CDZ Witnessing History: The Overthrow of the U.S. Government


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?
I have zero doubt a lot of this is manufactured nonsense, and they absolutely did start this nonsense immediately after the election, with recounts, claiming it was stolen blah, blah, blah. Anything to deligitimize him to provide themselves political cover to act like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.

That said, Trump sure seems to go out of his way to help them.

If he can't figure out the simple rule of keeping his damn mouth shut I can't even blame the dems for capitalizing on one mistake after the next. it's the game in DC and the pubs would be all over a Dem that was rage tweeting the ex head of the FBI.

He needs to buy a clue or GTFO.
I have zero doubt a lot of this is manufactured nonsense, and they absolutely did start this nonsense immediately after the election, with recounts, claiming it was stolen blah, blah, blah. Anything to deligitimize him to provide themselves political cover to act like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.

That said, Trump sure seems to go out of his way to help them.

If he can't figure out the simple rule of keeping his damn mouth shut I can't even blame the dems for capitalizing on one mistake after the next. it's the game in DC and the pubs would be all over a Dem that was rage tweeting the ex head of the FBI.

He needs to buy a clue or GTFO.

So you support his delegitimization and/or removal if he doesn't "buy a clue?"
If only Russia hadn't helped Trump, and if only so many in Trump's campaign staff hadn't benefited financially from that help. If only Trump didn't thrive on creating enemies out of good people. If only Trump didn't give away free classified info on a whim. If only, if only, if only...
If only Russia hadn't helped Trump, and if only so many in Trump's campaign staff hadn't benefited financially from that help. If only Trump didn't thrive on creating enemies out of good people. If only Trump didn't give away free classified info on a whim. If only, if only, if only...

If only you had any facts to back up your theories about Russian collusion...
I have zero doubt a lot of this is manufactured nonsense, and they absolutely did start this nonsense immediately after the election, with recounts, claiming it was stolen blah, blah, blah. Anything to deligitimize him to provide themselves political cover to act like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.

That said, Trump sure seems to go out of his way to help them.

If he can't figure out the simple rule of keeping his damn mouth shut I can't even blame the dems for capitalizing on one mistake after the next. it's the game in DC and the pubs would be all over a Dem that was rage tweeting the ex head of the FBI.

He needs to buy a clue or GTFO.

So you support his delegitimization and/or removal if he doesn't "buy a clue?"

I do not support the deligitimization campaign that has been undertaken by the left and have been extremely vocal about that on this board. I don't post all that much, but have been very consistent in calling out the left for exactly what they're doing here, and have been doing here.

I will never support his deligitimization under these pretenses that he is not duly elected, as that is utter bunk.

if he does not get his act together and does something for which he can be lawfully removed I'm pretty close to saying "go right ahead and do that", as he is burying himself right now through his inability to control his own actions. this is resulting in chaos, total meltdown of the agenda he was elected to implement, and will hand the white house and congress right back to the dems.

of course this is exactly what they've been trying to do, which is my problem with Trump. A 2 year old can see it. All he has to do is shut up and ignore all of it, and it loses its effectiveness. Instead he shoots it up with roids and makes the monster larger.

This is on Trump, not me or anyone else. He needs to pull it together. If he doesn't, and very soon, all options are on the table as far as I'm concerned, including removing him if he's done something to warrant that.
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?

Republicans are no better when a democrat wins. They actually came close to treason when republican congress critters plotted with private citizens to obstruct obama at every turn. Republicans are such sanctimonious hypocrites.

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration | HuffPost
All he has to do is shut up and ignore all of it, and it loses its effectiveness.

I disagree. The left-wing media largely control the dissemination of information in this country. If Trump was silent, all people would be exposed to is their political propaganda. At least they are forced to acknowledge his tweets. Otherwise, they would report silence as an admission of guilt.
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?

Republicans are no better when a democrat wins. They actually came close to treason when republican congress critters plotted with private citizens to obstruct obama at every turn. Republicans are such sanctimonious hypocrites.

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration | HuffPost
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?

