Women want to be treated equally.....

Junior, I am not appealing to emotion instead of reason. The fact that you want women to offer themselves up for being used, just to prove they are serious about wanting equality, is not about emotion. It is about your fantasy of women wanting to be used. It is a ridiculous notion.

But please feel free to share why you think that is "bearing True Witness".
no dear; it is about not being a shill for poon; and expecting the same from women.

LOL! It is not being a shill for poon. It is about doing what you can to be what a woman wants to have sex with.
dear; some on the left don't feel the need to bear false witness to a god, merely prove our loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.

OMG. Shut up, will you?
dear, there is a reason women are only worth more in the porn sector.

Shut up, daniel. There is a reason why women don't like you at all.
Since the actual topic, before being derailled, was about equality and not the death penalty, here is a simple reply to using Susan Smith as a singular example. David Berkowitz murdered 6 people (more than Susan Smith) and was not given the death penalty. So equality does not seem to be the issue.

The OP seemed sure that the protests of the execution of the woman in GA was because she was a woman. But when it was pointed out that every execution in the US is protested, he tried to derail his own thread.
That's a bit cowardly, especially since you said the death penalty wasn't a deterrent. You brought that up, and now you want to stick to the topic.

Prison guards should not die because you are self-righteous or a coward.

Before you start accusing people of cowardice, you might want to educate yourself on the issue.

Here is a site to start with: http://ejusa.org/learn/prison killings

"How often do people serving life sentences kill in prison, anyway?
  • Research shows that those serving life sentences are less likely than the average inmate to break prison rules.7 In one survey of correctional workers, 89% reported that lifers presented fewer disciplinary problems than the general population, and 92% said lifers were more cooperative.8
  • Prison murder is extremely rare. The murder of a corrections officer is even more rare. Many states haven’t had a single corrections officer killed in the last 30 years. Prison staff are 82 times less likely to be murdered by an inmate than the average person outside."

And as for your "execute them to make prisons safer" nonsense, you might be interested to see what people who actually worked in the system have to say.

"Keeping Prisons Safe: Voices From the Front Lines
  • "I've been in this system for over 40 years. I’ve been held hostage and been through multiple prison riots. If someone told me that the death penalty would protect me as a corrections officer, I would be offended. Safety inside prisons depends on proper staffing, programming, and effective reintegration of inmates back into society. The death penalty does not safeguard anybody."1
    — Calvin Lightfoot, former corrections officer, warden, and Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the state of Maryland
"A well-managed prison with proper classification and staffing can create incentives for lifers to behave while segregating and punishing those who are a threat before violence ever occurs. Our prison system already knows how to do this. The reality is that the death penalty is not, and never has been, a deterrent. Prison safety depends on proper staffing, equipment, resources and training. Certainly the money spent on trying to put someone to death for over 20 years could find better use in addressing those practical needs of our correctional system."2
— John Connor, former chief special prosecutor for the state of Montana for 21 years, prosecuting five death penalty cases involving prison homicides"

Yes, I believe that your standard for accepting that women actually WANT equality being that they come up to you and request to be used is demented and sick. That your standards are based on someone requesting that you get what you want and they don't is the antithesis of equality. Please don't mistake your sexual fantasies for reality where equality and women are concerned.
dear, appealing to emotion instead of reason is still a fallacy. And, you seem to be missing the point about morals and morality; are you implying bearing True Witness instead of false witness is of no capital or social value?

Junior, I am not appealing to emotion instead of reason. The fact that you want women to offer themselves up for being used, just to prove they are serious about wanting equality, is not about emotion. It is about your fantasy of women wanting to be used. It is a ridiculous notion.

But please feel free to share why you think that is "bearing True Witness".
no dear; it is about not being a shill for poon; and expecting the same from women.

LOL! It is not being a shill for poon. It is about doing what you can to be what a woman wants to have sex with.
dear; some on the left don't feel the need to bear false witness to a god, merely prove our loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.

You are welcome to be loyal to anything you want. But your statement that you do not believe women are serious about equality unless they ask to be used by you speaks volumes. And this is not a plea to emotion. It is hard logic that women should be treated as equals without having to submit to being used.
Junior, I am not appealing to emotion instead of reason. The fact that you want women to offer themselves up for being used, just to prove they are serious about wanting equality, is not about emotion. It is about your fantasy of women wanting to be used. It is a ridiculous notion.

