Words mean different things to different people.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
When I read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution, I read the words written a long time ago. I know they did not mean what they do today at the time. Yet, the words are wonderful. Because those words have taken on additional meaning since that time. They have a depth now that was absent then.

All men are created equal. What a wonderful and truly accurate statement. All men are created equal. We hold this truth to be self evident, all men are created equal. At the time, they were telling King George and the world that the divine right of Kings was nonsense. But over time those words have taken on far more meaning. We are endowed by our creator with certain gifts.

Those gifts are different in each of us. We owe it to God to make the most of those gifts. We owe it to each other to do the same. We help our neighbors with those gifts. We help each other, in our communities, work places, and even the nation.

The skills of one do not mean that they will be the best in the world. But it means they can be good at something. The problem is that we denigrate those who are better than us, and worse than us. We as a people do not want to be equal. And we certainly do not want to be bettered by anyone at anything.

I was an expert rifleman in the Army. It meant that I was good enough to get the highest award for marksmanship. I was able to fire and hit at least 36 out of 40 targets. Not bad shooting. I also shot expert with the M-9 Pistol, and the M-60 Machine Gun.

I am outclassed by literally millions of people in the world who shoot way better than I ever did, or could. They are practically magicians with their weapons. I am a good shot, I am not a great shot. I tried out for the Pistol Team. I finished in the top third, but no where near the top and no where near the cut off for the next competition to actually make the team. On that day, I watched a man shoot what we called a Possible. Fifty rounds, and every single one was in the ten ring. Maximum possible score, 500 points. That was one man I did not want shooting at me. He just never missed the bullseye.

There are people of all races who are smarter. There are people of all races who are better than I am at pretty much everything. But that is not what God promised me. God gave me the gifts, according to His wisdom. My job is to do the best with my gifts, and not waste them. God covered this situation, when people are better than we are. Do not covet. Don’t get Jealous. Don’t be green with Envy, and do not wish harm to those who are better than you. By the same token, don’t spike the football. Don’t talk smack when you are better than another. Show some class, in losing, and winning.

Those words meant something important to the people of the era. There is no reason those words can not mean something just as important to people today. We are all created equal. If we had embraced that ideal a generation or two ago, we would not be in this mess today.

When we were kids. We all recited the pledge of allegiance. Have you ever considered those words. One Nation. Indivisible. With liberty and justice for ALL.

We swore an oath as kids to be better than we are today. Why do we ignore that Pledge today? Patriotism must be rooted in principles. In ideals. The ideals listed in the founding documents are pretty good ones. Those as a foundation are a pretty good place to be. Our ancestors built an impressive nation on those foundations.

We can be more in the next generation, or less, depending on what we do about those words that mean so much.
"All men are created equal." Translated: We are Englishmen just like the people in England, and we should have the same rights as Englishmen with respect to having a say in our governance. [And since you won't treat us like Englishmen, we are going to leave and form our own country].
no--they are not created equal
.some are born retarded/autistic/etc
..some are born/become fat/short/ugly [ most wealthy entertainers/singers/news anchors/etc are not ugly/fat ]
..some are born with terrible parents/one parent/no parents= will not have an equal chance for prosperity/etc
..some are not smart
etc etc

---so they will not--'''can't''--- ''share''/acquire/etc equally the wealth/good life/etc [ generally speaking ]
so naturally there is inequality ....
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college grad and tall people earn more $$$$$
NOT skin color/etc
There was a sign on the wall in the college I went to that said... "THE MORE YOUR LEARN, THE MORE EARN."

That always stuck with me.
no--they are not created equal
.some are born retarded/autistic/etc
..some are born/become fat/short/ugly [ most wealthy entertainers/singers/news anchors/etc are not ugly/fat ]
..some are born with terrible parents/one parent/no parents= will not have an equal chance for prosperity/etc
..some are not smart
etc etc

---so they will not--'''can't''--- ''share''/acquire/etc equally the wealth/good life/etc [ generally speaking ]
so naturally there is inequality ....
It isnt about the physical qualities the Founders were talking about, but that only in the United States of America, with hard work, and perseverance, everyone can have a wonder full life, the way each person wants to find their happiness. But since liberal can never be happy it is just their nature to take away those rights given by God, thus making everyone they know, miserable and impoverished. Then everyone is equal in their eyes.

no--they are not created equal
.some are born retarded/autistic/etc
..some are born/become fat/short/ugly [ most wealthy entertainers/singers/news anchors/etc are not ugly/fat ]
..some are born with terrible parents/one parent/no parents= will not have an equal chance for prosperity/etc
..some are not smart
etc etc

---so they will not--'''can't''--- ''share''/acquire/etc equally the wealth/good life/etc [ generally speaking ]
so naturally there is inequality ....
It isnt about the physical qualities the Founders were talking about, but that only in the United States of America, with hard work, and perseverance, everyone can have a wonder full life, the way each person wants to find their happiness. But since liberal can never be happy it is just their nature to take away those rights given by God, thus making everyone they know, miserable and impoverished. Then everyone is equal in their eyes.

..I know what they meant--good on paper, but in reality it's different
no--they are not created equal
.some are born retarded/autistic/etc
..some are born/become fat/short/ugly [ most wealthy entertainers/singers/news anchors/etc are not ugly/fat ]
..some are born with terrible parents/one parent/no parents= will not have an equal chance for prosperity/etc
..some are not smart
etc etc

---so they will not--'''can't''--- ''share''/acquire/etc equally the wealth/good life/etc [ generally speaking ]
so naturally there is inequality ....
It isnt about the physical qualities the Founders were talking about, but that only in the United States of America, with hard work, and perseverance, everyone can have a wonder full life, the way each person wants to find their happiness. But since liberal can never be happy it is just their nature to take away those rights given by God, thus making everyone they know, miserable and impoverished. Then everyone is equal in their eyes.

..I know what they meant--good on paper, but in reality it's different

But what i just posted isnt being taught in public education anymore. It is all about socialist injustices, and racial adversities but this is all for the Democrat agenda to fundamentally transform this nation into a 3rd world nation. Problem is their brown shirts have gone overboard, thus creating more patriots against the Democrat system, thus infuriating the left even more...

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