Republicans are no better when a democrat wins. They actually came close to treason when republican congress critters plotted with private citizens to obstruct obama at every turn. Republicans are such sanctimonious hypocrites.

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration | HuffPost
An independent investigation will have 3 R and 2 D members that will conclude there was no Russian Collusion but that someone in the Hillary campaign or DNC did order the murder of Seth Rich and that will stand up in any civil litigation.
All he has to do is shut up and ignore all of it, and it loses its effectiveness.

I disagree. The left-wing media largely control the dissemination of information in this country. If Trump was silent, all people would be exposed to is their political propaganda. At least they are forced to acknowledge his tweets. Otherwise, they would report silence as an admission of guilt.

That's fine and I see the left as a huge driver of all of this, of course. They are absolutely doing this intentionally to interfere with his agenda, as it's their only option. They lost the white house, they lost the congress. They're simply fighting with the only tool they have left.

I think Trump is pouring gas on it, which is exactly the response they're looking for. They've realized this and are ramping it up in any way they can, as it is hurting him, which means it's helping them.

In that respect I see Trump as a huge part of Trump's problem.

I'd love to see him simply say, 'we're getting back to work. we're not going to react to this nonsense any longer. we're here to do the people's business and we're going to do that" or something to that effect.

I think people are still willing to give the guy a chance, but this reactionary response to every little bait thrown out isn't productive at all and only he can stop him from continually rising to the bait. He has to be more controlled or they're going to continue to make him dance. They've gotten into his head and he needs to simply wake up to that and push them out or this nonsense is never going to end. They can manufacture one nonsense story after another and they will do exactly that as long as it works for them.
If only Russia hadn't helped Trump, and if only so many in Trump's campaign staff hadn't benefited financially from that help. If only Trump didn't thrive on creating enemies out of good people. If only Trump didn't give away free classified info on a whim. If only, if only, if only...
Man, I'm glad THAT didn't happen. That would be bad.
If only Russia hadn't helped Trump, and if only so many in Trump's campaign staff hadn't benefited financially from that help. If only Trump didn't thrive on creating enemies out of good people. If only Trump didn't give away free classified info on a whim. If only, if only, if only...
the clintons net worth was how much after they left office? how much was it after she left?

where did all that $$$ come from?

if only people would apply their standards to all vs just using them to take shots at others.
All he has to do is shut up and ignore all of it, and it loses its effectiveness.

I disagree. The left-wing media largely control the dissemination of information in this country. If Trump was silent, all people would be exposed to is their political propaganda. At least they are forced to acknowledge his tweets. Otherwise, they would report silence as an admission of guilt.

That's fine and I see the left as a huge driver of all of this, of course. They are absolutely doing this intentionally to interfere with his agenda, as it's their only option. They lost the white house, they lost the congress. They're simply fighting with the only tool they have left.

I think Trump is pouring gas on it, which is exactly the response they're looking for. They've realized this and are ramping it up in any way they can, as it is hurting him, which means it's helping them.

In that respect I see Trump as a huge part of Trump's problem.

I'd love to see him simply say, 'we're getting back to work. we're not going to react to this nonsense any longer. we're here to do the people's business and we're going to do that" or something to that effect.

I think people are still willing to give the guy a chance, but this reactionary response to every little bait thrown out isn't productive at all and only he can stop him from continually rising to the bait. He has to be more controlled or they're going to continue to make him dance. They've gotten into his head and he needs to simply wake up to that and push them out or this nonsense is never going to end. They can manufacture one nonsense story after another and they will do exactly that as long as it works for them.
He tosses his own guys under the bus on a regular basis.

If he can't keep his story straight, he's going to hear about it in the press.

People have every right to know why the head of the FBI got fired, especially since they are investigating the Russian attack on our democracy.
'Witnessing history' - of course it's 'trump' history where Frederick Douglas is still alive and Andrew Jackson didn't like the civil war, even though he died 16 years before it started. Where someone's birth certificate doesn't prove they were born. Where orange-turd-blossom actually had his lawyers sue Bill Maher to prove Trump wasn't the son of an orangutan, which turd-blossom lost. Where he lost the popular vote by 3 millions votes. And where in trump-alternate-history all Mexicans are rapists and few, he would assume, are good people.