But please feel free to share why you think that is "bearing True Witness".
no dear; it is about not being a shill for poon; and expecting the same from women.

LOL! It is not being a shill for poon. It is about doing what you can to be what a woman wants to have sex with.
dear; some on the left don't feel the need to bear false witness to a god, merely prove our loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.

OMG. Shut up, will you?
dear, there is a reason women are only worth more in the porn sector.

Because idiots like you only have porn and your hand for a sex life.
Since the actual topic, before being derailled, was about equality and not the death penalty, here is a simple reply to using Susan Smith as a singular example. David Berkowitz murdered 6 people (more than Susan Smith) and was not given the death penalty. So equality does not seem to be the issue.

The OP seemed sure that the protests of the execution of the woman in GA was because she was a woman. But when it was pointed out that every execution in the US is protested, he tried to derail his own thread.
That's a bit cowardly, especially since you said the death penalty wasn't a deterrent. You brought that up, and now you want to stick to the topic.

Prison guards should not die because you are self-righteous or a coward.

The death penalty does not deter anyone from committing a murder, in the normal use of this term as it relates to criminal punishment.

And yes, I was part of the derailment of the thread. Now I am trying to get back to the original topic. If you want to call this "cowardly", I would simply laugh at your definition of bravery.
Definately cowardice, and no one should die because you are a coward. A dead person cannot kill. It really is that simple and trying to obfuscate that fact with some gobbledygook which is abjectly absurd as in, "The death penalty does not deter anyone from committing a murder.in the normal use of this term as it relates to criminal punishment."

People with far more courage than you or I protect society from low life scumbags. and while we do not have the courage or inclination to do so ourselves, I am not a hypocrite. At least I value then lives of those more than I do your self-righteousness, and frankly stupidity in arguing the point.

Oh please. Spare me your attempts at the moral high ground.

When discussing whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent, the usual meaning is whether or not it deters others from committing murders. Of course, one the execution takes place the person will not commit any more murders.

But the average length of time an inmate spend on death row is just over 15 years. That is ample time for more murders, and the sentence is obviously not going to deter them.

Death Row Inmates, 1953-2013 - Death Penalty - ProCon.org

That web site's info shows that just under 25% of the inmates placed on death row between 1973 and 2013 were actually executed.

But 58.2% had their sentence or conviction overturned. So in twice as many case there was enough doubt or extenuating circumstances to remove them from death row.
You are adding insult to injury to yourself, oddly enough. Why are these assholes living for decades after they've been convicted since 1953?

One of the main reason was that SCOTUS halted executions for a decade as many of these bastards died of natural causes, and state like California, with about 700 on death row haven't executed anyone in ages. Pussy whipped states with pussy whipped courts allowed them to live and gave them the opportunity to kill more people like Thomas Knight:

Thomas Knight #1360

You are a coward and people should not die because of it.

Thanks for proving my point.

The case in the link was of a murderer who was convicted and sentenced to death. THEN he killed a prison guard. So the death penalty would not have saved the guard. In fact, having to have his head shaved is what set the man off.
I don't want to be treated equally.....

I want to be treated SPECIALLY :eusa_angel:
Since the actual topic, before being derailled, was about equality and not the death penalty, here is a simple reply to using Susan Smith as a singular example. David Berkowitz murdered 6 people (more than Susan Smith) and was not given the death penalty. So equality does not seem to be the issue.

The OP seemed sure that the protests of the execution of the woman in GA was because she was a woman. But when it was pointed out that every execution in the US is protested, he tried to derail his own thread.
That's a bit cowardly, especially since you said the death penalty wasn't a deterrent. You brought that up, and now you want to stick to the topic.

Prison guards should not die because you are self-righteous or a coward.

Before you start accusing people of cowardice, you might want to educate yourself on the issue.

Here is a site to start with: http://ejusa.org/learn/prison killings

"How often do people serving life sentences kill in prison, anyway?
  • Research shows that those serving life sentences are less likely than the average inmate to break prison rules.7 In one survey of correctional workers, 89% reported that lifers presented fewer disciplinary problems than the general population, and 92% said lifers were more cooperative.8
  • Prison murder is extremely rare. The murder of a corrections officer is even more rare. Many states haven’t had a single corrections officer killed in the last 30 years. Prison staff are 82 times less likely to be murdered by an inmate than the average person outside."

