Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder

Not 30 miles from here... and a perfect example of why larger magazines are a good thing.

6 shots, 6 hits and the sonofabitch STILL didn't die!!

It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.

If you're going to shoot someone, shoot to kill. Otherwise he can sue you, he can come back to get you later, or he can send his buddies after you.
Not 30 miles from here... and a perfect example of why larger magazines are a good thing.

6 shots, 6 hits and the sonofabitch STILL didn't die!!

It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.

He could have easily avoided being shot at all by NOT BEING IN HER FUCKING HOUSE.
A lot of innocent people are going to die if we ban guns. The left has enough blood on its hands...

We already have far, far, far more innocent people die then any other civilized country because we have so many guns.

These weak bans don't help because the country is still flooded with guns. We need a very strong ban enforced with overwhelming power where the natonal guard or military goes house to house across the country, and forcefully removes guns from every home. Thats the only way to solve the problem of the rediculous amount of gun violence. Simply arming everyone doesn't solve anything it simply leads to far more innocent people getting killed.

By the way I am a Christian who knows Jesus Christ as my personal Lord, and Savior, and I find it disgusting that so many Christians idolize guns, and put them on the same level as the Bible. Guns are a idol to many people who claim to be Christians.

They did that after Katrina, went door to door taking people's guns and leaving them helpless against the hordes. I personally am ashamed that our country, our people let them do that and did NOTHING.

BTW, I also am a Christian and I don't know a single Christian who idolizes guns or puts the on the same level as a Bible.
It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.

If you're going to shoot someone, shoot to kill. Otherwise he can sue you, he can come back to get you later, or he can send his buddies after you.

Yeah, everyone knows from those mob movies that fellow criminals won't come after you as long as you kill one of their guys. They'll only come after you if you wound him.
The truth is that the majority of those who are in the middle or to the left have no issue with people owning guns. They just aren't quite sure about the need for owning a full arsenal of automatic weapons. But it's just good propaganda to spew out that the left wants to take away everyone's guns.
What American owns an automatic weapon? do you know anyone who has one?

Yes, there are those who legally own fully automatic weapons. I'm really surprised you didn't know this. While they are highly regulated, you can still own a fully automatic weapon. My point was that whether they are fully or semi-automatic, there are a lot of people who wonder why some people feel the need to stockpile these type of weapons. I get the fascination. It's like collecting anything, once you get into it you just want more. The difference is that there are a lot of loose cannons out there that shouldn't be legally permitted to buy even a single handgun in the first place, yet some of these people are the ones who have five, ten, or more of these weapons, and when they snap, they are all set to go out in style.

I'm not really against guns period, because there are so many out there, I know we couldn't get them out of the hands of Americans if we tried. When Australia started their ban through a buyback program, 640,000 guns were turned in. In the US, we have close to 300 million of them.

There are also people that understand that it is no more our business why they collect guns than it is why others collect Hot Wheels.
A lot of innocent people are going to die if we ban guns. The left has enough blood on its hands...

We already have far, far, far more innocent people die then any other civilized country because we have so many guns.

These weak bans don't help because the country is still flooded with guns. We need a very strong ban enforced with overwhelming power where the natonal guard or military goes house to house across the country, and forcefully removes guns from every home. Thats the only way to solve the problem of the rediculous amount of gun violence. Simply arming everyone doesn't solve anything it simply leads to far more innocent people getting killed.

By the way I am a Christian who knows Jesus Christ as my personal Lord, and Savior, and I find it disgusting that so many Christians idolize guns, and put them on the same level as the Bible. Guns are a idol to many people who claim to be Christians.

You want to entirely violate the Constitution, and argue for a totalitarian government to enforce your edicts.

Go away.
What American owns an automatic weapon? do you know anyone who has one?

Yes, there are those who legally own fully automatic weapons. I'm really surprised you didn't know this. While they are highly regulated, you can still own a fully automatic weapon. My point was that whether they are fully or semi-automatic, there are a lot of people who wonder why some people feel the need to stockpile these type of weapons. I get the fascination. It's like collecting anything, once you get into it you just want more. The difference is that there are a lot of loose cannons out there that shouldn't be legally permitted to buy even a single handgun in the first place, yet some of these people are the ones who have five, ten, or more of these weapons, and when they snap, they are all set to go out in style.

I'm not really against guns period, because there are so many out there, I know we couldn't get them out of the hands of Americans if we tried. When Australia started their ban through a buyback program, 640,000 guns were turned in. In the US, we have close to 300 million of them.

There are also people that understand that it is no more our business why they collect guns than it is why others collect Hot Wheels.