Turd-lips isn't legitimate. He will never be accepted as having been elected. He's a gigantic ASS.
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?
When you look at the money line up it looks like alot of money was put into the election from people and Foundation and PAK supported by people like Bill Gates, George Sotos, Buffet et,al.
'Witnessing history' - of course it's 'trump' history where Frederick Douglas is still alive and Andrew Jackson didn't like the civil war, even though he died 16 years before it started. Where someone's birth certificate doesn't prove they were born. Where orange-turd-blossom actually had his lawyers sue Bill Maher to prove Trump wasn't the son of an orangutan, which turd-blossom lost. Where he lost the popular vote by 3 millions votes. And where in trump-alternate-history all Mexicans are rapists and few, he would assume, are good people.

Turd-lips isn't legitimate. He will never be accepted as having been elected. He's a gigantic ASS.
Could have posted shorter post by just saying :I hate Trump...
All he has to do is shut up and ignore all of it, and it loses its effectiveness.

I disagree. The left-wing media largely control the dissemination of information in this country. If Trump was silent, all people would be exposed to is their political propaganda. At least they are forced to acknowledge his tweets. Otherwise, they would report silence as an admission of guilt.

That's fine and I see the left as a huge driver of all of this, of course. They are absolutely doing this intentionally to interfere with his agenda, as it's their only option. They lost the white house, they lost the congress. They're simply fighting with the only tool they have left.

I think Trump is pouring gas on it, which is exactly the response they're looking for. They've realized this and are ramping it up in any way they can, as it is hurting him, which means it's helping them.

In that respect I see Trump as a huge part of Trump's problem.

I'd love to see him simply say, 'we're getting back to work. we're not going to react to this nonsense any longer. we're here to do the people's business and we're going to do that" or something to that effect.

I think people are still willing to give the guy a chance, but this reactionary response to every little bait thrown out isn't productive at all and only he can stop him from continually rising to the bait. He has to be more controlled or they're going to continue to make him dance. They've gotten into his head and he needs to simply wake up to that and push them out or this nonsense is never going to end. They can manufacture one nonsense story after another and they will do exactly that as long as it works for them.
He tosses his own guys under the bus on a regular basis.

If he can't keep his story straight, he's going to hear about it in the press.

People have every right to know why the head of the FBI got fired, especially since they are investigating the Russian attack on our democracy.
I would have fired him to, in as he seemed to take over the DOJ and made the decision not to prosecute Clinton and call her crimes negligence and not knowing the violations.
What we are seeing is nothing less than a conspiracy to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States by left-wing activists and their political allies.

Their attacks began the day after the last election, and have continued unabated as countless fake "news" stories are invented on a daily basis in an attempt to undermine the government's authority.

If they succeed, we will not see free and fair elections in the remainders of our lifetimes as the self-appointed "intelligentsia" will make sure that the people make the right choices in the future.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?

You know what is so funny about your post- and this thread? That you had no problem when Donald Trump was trying to do this to President Obama

Remember for 5 years- Donald Trump and right wing activists and their political allies worked to undermine- and overthrow the constitutionally elected President of the United States.

It didn't bother you then.

I have zero doubt a lot of this is manufactured nonsense, and they absolutely did start this nonsense immediately after the election, with recounts, claiming it was stolen blah, blah, blah. Anything to deligitimize him to provide themselves political cover to act like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their way.

That said, Trump sure seems to go out of his way to help them.

If he can't figure out the simple rule of keeping his damn mouth shut I can't even blame the dems for capitalizing on one mistake after the next. it's the game in DC and the pubs would be all over a Dem that was rage tweeting the ex head of the FBI.

He needs to buy a clue or GTFO.

So you support his delegitimization and/or removal if he doesn't "buy a clue?"

I support the ongoing investigation- and honestly hope that the investigation clears Trump. It would be the best for our country. Of course I also honestly support Trump resigning and Pence taking over.

If Trump would stop being so Trump this issue would have virtually no legs- but Trump can't stop playing the victim card and lying about everything.

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