And as for your "execute them to make prisons safer" nonsense, you might be interested to see what people who actually worked in the system have to say.

"Keeping Prisons Safe: Voices From the Front Lines
  • "I've been in this system for over 40 years. I’ve been held hostage and been through multiple prison riots. If someone told me that the death penalty would protect me as a corrections officer, I would be offended. Safety inside prisons depends on proper staffing, programming, and effective reintegration of inmates back into society. The death penalty does not safeguard anybody."1
    — Calvin Lightfoot, former corrections officer, warden, and Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the state of Maryland
"A well-managed prison with proper classification and staffing can create incentives for lifers to behave while segregating and punishing those who are a threat before violence ever occurs. Our prison system already knows how to do this. The reality is that the death penalty is not, and never has been, a deterrent. Prison safety depends on proper staffing, equipment, resources and training. Certainly the money spent on trying to put someone to death for over 20 years could find better use in addressing those practical needs of our correctional system."2
— John Connor, former chief special prosecutor for the state of Montana for 21 years, prosecuting five death penalty cases involving prison homicides"
You've lost this one on all counts. You said the death penalty is not a deterrent. We both know you could not have been more wrong. Move on to some other bleeding heart cause, unless you want to argue that dead people can kill.
Since the actual topic, before being derailled, was about equality and not the death penalty, here is a simple reply to using Susan Smith as a singular example. David Berkowitz murdered 6 people (more than Susan Smith) and was not given the death penalty. So equality does not seem to be the issue.

The OP seemed sure that the protests of the execution of the woman in GA was because she was a woman. But when it was pointed out that every execution in the US is protested, he tried to derail his own thread.
That's a bit cowardly, especially since you said the death penalty wasn't a deterrent. You brought that up, and now you want to stick to the topic.

Prison guards should not die because you are self-righteous or a coward.

Before you start accusing people of cowardice, you might want to educate yourself on the issue.

Here is a site to start with: http://ejusa.org/learn/prison killings

"How often do people serving life sentences kill in prison, anyway?
  • Research shows that those serving life sentences are less likely than the average inmate to break prison rules.7 In one survey of correctional workers, 89% reported that lifers presented fewer disciplinary problems than the general population, and 92% said lifers were more cooperative.8
  • Prison murder is extremely rare. The murder of a corrections officer is even more rare. Many states haven’t had a single corrections officer killed in the last 30 years. Prison staff are 82 times less likely to be murdered by an inmate than the average person outside."

And as for your "execute them to make prisons safer" nonsense, you might be interested to see what people who actually worked in the system have to say.

"Keeping Prisons Safe: Voices From the Front Lines
  • "I've been in this system for over 40 years. I’ve been held hostage and been through multiple prison riots. If someone told me that the death penalty would protect me as a corrections officer, I would be offended. Safety inside prisons depends on proper staffing, programming, and effective reintegration of inmates back into society. The death penalty does not safeguard anybody."1
    — Calvin Lightfoot, former corrections officer, warden, and Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the state of Maryland
"A well-managed prison with proper classification and staffing can create incentives for lifers to behave while segregating and punishing those who are a threat before violence ever occurs. Our prison system already knows how to do this. The reality is that the death penalty is not, and never has been, a deterrent. Prison safety depends on proper staffing, equipment, resources and training. Certainly the money spent on trying to put someone to death for over 20 years could find better use in addressing those practical needs of our correctional system."2
— John Connor, former chief special prosecutor for the state of Montana for 21 years, prosecuting five death penalty cases involving prison homicides"
You've lost this one on all counts. You said the death penalty is not a deterrent. We both know you could not have been more wrong. Move on to some other bleeding heart cause, unless you want to argue that dead people can kill.

It does not deter others from killing. And the overwhelming majority of inmates do not kill anyone. And, as was shown in the info from the link I posted, the lifers behave better than the typical inmates.

But do keep pushing the idea that the death penalty saves prison guards. I especially like it when you posted the story about the guy on death row killing a guard.
The case in the link was of a murderer who was convicted and sentenced to death. THEN he killed a prison guard. So the death penalty would not have saved the guard. In fact, having to have his head shaved is what set the man off.
Are you seriously that stupid? Had he been dead after being sentenced in 1976, he would not have lived to kill in 1980. Yet the courts blocked his execution in 1996 and 2012. He lived till December of 2013 because of cowards like you. Do the math. He lived from 1974 when he killed his first two people, and lived 40 years to kill twice more.

