Women who snore.

ekrem...one day you are gonna wake up and your bed is gonna look like a horror scene....blood....you wont believe the amount of blood....

women have periods.....ya its hard to believe someone can bleed that much and still be alive...

so snoring is the least of your worries...ever heard of red wings?

But according to Wiki a woman loses about 30 to 60 ml (thousands of a Liter) blood within 3-5 days. Only if she looses 150 to 200 ml during these days, it is considered unhealthy.
How is it with other mammalian creatures, do they also bleed ?

EDIT: As you have different units in USA...
A Coca-Cola/Pepsi can is 333 ml or 0.33 Liter.
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Women do snore, but it does seem like more men snore than women.

women also fart.

My wife's snoring turns me on. I masturbate to it.

After you have been married for a long while you are not going to get that sort of sexy volume from orgasims.
My wife has the cutest little snore. You can barely hear it, even 2 feet away.

When I start snoring, the local air base files noise abatement claims against me.
When a woman (man perspective) or man (women perspective) was sleeping next to you, and that human was snoring, did you ever pushed him/her or otherwise mildly interrupted his/her sleep with the clear aim that he/she stops snoring ?

Don't get me wrong, I don't have much against snoring.
I feel more uncomfortable by the warmness of another body. That does not really do well, and I also sleep with open window/French-window as long as it is not winter outside.

I think everyone snores. Some snore more softly then others. You need to judge for yourself what you want more in life. Silence while you sleep, or sleeping with someone you love. You will be amazed how your life, values and idea change.

Ill give you a hint here on life. The higher you put a woman up on that fairy tail perfect pedestal, the more tragic for you when you find out...that all women are human. You are not perfect, nor are they. Humanity is messy, roll with life.

I have this feeling however you may need separate bedrooms no matter if she snores or not, sorry but i think you got some issues.
I dun snore (or fart) but I do talk in my sleep. I am told you can convo with me, but nobody can understand me (thank Gawd).

My ex used to have much fun with this, and since the divorce, my nightmares no longer feature his Mommy.


I think not.

Hello. You don't have to be very specific about the women and in what relation you stand to them.

What are your experiences? Do women snore, and what do you think when you can't sleep and there is a woman lying besides you, you feel uncomfortable from her body-warmness and then she begins to snore. Did you ever have such experiences with women?
Or did you only met women who did not snore?

Generally speaking, do you agree, that a man is more likely to snore then a woman?

My wife snores occasionally and it worries me; I'll tell her to roll over to relieve the situation. Snoring is potentially very dangerous to one's health because of the potential effects to the heart, and women are known to be more susceptible to heart disease of late.
Hello. You don't have to be very specific about the women and in what relation you stand to them.

What are your experiences? Do women snore, and what do you think when you can't sleep and there is a woman lying besides you, you feel uncomfortable from her body-warmness and then she begins to snore. Did you ever have such experiences with women?
Or did you only met women who did not snore?

Generally speaking, do you agree, that a man is more likely to snore then a woman?

My wife snores occasionally and it worries me; I'll tell her to roll over to relieve the situation. Snoring is potentially very dangerous to one's health because of the potential effects to the heart, and women are known to be more susceptible to heart disease of late.

Mebbe she ought to have a sleep study done, AH?
Hello. You don't have to be very specific about the women and in what relation you stand to them.

What are your experiences? Do women snore, and what do you think when you can't sleep and there is a woman lying besides you, you feel uncomfortable from her body-warmness and then she begins to snore. Did you ever have such experiences with women?
Or did you only met women who did not snore?

Generally speaking, do you agree, that a man is more likely to snore then a woman?

My wife snores occasionally and it worries me; I'll tell her to roll over to relieve the situation. Snoring is potentially very dangerous to one's health because of the potential effects to the heart, and women are known to be more susceptible to heart disease of late.

Mebbe she ought to have a sleep study done, AH?

I'm her reliable monitor, and I know she's not very near to that point. I had the sleep study, and got the PCap machine, used it for 18 months, but had to quit and find other ways to handle the problem. I have a tennis ball sewn into the back of an undershirt, and try to stay off my back which exacerbates the problem. I have lost 20 pounds during the past 6-weeks, aming to reduce the amount of fatty tissue around my neck; that will help.

The CPap machines are pretty much intolerable. Problem I had was the pressure was so high it would pop my mouth open when I went to sleep and my mouth would dry out and turn to stone, waking me up until I could get some saliva going to moisten it, 5 or 6 times a night. They offer a "humidifier" to add water vapor into the, what....the "airway" but that's a step too far for me.
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My wife snores occasionally and it worries me; I'll tell her to roll over to relieve the situation. Snoring is potentially very dangerous to one's health because of the potential effects to the heart, and women are known to be more susceptible to heart disease of late.

Mebbe she ought to have a sleep study done, AH?

