the constitutional issues. Anyone with half a brain would do some research in an attempt to present an opposing point of view.. However, all that you can do is complain that you don't have time to read opinions and proceed with your usual appeals to ignorance--assertions about what you know, or think that you know, without bothering to back it up.

How much “research” did it take for you to come to the conclusion that what is explicitly and unambiguously written in the Constitution is not what it means?

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