Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder

This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

ok--this is the sort of thing the AJC would love to investigate. If and when they do the world will know.

If LE officials in Walton County had the slightest reason to suspect something like this they would not be able to keep the media 'at bay'.

Loganville is between Athens and Atlanta. Very mainstream community.

The closest bit of drama that Atlanta currently has to offer is the Andrea Schneiderman trial. If that sort of thing is your cup of tea. In an affluent area this woman's husband was gunned down in front of his child's preschool. The other man has already been convicted and sentenced and Andrea Schneiderman was charged after that trial.

'nothing to see here', etc.

Crime happens everywhere. That goes for murder and people setting up drug labs, etc. My hope is that the police don't get hoodwinked if there was something going on other than what the original story indicated (which frankly, wasn't much). But IF the police sense another story or motivation, they would likely keep it to themselves while they quietly investigated. And other people might come forward as well.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?
This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

ok--this is the sort of thing the AJC would love to investigate. If and when they do the world will know.

If LE officials in Walton County had the slightest reason to suspect something like this they would not be able to keep the media 'at bay'.

Loganville is between Athens and Atlanta. Very mainstream community.

The closest bit of drama that Atlanta currently has to offer is the Andrea Schneiderman trial. If that sort of thing is your cup of tea. In an affluent area this woman's husband was gunned down in front of his child's preschool. The other man has already been convicted and sentenced and Andrea Schneiderman was charged after that trial.

'nothing to see here', etc.

Crime happens everywhere. That goes for murder and people setting up drug labs, etc. My hope is that the police don't get hoodwinked if there was something going on other than what the original story indicated (which frankly, wasn't much). But IF the police sense another story or motivation, they would likely keep it to themselves while they quietly investigated. And other people might come forward as well.

knock on wood--it doesn't seem to take very long around here for 'corruption' to be identified.

how to describe Loganville--conservative, somewhat rural--people just 'live there'
mainly because they want to be safe--away from the crime of Atlanta.
There have been some 'big' state/federal drug busts in the surrounding area in recent years. Perhaps LE is hypervigilant--at any rate if they had reason to suspect this woman or her husband something would have been said.
That's nonsensical drivel. Otherwise, we (the collective we) wouldn't care one whit why people who are associated with American Muslim groups (or members of other potentially dangerous groups like Neo Nazis or the KKK) are stockpiling weapons.

I don't care what people do as long as they leave other people to do what they want. Yes, that includes the KKK and Nazi's. Unfortunately, if doesn't include you because you think it is better to force people to do what you want than prove that they are wrong.

Oh, as a general rule, you can't force people to do what you want. And I am generally not inclined to use gov't in such a way. However, there's a world of difference between trying to force someone to do something and trying to prevent someone from doing something illegal before they have a chance to do it.

For example, most LE agencies engage in preventive measures when it comes to crime. They don't wait for the shit to hit the fan. So, whether it's the KKK or neo Nazis, or lone wolfs like Tim McVeigh, the gov't has a duty (not to mention a constitutional requirement in the general welfare clause) to protect the public.

Now, maybe YOU would have a problem with the gov't monitoring people like Tim McVeigh as he's going about his business because he's leaving other people to do what they want. As for me, I want those wackos watched so they can't hatch their sick plans.

As a general rule, government exists for the sole purpose of forcing people to do what others want. You want government to stop people from doing all sorts of things, you support Obamacare, and you think the contraception mandate is a sensible approach to a non existent problem. Want to explain to me how that is not wanting to use the government to force people to do what you want?

The Constitution is actually intended to keep the government from doing exactly what you want government to do. There is no legitimate reason for the government to surveil its citizens. In fact, other than the absurd notion that government has a duty to protect me from harm, there is no reason at all for the government to surveil anyone other than it enables them to control people, something I oppose on principle.

Anyone that doesn't have a problem with government surveillance is a fool.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

You keep saying that. I still want to know what doesn't add up about it.
ok--this is the sort of thing the AJC would love to investigate. If and when they do the world will know.

If LE officials in Walton County had the slightest reason to suspect something like this they would not be able to keep the media 'at bay'.

Loganville is between Athens and Atlanta. Very mainstream community.

The closest bit of drama that Atlanta currently has to offer is the Andrea Schneiderman trial. If that sort of thing is your cup of tea. In an affluent area this woman's husband was gunned down in front of his child's preschool. The other man has already been convicted and sentenced and Andrea Schneiderman was charged after that trial.

'nothing to see here', etc.