That's nonsensical drivel. Otherwise, we (the collective we) wouldn't care one whit why people who are associated with American Muslim groups (or members of other potentially dangerous groups like Neo Nazis or the KKK) are stockpiling weapons.
Yes, there are those who legally own fully automatic weapons. I'm really surprised you didn't know this. While they are highly regulated, you can still own a fully automatic weapon. My point was that whether they are fully or semi-automatic, there are a lot of people who wonder why some people feel the need to stockpile these type of weapons. I get the fascination. It's like collecting anything, once you get into it you just want more. The difference is that there are a lot of loose cannons out there that shouldn't be legally permitted to buy even a single handgun in the first place, yet some of these people are the ones who have five, ten, or more of these weapons, and when they snap, they are all set to go out in style.

I'm not really against guns period, because there are so many out there, I know we couldn't get them out of the hands of Americans if we tried. When Australia started their ban through a buyback program, 640,000 guns were turned in. In the US, we have close to 300 million of them.

There are also people that understand that it is no more our business why they collect guns than it is why others collect Hot Wheels.

That's nonsensical drivel. Otherwise, we (the collective we) wouldn't care one whit why people who are associated with American Muslim groups (or members of other potentially dangerous groups like Neo Nazis or the KKK) are stockpiling weapons.

I don't care what people do as long as they leave other people to do what they want. Yes, that includes the KKK and Nazi's. Unfortunately, if doesn't include you because you think it is better to force people to do what you want than prove that they are wrong.
It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.

He could have easily avoided being shot at all by NOT BEING IN HER FUCKING HOUSE.

It's amazing how that increases your odds of being in good health, huh?

The point where "enough is enough", as far as I'm concerned, is where innocent, law-abiding citizens don't have to abandon THEIR OWN HOUSES to get away from an intruder. When I have enough firepower that I can sit there comfortably in my own chair, waiting for the cops to come and collect . . . whatever there is to collect, THAT'S enough.

This asshole should be damned grateful he's alive at all, because in MY book, entering someone else's house without their permission ought to be the equivalent of throwing yourself off a cliff: you are essentially committing suicide.
Not 30 miles from here... and a perfect example of why larger magazines are a good thing.

6 shots, 6 hits and the sonofabitch STILL didn't die!!

It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.


Adrenalin is flowing, she felt the lives of her children and herself were in danger. It is conceivable to me that she was in a state of shock.

So--anyone who owns a gun and intends to use it needs to be trained to the level of LE or the military?

This will not happen. Beyond that, if you choose to burglarize then you should consider the risks.

How was this woman to know his intentions? The news is filled with unspeakable crimes---more horrifying than burglary.

From the comments/attitude of LE, I can only assume they are satisfied that the woman is not at fault. shrug.
Last year a woman walking home from the bus stop at the end of the street was robbed. A car drove by and a man jumped out and grabbed her purse and then sped away. There is rarely any sort of crime in my area, fwiw. From what I know of Loganville --crime would be minimal in that area also. Be proactive--that is basically how crime is 'fought' here. What may go on elsewhere I cannot say.
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It anything its proof that we don't need larger mags. She didn't need to unload all 6 shots at him. She didn't need to unload her entire mag on him. Actually she was 5/6 not 6/6.

Anyway Why did he HAVE to die. Thats excessive force. She had already shot him enough.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said."

There's a point where enough is enough.


Adrenalin is flowing, she felt the lives of her children and herself were in danger. It is conceivable to me that she was in a state of shock.

So--anyone who owns a gun and intends to use it needs to be trained to the level of LE or the military?

This will not happen. Beyond that, if you choose to burglarize then you should consider the risks.

How was this woman to know his intentions? The news is filled with unspeakable crimes---more horrifying than burglary.

From the comments/attitude of LE, I can only assume they are satisfied that the woman is not at fault. shrug.
Last year a woman walking home from the bus stop at the end of the street was robbed. A car drove by and a man jumped out and grabbed her purse and then sped away. There is rarely any sort of crime in my area, fwiw. From what I know of Loganville --crime would be minimal in that area also. Be proactive--that is basically how crime is 'fought' here. What may go on elsewhere I cannot say.

I do think that when you buy a gun, you should have to take a course in how to use it, clean it, and store it, unless of course, you already have a gun and have taken the course before. You should also be required to pass the class before getting the gun.
There are also people that understand that it is no more our business why they collect guns than it is why others collect Hot Wheels.

That's nonsensical drivel. Otherwise, we (the collective we) wouldn't care one whit why people who are associated with American Muslim groups (or members of other potentially dangerous groups like Neo Nazis or the KKK) are stockpiling weapons.

I don't care what people do as long as they leave other people to do what they want. Yes, that includes the KKK and Nazi's. Unfortunately, if doesn't include you because you think it is better to force people to do what you want than prove that they are wrong.

Oh, as a general rule, you can't force people to do what you want. And I am generally not inclined to use gov't in such a way. However, there's a world of difference between trying to force someone to do something and trying to prevent someone from doing something illegal before they have a chance to do it.

