Woman charged with raping boy, 14

you know, your abusive nature speaks volumes about the kind of person you are Sho.

and fyi I do have a child....she's 14. and I feel that she views sex very differently than her male friends who are 14 and who are already trying to score some ass with much older girls in our neighborhood.

You are right. It says in bold, highlighted script THAT I DONT MAKE EXCUSES FOR FUCKING CHILD PREDATORS AND ENABLERS THEREOF. Any questions?

"trying to score some ass" probably means that a 14 year old is equally able to handle sex just like a fucking adult, doesn't you horrible fucking parent?
I am sure the 14 year old boy is distraught by this horrific experience. Probably banging the woman's daughter.
oh.. yea.. who can forget your request to measure penises that came from out of nowhere... dude.. The Rolling Stones called.. they want you to stop carrying around one of their albums wherever you go..

I'll have to assume that's part of your digital photo collections, by way of a handy "bookmark".
hey--if you're even willing to consider other possiblities --kudos to you. :clap2:

I am willing to consider it as not every person is the same and you can't put the same expectation on every situation. One boy might be fine with having sex with his older teacher....wouldn't effect him negatively in the least....whereas another might become depressed and suicidal following what he views as an unhealthy and predatory situation. Just as some girls might take sex casually and others not.

I shouldn't have made such a sweeping statement as to say that NONE of these boys would be negatively impacted by this form of sexual contact. and it IS a CRIME what these women are doing....and they SHOULD be put in JAIL.....just so I'm clear on that issue..... I do NOT condone or think it's okay for these women to have sex with these boys. It's sick IMO to be attracted to children.
Obviously. He's obviously never made it with a gal, having been "parked" by some big sweaty gym teacher.

dude, are you sure you want to use the jargon of your "secret club" out in the open like that?

yea, dude.. CLEARLY those of us who are disgusted by child abuse "have never Made IT with a gal..


maybe not the twisted rags YOU have had to settle with, for sure...
I'll have to assume that's part of your digital photo collections, by way of a handy "bookmark".

oh don't act as if you've never pulled that Andy Worhol creation down with your teeth barely moments after leaving the record store...
Hopefully, your boy child will never have to pay the price for your fucked up double standard. Assuming that a boy's total emotional interaction resides in his nutsack would make you a horrible mother.

I'll never have a BOY child sho....I can't have more children but thanks for your concern for my faux child.

and I guess you're skipping right over the posts were I'm saying perhaps I've been looking at it the wrong way and should rethink my opinion?! but you keep being a jerk-off...it suits you to perfection. :cuckoo:
you know, your abusive nature speaks volumes about the kind of person you are Sho.

and fyi I do have a child....she's 14. and I feel that she views sex very differently than her male friends who are 14 and who are already trying to score some ass with much older girls in our neighborhood.

and you foolishly think these guys are all just dick machines with no feelings whatsoever ? If you treat a male like a dick machine then don't be pissed when they act like one.
I'll never have a BOY child sho....I can't have more children but thanks for your concern for my faux child.

and I guess you're skipping right over the posts were I'm saying perhaps I've been looking at it the wrong way and should rethink my opinion?! but you keep being a jerk-off...it suits you to perfection. :cuckoo:

thank. the fucking LORD. Now, as long as we can manage to keep you from ever being the adult that is situationally responsible for young children...

Hey, bitch.. you have the choice to respond to my posts or not. enjoy exercising your choices.
and you foolishly think these guys are all just dick machines with no feelings whatsoever ? If you treat a male like a dick machine then don't be pissed when they act like one.

thats pretty much it. These stupid ***** act as if emotional damage to a boy manifests itself in the same fashion as a girl in order to rationalize some kind of "minimal" harm. They act as if a 14 year old boy is as stoic as a fucking man when it comes to sex just because they are too goddamn nearsighted to see that they are DEFENDING a system that ultimately objectifies women. They validate a Porky's teenage fantasy while ignoring how such an experience will mold the perspective of the boy child for later use. pathetic, really. Talk about a fucking parental failure.
I am sure the 14 year old boy is distraught by this horrific experience. Probably banging the woman's daughter.

:lol: he was banging the daughter which is how the mother got caught to begin with...she turned him in for banging her daughter and then I guess he spilled that he'd banged her too.... I guess it's about keepin it in the family.

dillo said:
and you foolishly think these guys are all just dick machines with no feelings whatsoever ? If you treat a male like a dick machine then don't be pissed when they act like one.

not at all...I'm saying that at 14 that's pretty much all a boy might be thinking about. I'm sure they think about other things too but to say that sex isn't a dominating thought in the mind of most teenagers.

The trick is how to keep them from acting on those impulses. The adult in question is clearly taking advantage of the fact that hormones can impede the decision making process of teenage boys (and girls).

Last time I checked it's not cool to be a virgin if you're a boy of a certain age....... they don't want their friends to think they aren't cool (or worse GAY) so they want to get laid.... and they want to do it as quickly as possible.

Have boys really changed that much since I was 14? Are they now suddenly enlightened and sensitive creatures when it comes to sex? WOW... that gives me hope for my own daughter that she won't have to fend off the advances of all those horny lil boys in school who want to get in her pants so they can move on to the next girl.
:lol: he was banging the daughter which is how the mother got caught to begin with...she turned him in for banging her daughter and then I guess he spilled that he'd banged her too.... I guess it's about keepin it in the family.

not at all...I'm saying that at 14 that's pretty much all a boy might be thinking about. I'm sure they think about other things too but to say that sex isn't a dominating thought in the mind of most teenagers.