Crime happens everywhere. That goes for murder and people setting up drug labs, etc. My hope is that the police don't get hoodwinked if there was something going on other than what the original story indicated (which frankly, wasn't much). But IF the police sense another story or motivation, they would likely keep it to themselves while they quietly investigated. And other people might come forward as well.

knock on wood--it doesn't seem to take very long around here for 'corruption' to be identified.

how to describe Loganville--conservative, somewhat rural--people just 'live there'
mainly because they want to be safe--away from the crime of Atlanta.
There have been some 'big' state/federal drug busts in the surrounding area in recent years. Perhaps LE is hypervigilant--at any rate if they had reason to suspect this woman or her husband something would have been said.

As a general rule, the police aren't going to telegraph their suspicions to potential suspects through the press.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

You keep saying that. I still want to know what doesn't add up about it.

Like I said, the story was short on details about anything, including about the man who was arrested. Additionally, it didn't make sense that a burglar would go looking for people who were hiding. This is the age of cell phones. If you're a burglar, you don't even want to be inside a house when the residents are there unless you're there without their knowledge (like a cat burglar). Otherwise, the burglar will just leave and look for an empty house. And why did the burglar enter in the first place? Was there no car in the driveway? The woman said she saw him from the second floor. So, I assume it was daytime since it wouldn't make sense for him to enter at night with the lights on. So, he breaks in to the house to steal something and then goes looking for people who are hiding? Doesn't make sense to me unless he's there for a reason that has nothing to do with a garden variety burglary. And then there's the fact that the woman shot the guy so many times. That seems out of the ordinary as well.

There's probably nothing else going on. But often if there IS something else going on, a story about a crime will seem sketchy.
This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

How the hell do ewe know what normal behavior for a burglar izz?
Crime happens everywhere. That goes for murder and people setting up drug labs, etc. My hope is that the police don't get hoodwinked if there was something going on other than what the original story indicated (which frankly, wasn't much). But IF the police sense another story or motivation, they would likely keep it to themselves while they quietly investigated. And other people might come forward as well.

knock on wood--it doesn't seem to take very long around here for 'corruption' to be identified.

how to describe Loganville--conservative, somewhat rural--people just 'live there'
mainly because they want to be safe--away from the crime of Atlanta.
There have been some 'big' state/federal drug busts in the surrounding area in recent years. Perhaps LE is hypervigilant--at any rate if they had reason to suspect this woman or her husband something would have been said.

As a general rule, the police aren't going to telegraph their suspicions to potential suspects through the press.

well, anything is 'possible'. In this case is not 'probable' that there is more to the story.

When the Andrea Schneiderman case began from time to time there would be comments from LE--'still investigating' or something to that effect. At some point we were informed that there seemed to be a love triangle. The man convicted was her boss --they held executive positions --it was quite complicated.
OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

How the hell do ewe know what normal behavior for a burglar izz?

The name of the crime tells you what's normal for that crime. Burglary is about stealing valuables from empty homes without ever confronting people. Robbery is about stealing from people who are usually not inside their homes at the time. Like a mugging, for example. Unless the guy who entered the home thought that the people had a large sum of money on their person, then confronting people who are hiding in their homes doesn't make sense. It was more likely than not a crime directed AT the persons and not their valuables. Revenge, for example.
In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

How the hell do ewe know what normal behavior for a burglar izz?

The name of the crime tells you what's normal for that crime. Burglary is about stealing valuables from empty homes without ever confronting people. Robbery is about stealing from people who are usually not inside their homes at the time. Like a mugging, for example. Unless the guy who entered the home thought that the people had a large sum of money on their person, then confronting people who are hiding in their homes doesn't make sense. It was more likely than not a crime directed AT the persons and not their valuables. Revenge, for example.
Either way, it's a good thing she had that gun to put a few caps into his criminal ass.

Thanks for further making the case for gun ownership.
A lot of innocent people are going to die if we ban guns. The left has enough blood on its hands...

We already have far, far, far more innocent people die then any other civilized country because we have so many guns.

These weak bans don't help because the country is still flooded with guns. We need a very strong ban enforced with overwhelming power where the natonal guard or military goes house to house across the country, and forcefully removes guns from every home. Thats the only way to solve the problem of the rediculous amount of gun violence. Simply arming everyone doesn't solve anything it simply leads to far more innocent people getting killed.

By the way I am a Christian who knows Jesus Christ as my personal Lord, and Savior, and I find it disgusting that so many Christians idolize guns, and put them on the same level as the Bible. Guns are a idol to many people who claim to be Christians.

Maybe you should google "Posse Comitatus"
This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

You keep saying that. I still want to know what doesn't add up about it.

