Woman charged with raping boy, 14

why, are you fishing for a date?

yea dude.. herpes didn't apply 30 years ago. That shit was invented shortly after pepsi clear back in the 80s. sure dude. sure.

indeed, shouldered the responsibility at 18, rather than 14.. what a significant fucking example you are.

You apparently didn't read my disclaimer earlier in this thread, so I'll repeat it slowly for your benefit. I've NEVER fucked anyone under the age of 20, even when I was under 20.

Apparently you need some reference material for the time period. See Eddie Murphy Raw. I believe it was done in 1982 or 1983. He brings up STDs and talks about herpes. ("you carry it all through your life, like luggage") Then he says, "what's next you put your dick in the pussy and your dick explodes?" Herpes was pretty new then.

Was I holding myself out as an example? You posed the question, I answered it. It happened when it happened and it's relevant to the discussion. That's all.
Perhaps not, however, the Police did not sing "Don't Stand So Close" for no reason. (Which describes precisely this phenomenon, in case you aren't familiar). Though I don't think it addressed the one night stand aspect of it.

I know the song. I also know that teenagers having crushing on adults during their developmental stage is VERY common. Any professional who works with teens knows about this possibility. Most of us take pains to avoid it at all costs. It's understandable that a teenaged girl would have a crush on a cool teacher with whom she interacted daily. However, having a one-night stand is different. It falls into the category of risk-taking sexual activities and is a warning sign of other kinds of issues. it's a red flag, so to speak.

I think it was much more likely for teens to have a more "free" attitude toward sex in the late 70s. Having come of age in that time myself, I can tell you that basically, the only thing we worried about was pregnancy. For a tutorial on this time period, please see Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It's as accurate a portrayal of the period as any documentary on the subject.

Yes, but still, having one-night stands with strangers wasn't normal behavior for girls, particularly in that era.

While all that may be true, I don't think that teens desiring and experimenting with sex could be called precocious sexual behavior even to the extreme of desiring someone outside their age range. If you'll recall your own past, you probably at one time or another decried the immaturity of potential sexual partners your age and desired someone "more mature" n'est pas? How strange if some succeed in carrying it into effect?

That's more a reference to Sky's claim that the girl was no virgin and was sexually aggressive. Again, I'm not talking about normal teenage expressions of sexuality. I'm talking about those that fall into the category of thrill-seeking/risk-taking behaviors. Risky sexual behavior is related to a host of other risk-taking behaviors and negative outcomes:

Teens who engage in high-risk behaviors involving sex and drugs have significantly higher odds of depression

It's just a warning sign.
off topic

eddie murphy raw is the shit

Hey doctor, whats it mean when fire shoots out your dick?

doctor- Let me get this straight...you are having a burning sensation when you urinate?

No, I mean fire shoots out my dick doc...I can't pee in my house, I burn the motherfuckin house down
I know the song. I also know that teenagers having crushing on adults during their developmental stage is VERY common. Any professional who works with teens knows about this possibility. Most of us take pains to avoid it at all costs. It's understandable that a teenaged girl would have a crush on a cool teacher with whom she interacted daily. However, having a one-night stand is different. It falls into the category of risk-taking sexual activities and is a warning sign of other kinds of issues. it's a red flag, so to speak.

Yes, but still, having one-night stands with strangers wasn't normal behavior for girls, particularly in that era.

That's more a reference to Sky's claim that the girl was no virgin and was sexually aggressive. Again, I'm not talking about normal teenage expressions of sexuality. I'm talking about those that fall into the category of thrill-seeking/risk-taking behaviors. Risky sexual behavior is related to a host of other risk-taking behaviors and negative outcomes:

Teens who engage in high-risk behaviors involving sex and drugs have significantly higher odds of depression

It's just a warning sign.

I didn't say the young woman wasn't seeking a relationship. I said that she wasn't a virgin. She was experienced. It was a one night stand because I made it a one night stand

She initiated the contact, she invited me home. As soon as I learned how old she was--which wasn't until the next morning, I asked her to drive me home and I told her I couldn't see her any more.

Drugs were involved. I remember her asking me at the party to step outside while she smoked a joint. I'm sure I smoked it with her.
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You apparently didn't read my disclaimer earlier in this thread, so I'll repeat it slowly for your benefit. I've NEVER fucked anyone under the age of 20, even when I was under 20.

