Woman claims Cain groped her

hey, we are in a recession, most hot attractive female women will do anything for national exposure,,,,isn't that how many wind up in penthouse? >> let's see who is woman number 5.
Yep, the sleazy opportunists will now start coming out of the woodwork, looking for a quick buck.

Maybe Cain should bring out his wife and have her give a "I stand by man" moment, ala Hillary, after William Jethro was exposed for ACTUALLY fucking half the skanks in the state of Arkansas.
Are you including Paula Jones as a "skank" and the nightclub singer?

After all, a woman would have to be a skank to fuck that liberal Jethro!:cool:
Gloria Alred.

Enough said

Cain is done however.

It took a while to reach that conclusion? That is even funnier! It is Mitt, it was Mitt, it will be Mitt. Deal with it, live with it.

Not really, it just took the msm a long time to ruin him. I don't believe these charges anymore than the idea that the Duke Lacross players were guilty of rape.

The media destroyed Cain. The media is more corrupt than our politicians.
David Duke just stated this over on another forum:

The film made in 1915 that launched the entire feature length motion picture industry, Birth of a Nation, depicted accurately a similar scenario that is playing out with a Black Republican candidate in 2011 almost a hundred years later. A film that has been so vilified, now shows to be accurate and prophetic!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXxDEAuI2zc&feature=player_embedded]Birth of a Nation Scene - YouTube[/ame]

He also states that "The sickest part of it is the fact that rank and file republicans were so easily conned and manipulated by the Neo-con section of the Jewish Media!"
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Yep, the sleazy opportunists will now start coming out of the woodwork, looking for a quick buck.

Maybe Cain should bring out his wife and have her give a "I stand by man" moment, ala Hillary, after William Jethro was exposed for ACTUALLY fucking half the skanks in the state of Arkansas.

Yep, it's fucking GLORIA ALLRED, the very definition of a charlatan.

I didn't know if I believed Cain or not until now, but Allred is a fraud, 100% of the time. If she's involved, then the case has no merit.
Yep, the sleazy opportunists will now start coming out of the woodwork, looking for a quick buck.

Maybe Cain should bring out his wife and have her give a "I stand by man" moment, ala Hillary, after William Jethro was exposed for ACTUALLY fucking half the skanks in the state of Arkansas.

Yep, it's fucking GLORIA ALLRED, the very definition of a charlatan.

I didn't know if I believed Cain or not until now, but Allred is a fraud, 100% of the time. If she's involved, then the case has no merit.

She is the queen of ambulance chassers.

Just looking at her makes me want to hurl. And it has nothing to do with her looks.

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