I'm her reliable monitor, and I know she's not very near to that point. I had the sleep study, and got the PCap machine, used it for 18 months, but had to quit and find other ways to handle the problem. I have a tennis ball sewn into the back of an undershirt, and try to stay off my back which exacerbates the problem. I have lost 20 pounds during the past 6-weeks, aming to reduce the amount of fatty tissue around my neck; that will help.

The CPap machines are pretty much intolerable. Problem I had was the pressure was so high it would pop my mouth open when I went to sleep and my mouth would dry out and turn to stone, waking me up until I could get some saliva going to moisten it, 5 or 6 times a night. They offer a "humidifier" to add water vapor into the, what....the "airway" but that's a step too far for me.

Those machines seem like medieval torture machines to me, AH. But I wonder if you or your wife have had your adenoids or tonsils removed? There apparently has been some success with these procedures -- when they work, the results are like night and day.

The other non-drug solution I am aware of is night-time oxygen, which would be far less intrusive than a CPap.

What a lovely husband you are, AH. They've stopped making men like you, I fear.
Mebbe she ought to have a sleep study done, AH?

I'm her reliable monitor, and I know she's not very near to that point. I had the sleep study, and got the PCap machine, used it for 18 months, but had to quit and find other ways to handle the problem. I have a tennis ball sewn into the back of an undershirt, and try to stay off my back which exacerbates the problem. I have lost 20 pounds during the past 6-weeks, aming to reduce the amount of fatty tissue around my neck; that will help.

The CPap machines are pretty much intolerable. Problem I had was the pressure was so high it would pop my mouth open when I went to sleep and my mouth would dry out and turn to stone, waking me up until I could get some saliva going to moisten it, 5 or 6 times a night. They offer a "humidifier" to add water vapor into the, what....the "airway" but that's a step too far for me.

Those machines seem like medieval torture machines to me, AH. But I wonder if you or your wife have had your adenoids or tonsils removed? There apparently has been some success with these procedures -- when they work, the results are like night and day.

The other non-drug solution I am aware of is night-time oxygen, which would be far less intrusive than a CPap.

What a lovely husband you are, AH. They've stopped making men like you, I fear.

I've had some horrible surgery proposed, least of which is having my adenoids removed, and straightening up a deviated septum. I chose losing weight as the best option because of the multiple side benefits. When I last weighed in less than 190 I had no apnea problem. The wife has both her tonsils and adenoids, but she almost never halts breathing from snoring. She's lucky that she can painlessly lay on her stomach which alleviates the soft tissue problems. Because of the pain I can only sleep on my right side with my head elevated, a pillow between my knees, and an o-ring under my ear cartilege, etc
I'm her reliable monitor, and I know she's not very near to that point. I had the sleep study, and got the PCap machine, used it for 18 months, but had to quit and find other ways to handle the problem. I have a tennis ball sewn into the back of an undershirt, and try to stay off my back which exacerbates the problem. I have lost 20 pounds during the past 6-weeks, aming to reduce the amount of fatty tissue around my neck; that will help.

The CPap machines are pretty much intolerable. Problem I had was the pressure was so high it would pop my mouth open when I went to sleep and my mouth would dry out and turn to stone, waking me up until I could get some saliva going to moisten it, 5 or 6 times a night. They offer a "humidifier" to add water vapor into the, what....the "airway" but that's a step too far for me.

Those machines seem like medieval torture machines to me, AH. But I wonder if you or your wife have had your adenoids or tonsils removed? There apparently has been some success with these procedures -- when they work, the results are like night and day.

The other non-drug solution I am aware of is night-time oxygen, which would be far less intrusive than a CPap.

What a lovely husband you are, AH. They've stopped making men like you, I fear.

I've had some horrible surgery proposed, least of which is having my adenoids removed, and straightening up a deviated septum. I chose losing weight as the best option because of the multiple side benefits. When I last weighed in less than 190 I had no apnea problem. The wife has both her tonsils and adenoids, but she almost never halts breathing from snoring. She's lucky that she can painlessly lay on her stomach which alleviates the soft tissue problems. Because of the pain I can only sleep on my right side with my head elevated, a pillow between my knees, and an o-ring under my ear cartilege, etc

Aw, that sucks.

But yanno what they say....getting older ain't for pussies.

I hope you and she are all good sleep-wise, AH.
okay you people with sleep apena...try learning to play the diddgerdoo....you have to master continual breathing to play it....they say it helps in 2 to 3 weeks..

our little erk isnt a virgin? o my.....
One of hotter, and younger, girl friends I ever had in my life, snored like a chain saw and farted like Paul Bunyan. She'd sleep with her butt cheeks up against mine and then fart. I could feel her cheeks vibrate and the warmth of the fart. No lie. And her snoring used to wake me up, and when I told her she snored, she flat out called me a liar. So I pulled out this little boom box I had one night that had built in microphones and recorded her snoring when she started. I played that back for her and she accused me of doing it myself. I couldn't win. I didn't care. Small thing to put up with considering what I was getting in return... :D

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