Woke Teacher Trolled by Banana/Rock Pronouns

You know damn well that is not what they are doing.

Not that there is any legitimate reason even to be telling young children anything about sick sexual perversions at all, but grooming them toward these perversions, which is what is really happening, is something that absolutely is not acceptable.

Actually, there's a very legitimate reason, to teach them not to be the kind of hateful bigot you are.

Seriously, dude, you seem to spend an awful lot of time hating gay people, and I'm really not sure what for. It's not like they have any effect on your life.
Actually, there's a very legitimate reason, to teach them not to be the kind of hateful bigot you are.

You claim that anyone who holds to any rational standards of morality or ethics is a “hateful bigot”. You promote evil and sociopathy, and somehow imagine that this makes you better than those who are otherwise.

It doesn't. It makes you a far lesser creature, than any normal human being.
You claim that anyone who holds to any rational standards of morality or ethics is a “hateful bigot”. You promote evil and sociopathy, and somehow imagine that this makes you better than those who are otherwise.

It doesn't. It makes you a far lesser creature, than any normal human being.

Dude, you have yet to make a case that being gay is immoral beyond "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky".

I've known gay and trans people in my life, and most of them are pretty decent.

Not my cup of tea... not something I would do personally, but frankly, that's a matter of personal taste, not a moral judgement.

I really, really don't like Broccoli. That doesn't mean people who like broccoli are evil, or sociopathic...

Your hatred of gay people does not make you a good person. It makes you kind of an awful one.
Really? Because frankly, trans people should have no effect on your life, other than your own obsession with them.
If they weren't trying to teach my grandchildren to be trans, they'd have no effect on my life but they work very hard to affect my life and I have no tolerance for them.
Oh it seems someone wants to cry Fat Liberal Tears because a seasoned teacher would join in a 12 year old boy's game of mockery, and then beat him at it. :)

If you're a seasoned teacher and it did not occur to you to sing the cheeky 12 year old "banana boy" the banana song, what are you even doing? Get out of my profession. heh.
The Name Game, by Shirley Ellis

HOw is this a fraud? Did you actually mistake a trans person for something they aren't?

Seems this is about your hangups...

I never mistake a trans person for something they are not. You and the trans person, on the other hand, clearly do mistake them for something they are not.
Nobody wants your approval... they want you to mind our own business.

Let's not forget, your cult fled Illinois for Utah because they were seen as engaging in deviant and immoral sex. (Polygamy and pedophilia).

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That's a lie. They demand my submission to their insanity. If I use the proper pronoun for a male (he) or proper pronoun for a female (she), I could lose my job and any hope of getting another job.

They don't want left alone; as I said, they want submission. I do not submit.
This is exactly how the pronoun debacle should end: an 11 yo asking his teacher to refer to him as "banana/rock". I believe the teacher here is being serious. More pity her.

Needless to say, this should be the end of it. He/her, she/him. If you want to go by something else, write fiction or act in dramas or something. Don't insist that everyone else enter your playacting world. Yep, I said what I said.

You know how I handled that SweetSue92
I teach middle school, and I just called them, and others, by their LAST NAME.

"Johnson, Did you have a question"
"I will certainly answer that Hanson"
"Hey Sweet, would you like me to further clarify and answer your question"
Only in your fertile imagination. Telling kids that gay people exist is not grooming.
Why do kids need to know about butt-sex? Or any sex,for that matter?
It's the job of the parents to teach children about relationships; the schools can teach real-science biology.
Your support and defense of depraved sexual perverts certainly does not make you a good person. Especially when they go after children, and you openly defend this. This makes you something much worse than a merely awful-person.

uh, guy, you belong to a cult where the founders were having sex with children.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh, Original and Extra Crispy.

Teaching kids not to be the kind of bigot you are, is a good thing. Frankly, you are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Still waiting for you to tell me why gay people are immoral. Of course, you never will beyond "God says it's Icky".
Why do kids need to know about butt-sex? Or any sex,for that matter?
It's the job of the parents to teach children about relationships; the schools can teach real-science biology.

Nobody is teaching "Butt sex"

Why is it homophobes always like to describe sex acts? It's like a vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

The problem here is that parents kind of suck at teaching these things to kids.. It's generally an awkward conversation with even the best intentions.

it's a lot worse if the parents are homophobic assholes.
uh, guy, you belong to a cult where the founders were having sex with children.

As I've said before, there is no need for you to go to such effort to sow everyone what a hateful, evil, lying piece of shit you are.

Everyone here already knows.

And even if it was true, nothing about any accusations of child abuse on the part of people long dead, against people long dead, does anything in the least to mitigate your unabashed defense of actual instances of child abuse taking place now.

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