Like I said, the story was short on details about anything, including about the man who was arrested. Additionally, it didn't make sense that a burglar would go looking for people who were hiding. This is the age of cell phones. If you're a burglar, you don't even want to be inside a house when the residents are there unless you're there without their knowledge (like a cat burglar). Otherwise, the burglar will just leave and look for an empty house. And why did the burglar enter in the first place? Was there no car in the driveway? The woman said she saw him from the second floor. So, I assume it was daytime since it wouldn't make sense for him to enter at night with the lights on. So, he breaks in to the house to steal something and then goes looking for people who are hiding? Doesn't make sense to me unless he's there for a reason that has nothing to do with a garden variety burglary. And then there's the fact that the woman shot the guy so many times. That seems out of the ordinary as well.

There's probably nothing else going on. But often if there IS something else going on, a story about a crime will seem sketchy.

Ever consider the possibility that he is more than a burglar?
OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

How the hell do ewe know what normal behavior for a burglar izz?

Internet expert.

Adrenalin is flowing, she felt the lives of her children and herself were in danger. It is conceivable to me that she was in a state of shock.

So--anyone who owns a gun and intends to use it needs to be trained to the level of LE or the military?

This will not happen. Beyond that, if you choose to burglarize then you should consider the risks.

How was this woman to know his intentions? The news is filled with unspeakable crimes---more horrifying than burglary.

From the comments/attitude of LE, I can only assume they are satisfied that the woman is not at fault. shrug.
Last year a woman walking home from the bus stop at the end of the street was robbed. A car drove by and a man jumped out and grabbed her purse and then sped away. There is rarely any sort of crime in my area, fwiw. From what I know of Loganville --crime would be minimal in that area also. Be proactive--that is basically how crime is 'fought' here. What may go on elsewhere I cannot say.

I do think that when you buy a gun, you should have to take a course in how to use it, clean it, and store it, unless of course, you already have a gun and have taken the course before. You should also be required to pass the class before getting the gun.

I passed a course when I was 12. I owned my first gun about that time. Do I need to pass another course here in Alabama?
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This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

ok--this is the sort of thing the AJC would love to investigate. If and when they do the world will know.

If LE officials in Walton County had the slightest reason to suspect something like this they would not be able to keep the media 'at bay'.

Loganville is between Athens and Atlanta. Very mainstream community.

The closest bit of drama that Atlanta currently has to offer is the Andrea Schneiderman trial. If that sort of thing is your cup of tea. In an affluent area this woman's husband was gunned down in front of his child's preschool. The other man has already been convicted and sentenced and Andrea Schneiderman was charged after that trial.

'nothing to see here', etc.

Crime happens everywhere. That goes for murder and people setting up drug labs, etc. My hope is that the police don't get hoodwinked if there was something going on other than what the original story indicated (which frankly, wasn't much). But IF the police sense another story or motivation, they would likely keep it to themselves while they quietly investigated. And other people might come forward as well.

I imagine living inside your head is a lot like swimming in a sewer . . . except you can't ever get out and shower off.
This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

No, but I DO think it's normal behavior for a violent, crazy rapist, since we already established - perhaps you missed it - that NO ONE thinks he was "just a burglar". Where did you take your ESL classes, anyway? They don't seem to have worked.

Seriously, dude, put down the TV remote and back away slowly, because you seem unable to separate reality from farfetched, half-assed drama scripts.

"Hot" burglary - burglary when the occupants are home, rather than when they're away - is not normal burglar behavior to begin with, but that doesn't mean it's anything like rare, or even uncommon. And I can assure you that it does not require some elaborate scheme in which the husband/father PAYS someone to break into his house and commit violence against his family. Get a grip, Columbo.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

You keep saying that. I still want to know what doesn't add up about it.

Mustang doesn't appear to have heard of the phenomena of "hot" burglaries and home invasions, and therefore does not feel it could be possible without some sort of elaborate, unlikely made-for-television plot behind it.
OBVIOUSLY he was there for reasons other than simple burglary, and what doesn't "add up" about that to you? And oh my fucking GOD, how does your mind jump to "maybe her husband sent him to commit violent acts" as the possible alternative over the more obvious one, ie. he's a violent rapist/nut?

"Great lengths to hide"? How great a length would YOU go to to hide if you have young children with you? Personally, I'd have stood right there and blown his ass back out the freaking door - because I'd have had a much more powerful gun on hand than she did - but clearly I'm a lot meaner than she is.

Honestly, I just find the way your mind works disturbing.

In the age of cell phones, how often do you think that burglars who are intent on stealing valuables in order to turn around and sell them for a quick buck go around from floor to floor looking for people who may be hiding in the house scared? You think that's normal behavior for a burglar?

How the hell do ewe know what normal behavior for a burglar izz?

Crime statistics, which tell us that normal behavior for a burglar is to wait until the occupants are gone, since 1) the sentence for burglary is a lot lower than that for murder, should they get caught, and 2) this is America, where millions of people own guns. Now, in England, after their big gun ban, "hot" burglaries skyrocketed, because it was much safer to break in while the people were there, the better to make them tell you about any hidden valuables.

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