women allowed in all military combat jobs

The women's movement has been screwing things up for women for a long time now. This is just another example of it. Wait until the first women gets drafted and watch them scream bloody murder.
obama and the liberals want women allowed in all combat roles...fine...if women want to kill terrorists i am good with that, as long as there is not a reduction in combat standards and women have to sign up for selective service just like men have to.
The women's movement has been screwing things up for women for a long time now. This is just another example of it. Wait until the first women gets drafted and watch them scream bloody murder.

First the draft would have to be reinstated and ain't no chickenhawk with the balls to throw that out there.
Oh great ! Now we'll have pink camoflague !

Could you imagine the teen preggy boom if we started drafting 18 yr old women!?
You don't need to imagine it. You can look at pregnancy rates in units and ships that deploy. Some units and ships deploy nearly 25% undermanned due to soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen getting knocked up.

This has nothing to do with making the military more efficient at killing the enemy and everything to do with some nonsense about gender equality.
Today's world, it's good to have some gals around . You know how they have special talents!

What can't they do anyway ? There's some buff chicks out there.
Personally, I think they did it in hopes that people won't want to fight wars that need to be fought if women are in combat roles.
Aren't women better snipers ? They have steadier hands or sumthin like that . Plus they seem to have no problem cutting down men!
The women's movement has been screwing things up for women for a long time now. This is just another example of it. Wait until the first women gets drafted and watch them scream bloody murder.

First the draft would have to be reinstated and ain't no chickenhawk with the balls to throw that out there.
Democrats have been calling for a draft for years. To make it fair.
While this is excellent news, I do believe that girls should have to register for the Selective Service when they turn 18 now.

And if you yahoos want "boots on the ground" in Syria and Iraq again? Absolutely institute the draft.

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