Scumbag and murderer are the words that come to mind for him. Self-righteous coward and idiot are the only words that come to mind for you.
So unless women ask to be used, they aren't really wanting equality? lmao That is hilarious. Demented and sick, but hilarious that you think this.
so, you believe bearing True Witness and not letting us miss our turn is demented and sick?

What about politics: Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.--Otto von Bismarck

Oh, and you don't get a "turn". You get whatever a woman chooses to share with you. And she gets the same.
it is about honesty and equality, dear.

Indeed it is. It is about you being honest that you want women to offer themselves up for being used. And that has nothing to do with equality.

And it is not about you getting your "turn".
dear, it is a figure of speech. why appeal to emotion instead of reason?

Since you keep referring back to reason and logic, please tell us all what logical reason is there for women not to be treated as equal?
Since the actual topic, before being derailled, was about equality and not the death penalty, here is a simple reply to using Susan Smith as a singular example. David Berkowitz murdered 6 people (more than Susan Smith) and was not given the death penalty. So equality does not seem to be the issue.

The OP seemed sure that the protests of the execution of the woman in GA was because she was a woman. But when it was pointed out that every execution in the US is protested, he tried to derail his own thread.
That's a bit cowardly, especially since you said the death penalty wasn't a deterrent. You brought that up, and now you want to stick to the topic.

Prison guards should not die because you are self-righteous or a coward.

Before you start accusing people of cowardice, you might want to educate yourself on the issue.

Here is a site to start with: http://ejusa.org/learn/prison killings

"How often do people serving life sentences kill in prison, anyway?
  • Research shows that those serving life sentences are less likely than the average inmate to break prison rules.7 In one survey of correctional workers, 89% reported that lifers presented fewer disciplinary problems than the general population, and 92% said lifers were more cooperative.8
  • Prison murder is extremely rare. The murder of a corrections officer is even more rare. Many states haven’t had a single corrections officer killed in the last 30 years. Prison staff are 82 times less likely to be murdered by an inmate than the average person outside."

And as for your "execute them to make prisons safer" nonsense, you might be interested to see what people who actually worked in the system have to say.

"Keeping Prisons Safe: Voices From the Front Lines
  • "I've been in this system for over 40 years. I’ve been held hostage and been through multiple prison riots. If someone told me that the death penalty would protect me as a corrections officer, I would be offended. Safety inside prisons depends on proper staffing, programming, and effective reintegration of inmates back into society. The death penalty does not safeguard anybody."1
    — Calvin Lightfoot, former corrections officer, warden, and Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the state of Maryland
"A well-managed prison with proper classification and staffing can create incentives for lifers to behave while segregating and punishing those who are a threat before violence ever occurs. Our prison system already knows how to do this. The reality is that the death penalty is not, and never has been, a deterrent. Prison safety depends on proper staffing, equipment, resources and training. Certainly the money spent on trying to put someone to death for over 20 years could find better use in addressing those practical needs of our correctional system."2
— John Connor, former chief special prosecutor for the state of Montana for 21 years, prosecuting five death penalty cases involving prison homicides"
You've lost this one on all counts. You said the death penalty is not a deterrent. We both know you could not have been more wrong. Move on to some other bleeding heart cause, unless you want to argue that dead people can kill.

Nah. It's really not much of a deterrent for a person who has murder on the brain.
When discussing whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent, most people understand that it means whether or not the fear of it deters people from committing a murder. Life in solitary confinement is a deterrent just as much as the death penatly.

Okay. Which costs more......

Keeping an animal in a solitary cell for 20 years or putting six $0.50 bullets?
The case in the link was of a murderer who was convicted and sentenced to death. THEN he killed a prison guard. So the death penalty would not have saved the guard. In fact, having to have his head shaved is what set the man off.
Are you seriously that stupid? Had he been dead after being sentenced in 1976, he would not have lived to kill in 1980. Yet the courts blocked his execution in 1996 and 2012. He lived till December of 2013 because of cowards like you. Do the math. He lived from 1974 when he killed his first two people, and lived 40 years to kill twice more.

