Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

No I'm actually pretty smart. Tested in the 99th percentile in 1st or 2nd grade. You?

He has not paid her one dime and will be overturning that ridiculous decision on appeal.

Another drumhead never-Trumper rigged democrat show trial that will be defeated.

Grow up. None of that ever happened, dingbat.
This entire post is proof positive Trump MAGAs live in OZ. Nothing is real to you except what the four of you sitting around in a bar can make up. Bet you’ve bragged about your genius in the 2 nd grade a dozen times to the other Humpers. . That means what ? You have the best trailer pad in the park ?
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Ridiculous argument…Nazis were killing millions including adults, women and children. Let that sink in. As a supporter of a Nazi follower, you should know.
Pro abortionists kill more than the Nazis and history doesn't paint a pretty picture for the Nazis. Kinda telling when it comes to morals and human lives.

In every country, there's a legal age. When a woman has unprotected sex, there's a chance of winning a prize, courtesy from nature. The separate issue is, why did an underage child get pregnant? The potential mother/father and both sets of parents need investigated and all prosecuted. If people can't put a simple choice in the right place and understand basic sex education, maybe extremely heavy fines will educate them.

Legalise abortions, each one costs a flat $100,000 or 350% of your annual salary.

What do you think will educate people to put an easy choice before sex, or do you find it tricky too?
Pro abortionists kill more than the Nazis and history doesn't paint a pretty picture for the Nazis. Kinda telling when it comes to morals and human lives.

In every country, there's a legal age. When a woman has unprotected sex, there's a chance of winning a prize, courtesy from nature. The separate issue is, why did an underage child get pregnant? The potential mother/father and both sets of parents need investigated and all prosecuted. If people can't put a simple choice in the right place and understand basic sex education, maybe extremely heavy fines will educate them.

Legalise abortions, each one costs a flat $100,000 or 350% of your annual salary.

What do you think will educate people to put an easy choice before sex, or do you find it tricky too?
I’m sure the Nazis way is your thing…you are really FOS and have no idea that a woman’s health choice has nothing to do with big govt making the choice for her. You seem to prefer the Nazi big gov in charge of personal freedom. You’re strange. We fought wars to get the gov out of our personal decisions to protect women….
We fought wars for women? Yeah right.
You have a reading problem don’t you bubba. You can only read every other word ? We fought wars to retain our freedom to make personal choices…that includes women as well bubba. . Obviously, you only think men should have that freedom….You don’t believe in a woman’s right to choose, do you bubba. In case you know nothing about pregnancy, it’s dangerous and fraught with health risks, risks you don’t want a pregnant woman to have a say over. You’re a bubba alright.
Sorry, as much as I hate seeing an abortion, I don't know where red state's minds are at not even allowing them when the mother's life is at risk! If there is a risk to the mother or something gone really bad with the baby, why would you deny the mother the necessary medical procedure to stay safe?
Pro-Life Is Pro-Death

It's consistent with their doctrine, though they usually don't have the guts to say so, or the intelligence to think things through. Neither do you if you don't realize what calling the fetus a "baby" requires. They leave the pregnant woman's ("mother's") death in the hands of their imaginary God.

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