Apparently you need some reference material for the time period. See Eddie Murphy Raw. I believe it was done in 1982 or 1983. He brings up STDs and talks about herpes. ("you carry it all through your life, like luggage") Then he says, "what's next you put your dick in the pussy and your dick explodes?" Herpes was pretty new then.

Was I holding myself out as an example? You posed the question, I answered it. It happened when it happened and it's relevant to the discussion. That's all.

WOW! If ONLY the fucking US Health Department in the 1990's thought to use EDDIE MURPHY COMEDY to drive the point home about STDs.


and no, an example of a fucking 18 year old ADULT, by our legals standards means two things in a discussion about 14 year olds: jack and shit.
She was experienced.

She initiated the contact, she invited me home.

Drugs were involved. I remember her asking me at the party to step outside while she smoked a joint. I'm sure I smoked it with her.

As a 52-year-old counselor, do you consider these normal teenaged behaviors? Initiating sexual contact with strangers....that's normal for 16 year olds in your world? In combination with promiscuity? And, drug use?

If you saw a kid, today, manifesting those behaviors, what would you think?
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WOW! If ONLY the fucking US Health Department in the 1990's thought to use EDDIE MURPHY COMEDY to drive the point home about STDs.


and no, an example of a fucking 18 year old ADULT, by our legals standards means two things in a discussion about 14 year olds: jack and shit.

My point, since you are exceedingly slow in picking it up, was not to prove the truth of the matter asserted, "Herpes didn't exist in the 1970s." Which would be a fact and therefore ascertainable by research into the time at which scientists identified herpes simplex II in humans. The point was to what did teens know at the time and what were their concerns. My point was about what we worried about happening as a consequence of having sex.

Since everyone now has read the back story I will point out, with some irony, that I had to do a paper on herpes simplex II in my biology class, yes the one with that bio teacher. Having said that, none of us had ever heard of it before I did that paper and for years afterward I was the "shit house" expert on the topic.....lol.
As a 52-year-old counselor, do you consider these normal teenaged behaviors? Initiating sexual contact with strangers....that's normal for 16 year olds in your world? In combination with promiscuity? And, drug use?

If you saw a kid, today, manifesting those behaviors, what would you think?

Wow, I would hate to have a frank discussion of my past with you. :scared1:
As a 52-year-old counselor, do you consider these normal teenaged behaviors? Initiating sexual contact with strangers....that's normal for 16 year olds in your world? In combination with promiscuity? And, drug use?

If you saw a kid, today, manifesting those behaviors, what would you think?

Sounds like at least half that I grew up with. If you take out either the drug use or sex it would probably account for 80% because not everyone did both.
Wow, I would hate to have a frank discussion of my past with you. :scared1:

I've just done a shit ton of risk assessments with high risk kids in the last 18 years. Some behaviors stand out. And frankly, given your back story, you'd probably have fallen into that category.

What that means is that there were probably other factors that you were dealing with in your family, neighborhood, and school that predisposed you to engage in specific risk-taking behaviors. It must have been difficult to be a teen parent, but it sounds like you did a good job with it.
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Sounds like at least half that I grew up with. If you take out either the drug use or sex it would probably account for 80% because not everyone did both.

Half of your peers engaged in sexual encounters with strangers at age 16?

Do you realize that even in 2007, only 35% of teenagers stated that they were sexually active? It sounds to me like you are overgeneralizing from your peer group. It's common, but generally, statistically inaccurate.
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You are living in a world of motherhood denial. Believe me, having been a 14 year old once and further having raised two children successfully to adulthood (and two more are in their teens now). It is wrong and even dangerous for you as a responsible parent to think in this manner.

You need to become much more circumspect. If you think the hormone fairy isn't coming for your little boy, you are in denial and reality is not likely to take pity on you. Wake up and get on the ball so you don't get blind-sided.

When I was 14 sure I was playing with my football cards and hell I watched cartoons when I was 2 years into my tour in the Army. Meaningless. I still woulda done my 10th grade Biology teacher and she wasn't even all that hot. But I was horny as hell and looking to loose that virgin tag real bad.