The trick is how to keep them from acting on those impulses. The adult in question is clearly taking advantage of the fact that hormones can impede the decision making process of teenage boys (and girls).

Last time I checked it's not cool to be a virgin if you're a boy of a certain age....... they don't want their friends to think they aren't cool (or worse GAY) so they want to get laid.... and they want to do it as quickly as possible.

Have boys really changed that much since I was 14? Are they now suddenly enlightened and sensitive creatures when it comes to sex? WOW... that gives me hope for my own daughter that she won't have to fend off the advances of all those horny lil boys in school who want to get in her pants so they can move on to the next girl.

Sorry but being a virginal teen age girl ain't what it used to be either. Don't kid yourself--other teen age GIRLS will pressure yours.
you really are taking this shit way to serious sho..... were you abused by a teacher as a young man? I only ask because you seem SO certain that this would cause psychological damage to the boy in question and it sure seems like you've got some issues and that would explain A LOT about you. :eusa_whistle:

What psychological expertise do you have to proclaim that sex between an adult woman and a 13-year-old male WOULDN'T cause longterm damage?

Myth #7 - If the perpetrator is female, the boy or adolescent should consider himself fortunate to have been initiated into heterosexual activity.
In reality, premature or coerced sex, whether by a mother, aunt, older sister, baby-sitter or other female in a position of power over a boy, causes confusion at best, and rage, depression or other problems in more negative circumstances. To be used as a sexual object by a more powerful person, male or female, is always abusive and often damaging.

Believing these myths is dangerous and damaging.

  • So long as society believes these myths, and teaches them to children from their earliest years, sexually abused males will be unlikely to get the recognition and help they need.
  • So long as society believes these myths, sexually abused males will be more likely join the minority of survivors who perpetuate this suffering by abusing others.
  • So long as boys or men who have been sexually abused believe these myths, they will feel ashamed and angry.
  • And so long as sexually abused males believe these myths they reinforce the power of another devastating myth that all abused children struggle with: that it was their fault. It is never the fault of the child in a sexual situation - though perpetrators can be quite skilled at getting their victims to believe these myths and take on responsibility that is always and only their own.
Some of you are only displaying your own ignorance and gender bias.
Sorry but being a virginal teen age girl ain't what it used to be either. Don't kid yourself--other teen age GIRLS will pressure yours.

:lol: Don't I know it! being a teen today...boy OR Girl ain't what it used to be. They are way more advanced sexually these days........ it's scary....really :eek:
Some of the additional issues that male victims of sexual assault must deal with are quite complicated, and sexist attitudes like the ones displayed on this thread that minimize the possibility that a 13-year-old boy could even be a victim don't help.

In addition to the pressures which also affect girls, boys have additional reasons for silence. First, boys are taught by our culture that males simply are not victims, (Nasjleti, 1980). "If men aren't to be victims, then victims aren't men" (Lew, 1988, p. 63). Thus, for a male to admit to being a victim is to deny his manhood.

Second, men in our culture are taught to "tough it out" rather than to ask for help. Even if a boy is able to define his experience as victimization or "being ripped off," he is likely to regard the consequences as his problem rather than asking for help.

Third, most adult sexual offenders are male. Our society is homophobic, and many young males assume that they were selected for sexual activity by a male because of some homosexual attribute. Thus, to admit to a homosexual assault is tantamount to admitting to homosexuality (Nielsen, 1983). Others believe that homosexual molestation will cause them to become homosexual. Not wanting to be labeled by peers and others as "gay" should the assault become known, the male victim "suffers in silence" (Nasjleti, 1980).

If the perpetrator was a women, the boy may feel that others will ridicule him or not take the abuse seriously. After all, males with early sexual experience are regarded as precocious and lucky. If the abuser was his mother, some boys may fear that the molestation is proof that they are mentally ill (Nasjleti, 1980). The strongest cultural taboos against molestation are toward mothers and these make reporting more devastating for a son (Krug, 1989).
Fourth, boys may fear being punished or held responsible for the abuse. The general public believes that boys are capable of self-defense and preventing sexual abuse. boys who report sexual abuse frequently encounter either disbelief or blame (Nasjleti, 1480).

Fifth, boys may fail to report due to the fear of loss of freedom and restriction of their activities. Traditionally in our culture, boys are allowed more independence than girls. A predictable consequence of informing one's parents of sexual abuse would be limitation of unsupervised activities (Nielsen, 1980).

Finally, male victims may fail to report sexual molestation with adults because the boys in some cases do not perceive the sexual activity as abusive. This perception may be due to denial or minimization in order to avoid overwhelming and unacceptable feelings of helplessness. Whatever the reason, researchers have found that some male victims report neutral or positive effects of sexual activity with adults (Brown, Condy, Tempter & Veaco, 1987; Fritz, et al, 1981; Johnson & Shrier, 1985; Sandfort, 1984).Test
What psychological expertise do you have to proclaim that sex between an adult woman and a 13-year-old male WOULDN'T cause longterm damage?

Some of you are only displaying your own ignorance and gender bias.

and sometimes you should read the entire thread to see that I've seen that I might've been over simplifying things a bit and was wrong in my previous opinion.
tough to find a woman who admits she was wrong

well....sex with a child is still sex with a child...

boy or girl and I shouldn't assume that the male child is less emotionally vulnerable than the female child. I was applying my own prejudice to the situation and in truth IF I had a male child and this happened to him I'd be PISSED and want the woman in question thrown in jail for as along as possible because I WOULD believe she took advantage of him and even IF he said she didn't I'm not sure I would believe him, because he is afterall still just a child.

I should've thought more thoroughly about how I'd feel as a mother if it happened to my child before expressing my opinion.....

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