Woman killed for trying to leave kkk meeting


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
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A woman recruited to join the Ku Klux Klan was shot dead as she tried to leave the clan’s campsite. She asked to return to her town while the group was conducting an initiation ritual and the fight that broke out ended with the woman being fatally shot.

The woman, whose identity wasn’t revealed by Police, was from Oklahoma and was invited to a rural Louisiana campsite for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual. She was reportedly recruited over the Internet. Police arrested eight people in connection with the crime after investigators found the woman’s corpse hidden under some brush on the side of a road a couple of miles from the campsite.

Police investigators also found weapons, flags and six Klan robes at the campsite, according to St. Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain.

The woman was supposed to join Ku Klux Klan by attending the initiation ceremony and then return to Oklahoma to find other people that would join the white supremacist group.

The woman was reportedly shot by the group’s leader, 44-year-old Raymond "Chuck" Foster. Mr. Foster was charged with second-degree murder and is now in police custody without bond.

The Police report did not give details about the initiation ceremony and what it involved.

"We haven't completely sorted out if they finished the initiation," said Capt. George Bonnett. "I assume that they had started it, but I don't know if they were finished."

The other men and women arrested are charged with obstruction of justice. They are now held on $500,000 bond at the St. Tammany Parish jail. The suspects reportedly try to hide the crime by burning the woman’s belongings.

According to the police report, the woman arrived in Slidell, La., area last week. She was intercepted by two people close the KKK group and taken to the campsite near Sun, La., on the banks of the Pearl River, about 60 miles north of New Orleans.

The member of the KKK-affiliated group reportedly called themselves the "Dixie Brotherhood." But although they were quite young, with ages ranging from 20 to 30, they mustn’t be feared, Sheriff Strain said.

"The IQ level of this group is not impressive, to be kind. I can't imagine anyone feeling endangered or at risk by any one of these kooks," said Strain.

Woman Killed for Trying to Leave KKK Initiation Ritual

why in the devil would think this is a "romantic or good" thing to do? Why are people entralled with hate groups?
Ever race has their hate groups. The Democratic Party has Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. Yet another hate group. It gives them something to do.
I found this statement rather incredulous:

"The IQ level of this group is not impressive, to be kind. I can't imagine anyone feeling endangered or at risk by any one of these kooks," said Strain.

Yet they have a dead woman on thier hands.
Ever race has their hate groups. The Democratic Party has Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. Yet another hate group. It gives them something to do.

Nice reach X. Please. Another ridiculous statement.
Ever race has their hate groups. The Democratic Party has Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. Yet another hate group. It gives them something to do.

I am not so sure you can classify the Democratic Party as a hate group. From what you post about affirmative action programs here you could term it racist but not hateful.

As for the KKK. that particular group did not and does not limit itself to just blacks. You should read their history; they believe in spreading the hate equally!
I am not so sure you can classify the Democratic Party as a hate group. From what you post about affirmative action programs here you could term it racist but not hateful.

As for the KKK. that particular group did not and does not limit itself to just blacks. You should read their history; they believe in spreading the hate equally!

Maybe William Joyce could give a history lesson of the KKK to xsited, I'm sure he would be more than happy to!

Remember, according to them, it's a kinder, gentler KKK! :rolleyes:
I am not so sure you can classify the Democratic Party as a hate group. From what you post about affirmative action programs here you could term it racist but not hateful.

As for the KKK. that particular group did not and does not limit itself to just blacks. You should read their history; they believe in spreading the hate equally!

Anyone who advocates giving someone preferential treatment based on the color of their skin is hateful. Try telling someone they can't be accepted to college because they are white. That's hateful.
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I think it was on the daily show where they were saying the KKK was endorsing Obama because their numbers keep increasing.(it was a joke)
Maybe William Joyce could give a history lesson of the KKK to xsited, I'm sure he would be more than happy to!

Remember, according to them, it's a kinder, gentler KKK! :rolleyes:

Yeah. Where is William Joyce on this? Hello? :eusa_whistle:
Ever race has their hate groups. The Democratic Party has Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action is not a Democratic Party program. It is a United States Government sanctioned program.

If you even understand why it was first created, you wouldn't be so naive to call it a hate group or racist.

It was initially started to try and level the playing ground after a couple of hundred years of decreased access of Blacks to equal rights and equal opportunity to the American Dream.

You can't treat a whole group of people as second class citizens for as long as we did here in the US and then say, Okay, no more slavery, we're all equal. Move along. Nothing to see here. Every one now has the same chance to succeed. Unless you are an idiot.

Sometimes you really do write dumb shit, x.
A program instituted, run, and expanded by the Democrat Party.
First Kenyan President
of the United States

Right, I take everything you post seriously, Glocky. Up yours.

It's run by the governement.

It came about like most people oriented programs by Democrats. Conservatives would never endanger their self serving protection under the status quo.

The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.
In 1967, Johnson expanded the Executive Order to include affirmative action requirements to benefit women.
Other equal protection laws passed to make discrimination illegal were the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title II and VII of which forbid racial discrimination in "public accommodations" and race and sex discrimination in employment, respectively; and the 1965 Voting Rights Act adopted after Congress found "that racial discrimination in voting was an insidious and pervasive evil which had been perpetuated in certain parts of the country through unremitting and ingenious defiance of the Constitution."
Much of the opposition to affirmative action is framed on the grounds of so-called "reverse discrimination and unwarranted preferences." In fact, less than 2 percent of the 91,000 employment discrimination cases pending before the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission are reverse discrimination cases. Under the law as written in Executive Orders and interpreted by the courts, anyone benefiting from affirmative action must have relevant and valid job or educational qualifications.
Ever race has their hate groups. The Democratic Party has Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. Yet another hate group. It gives them something to do.

You are a moron. Not the same thing. What a joke. And serves the woman right for attending that rally.

But you shouldn't be killed for attending an Affirmative Action Rally.

See the difference?

You are an ignorant bigot racist. I can just tell.
I am not so sure you can classify the Democratic Party as a hate group. From what you post about affirmative action programs here you could term it racist but not hateful.

As for the KKK. that particular group did not and does not limit itself to just blacks. You should read their history; they believe in spreading the hate equally!

What I found interesting is that the KKK has had black members. Didn't believe it myself till I googled it.
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