For example, most LE agencies engage in preventive measures when it comes to crime. They don't wait for the shit to hit the fan. So, whether it's the KKK or neo Nazis, or lone wolfs like Tim McVeigh, the gov't has a duty (not to mention a constitutional requirement in the general welfare clause) to protect the public.

Now, maybe YOU would have a problem with the gov't monitoring people like Tim McVeigh as he's going about his business because he's leaving other people to do what they want. As for me, I want those wackos watched so they can't hatch their sick plans.

Adrenalin is flowing, she felt the lives of her children and herself were in danger. It is conceivable to me that she was in a state of shock.

So--anyone who owns a gun and intends to use it needs to be trained to the level of LE or the military?

This will not happen. Beyond that, if you choose to burglarize then you should consider the risks.

How was this woman to know his intentions? The news is filled with unspeakable crimes---more horrifying than burglary.

From the comments/attitude of LE, I can only assume they are satisfied that the woman is not at fault. shrug.
Last year a woman walking home from the bus stop at the end of the street was robbed. A car drove by and a man jumped out and grabbed her purse and then sped away. There is rarely any sort of crime in my area, fwiw. From what I know of Loganville --crime would be minimal in that area also. Be proactive--that is basically how crime is 'fought' here. What may go on elsewhere I cannot say.

I do think that when you buy a gun, you should have to take a course in how to use it, clean it, and store it, unless of course, you already have a gun and have taken the course before. You should also be required to pass the class before getting the gun.

You have to furnish your own gun to take the class. They don't furnish you a gun.
Yes, there are those who legally own fully automatic weapons. I'm really surprised you didn't know this. While they are highly regulated, you can still own a fully automatic weapon. My point was that whether they are fully or semi-automatic, there are a lot of people who wonder why some people feel the need to stockpile these type of weapons. I get the fascination. It's like collecting anything, once you get into it you just want more. The difference is that there are a lot of loose cannons out there that shouldn't be legally permitted to buy even a single handgun in the first place, yet some of these people are the ones who have five, ten, or more of these weapons, and when they snap, they are all set to go out in style.

I'm not really against guns period, because there are so many out there, I know we couldn't get them out of the hands of Americans if we tried. When Australia started their ban through a buyback program, 640,000 guns were turned in. In the US, we have close to 300 million of them.

There are also people that understand that it is no more our business why they collect guns than it is why others collect Hot Wheels.

That's nonsensical drivel. Otherwise, we (the collective we) wouldn't care one whit why people who are associated with American Muslim groups (or members of other potentially dangerous groups like Neo Nazis or the KKK) are stockpiling weapons.

Contemplate the difference between the word "collecting" and the word "stockpiling".
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.
eta: This isn't my quote--and who cares, really who can care. fwiw
I do think that when you buy a gun, you should have to take a course in how to use it, clean it, and store it, unless of course, you already have a gun and have taken the course before. You should also be required to pass the class before getting the gun.

You have to furnish your own gun to take the class. They don't furnish you a gun.

Sounds like this lady had been trained.

Locally/GA--we have moved on. The legislature is now considering a bill to allow school administrators to be armed and to be trained to LE standards. No $ for armed guards at each and every GA school. Plenty of opinions on that.

I suspect many more women in this area will be taking courses in gun ownership.
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This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

I personally think he meant to drag her outta that attic rape her and kill her and her children because he saw her looking at him and knew she could identify him. His sorry ass deserves to be dead.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

He deserved to have the gun crammed UP his ass and then fired six times, but I can see where that would be less than practical, under the circumstances.
This lady went to the top of her house, into the attic and into a crawl space, the moron of an intruder followed her all the way up there. He didn't have good intentions or a cup of tea. He deserved to have his miserable ass shot six times.

This is my whole point regarding the story. It doesn't add up. If he was there to steal items, he wouldn't have done this. He would have tried to get in, gather some valuables, and get out quick. So, perhaps he was there for reasons yet not revealed. For example, maybe her husband (or someone else) specifically sent him to the residence to commit a violent crime against the occupants. And frankly, on the surface, the woman's actions in going to such great lengths to hide, suggest she may have been aware that this was more than just a simple burglary.

ok--this is the sort of thing the AJC would love to investigate. If and when they do the world will know.

If LE officials in Walton County had the slightest reason to suspect something like this they would not be able to keep the media 'at bay'.

Loganville is between Athens and Atlanta. Very mainstream community.

The closest bit of drama that Atlanta currently has to offer is the Andrea Schneiderman trial. If that sort of thing is your cup of tea. In an affluent area this woman's husband was gunned down in front of his child's preschool. The other man has already been convicted and sentenced and Andrea Schneiderman was charged after that trial.

'nothing to see here', etc.

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