Hey, Brain Trust. Perhaps you could point me to the place - any place - that I said my son doesn't have normal developing hormones. Barring that, perhaps you could learn some reading comprehension and figure out that what I DID say is that just because he wants something doesn't mean it's good for him to have it, or that it's not still the job of responsible adults to protect him, rather than shrugging and saying, "Well, son, you have a penis and raging hormones, so go at it like a rabid mink, consequences be damned!"

As for "motherhood denial", I have a friend who got that "lucky, once in a lifetime" break twice, being molested by not one, but two "hot" schoolteachers. Now that he's an adult, guess who's in therapy to deal with the psychological damage left behind and his inability to develop and conduct a normal, loving relationship. So you'll excuse me if I think my viewpoint of whether or not 14-year-old boys are ready for sexual relationships with adults is a bit more grounded in reality than your puerile, sleazy "Woohoo, I wish an old woman had molested ME!" fantasies.
Half of your peers engaged in sexual encounters with strangers at age 16?

Do you realize that even in 2007, only 35% of teenagers stated that they were sexually active? It sounds to me like you are overgeneralizing from your peer group. It's common, but generally, statistically inaccurate.

Maybe it depends on how you define stranger. :tongue:

It was a small town and everyone kinda knew each other, but there was a lot of promiscuous sex. How long did a cute new boy need to go to our school before he wasn't a stranger anymore? 1 day, 1 week?, 1 month. Most didn't last a week without being initiated. How about a cute substitute teacher? I don't know of any that got away. There were a lot of other opportunities too. And most started a little earlier than 16, so... dunno what to tell you. Maybe kids lie on surveys? :lol:
Guess what...no matter what you do, teeangers are going to screw...thats what they do. A responsible adult wouldn't turn a blind eye to it. Once my son reaches that age I plan on having a talk with him about sex and the responsibility of sex and the reprucussions that can come from it.

Guess what? That attitude is EXACTLY why teenaged sex and pregnancy and STDs skyrocketed. It's also completely incorrect, according to psychologists and parenting experts, who tell us that, in fact, parents can do a lot to stop their children from having sex early. And I will issue you the same invitation as I did to the other pinhead: show me where I EVER said, "Turn a blind eye to it."

I would also like to point out that there's a world of difference between a teenaged boy having sex with a girl his own age, and being molested by an adult.

If you want to encourage your son to endanger his mental, not to mention physical, health and well-being so that you can get a vicarious thrill through him, that's your lookout. Feel free to hang a big sign on his back reading, "Predators welcome! Enjoy!" Myself, I think I'll go ahead and keep my son away from horny, sleazy adults who think his developing sexuality is their own personal smorgasbord.

Usually when you educate the child that will make a better decision, but that still doesn't mean that if my son is 14, and 15 years old and his girlfriend is offering to blow him he is going to say no.

I hate to break it to you, but many teenaged boys DO have the moral grounding and strength to say, "This is a bad idea." Sadly, with you as a parent, your son won't be one of them.

Just because you stand up and say "tisk tisk, you shouldn't do that" doesn't mean the boy or girl won't throw you the finger as they are fuckin each other.

An intelligent adult would try to educate the youth rather then trying to prevent the inevitable.

Oh, I don't doubt that YOUR son will spend a lot of time throwing you the finger and having no respect for any slipshod attempt you might make at teaching him morals and responsibility. I just met you, and I don't think you have any authority to stand on in that regard, either, so I don't doubt that he'll laugh his ass off at you. You might consider, however, that not EVERY parent is in your position.

An intelligent adult wouldn't think that "I'd have railed MY teacher" constitutes "educating the youth". I'm very, very sad for your child to hear that you've abdicated your job to make his childhood a safe and secure environment in which to grow up.
Maybe it depends on how you define stranger. :tongue:

It was a small town and everyone kinda knew each other, but there was a lot of promiscuous sex. How long did a cute new boy need to go to our school before he wasn't a stranger anymore? 1 day, 1 week?, 1 month. Most didn't last a week without being initiated. How about a cute substitute teacher? I don't know of any that got away. There were a lot of other opportunities too. And most started a little earlier than 16, so... dunno what to tell you. Maybe kids lie on surveys? :lol:

I think you are generalizing your experiences onto all of your peers.

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