Scumbag and murderer are the words that come to mind for him. Self-righteous coward and idiot are the only words that come to mind for you.

Oh, and I am the reason for the delays?? I was 16 in 1976. Sorry, but you'll have to try harder to get that one to fly.

And if you read the info from the link I posted, guards being killed by inmates is extremely rare. Proper security measures would have saved the guard far more surely than killing and inmate quicker. They are allowed their appeals. In fact, the delays between sentencing and execution have saved far more wrongly convicted people than has caused prison guards to be killed. And by a wide margin.
I especially like it when you posted the story about the guy on death row killing a guard.
Tell me, seriously, what do you like about some guy who has killed three people killing a prison guard? Seriously?!

I like that you use such a story to try and counter the idea that the death penalty deters murders, but life sentences creates a danger for the guards.
The case in the link was of a murderer who was convicted and sentenced to death. THEN he killed a prison guard. So the death penalty would not have saved the guard. In fact, having to have his head shaved is what set the man off.
Are you seriously that stupid? Had he been dead after being sentenced in 1976, he would not have lived to kill in 1980. Yet the courts blocked his execution in 1996 and 2012. He lived till December of 2013 because of cowards like you. Do the math. He lived from 1974 when he killed his first two people, and lived 40 years to kill twice more.

Scumbag and murderer are the words that come to mind for him. Self-righteous coward and idiot are the only words that come to mind for you.

Oh, and I am the reason for the delays?? I was 16 in 1976. Sorry, but you'll have to try harder to get that one to fly.

And if you read the info from the link I posted, guards being killed by inmates is extremely rare. Proper security measures would have saved the guard far more surely than killing and inmate quicker. They are allowed their appeals. In fact, the delays between sentencing and execution have saved far more wrongly convicted people than has caused prison guards to be killed. And by a wide margin.
You just get scummier. Why is it that a condemned murder killing a prison guard seems funny?! You are one sick puppy.
When discussing whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent, most people understand that it means whether or not the fear of it deters people from committing a murder. Life in solitary confinement is a deterrent just as much as the death penatly.

Okay. Which costs more......

Keeping an animal in a solitary cell for 20 years or putting six $0.50 bullets?

Except that is not what the costs involve.

from: Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

"“The additional cost of confining an inmate to death row, as compared to the maximum security prisons where those sentenced to life without possibility of parole ordinarily serve their sentences, is $90,000 per year per inmate. With California’s current death row population of 670, that accounts for $63.3 million annually.”

So, in addition to the much higher costs of the trial, the yearly costs of keeping an inmate on death row is much higher.
The case in the link was of a murderer who was convicted and sentenced to death. THEN he killed a prison guard. So the death penalty would not have saved the guard. In fact, having to have his head shaved is what set the man off.
Are you seriously that stupid? Had he been dead after being sentenced in 1976, he would not have lived to kill in 1980. Yet the courts blocked his execution in 1996 and 2012. He lived till December of 2013 because of cowards like you. Do the math. He lived from 1974 when he killed his first two people, and lived 40 years to kill twice more.

Scumbag and murderer are the words that come to mind for him. Self-righteous coward and idiot are the only words that come to mind for you.

Oh, and I am the reason for the delays?? I was 16 in 1976. Sorry, but you'll have to try harder to get that one to fly.

And if you read the info from the link I posted, guards being killed by inmates is extremely rare. Proper security measures would have saved the guard far more surely than killing and inmate quicker. They are allowed their appeals. In fact, the delays between sentencing and execution have saved far more wrongly convicted people than has caused prison guards to be killed. And by a wide margin.
You just get scummier. Why is it that a condemned murder killing a prison guard seems funny?! You are one sick puppy.

You really do have difficulty with reading comprehension, don't you? The fact that you used the case you did to try and prove that sentencing someone to death saves prison guards is what I find funny. Not the guard's death. But I can see that actual facts aren't your strong suite.
I especially like it when you posted the story about the guy on death row killing a guard.
Tell me, seriously, what do you like about some guy who has killed three people killing a prison guard? Seriously?!

Let's try and look at what I actually said, ok?

"I especially like it when you posted the story about the guy on death row killing a guard".

The story is not what I laughed at. You posting it to try and prove your point is what is funny.
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