With whistleblowers finally testifying,how long will the media cover Benghazi affair?

With whistleblowers finally testifying,how long will the media cover Benghazi affair?

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Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
The Watergate affair was covered continuously for years, with front-page headlines nearly every day.

Now that people who were there during the Benghazi terrorist attacks (where, unlike Watergate, people actually died), are finally being allowed to testify and are contradicting the stories told by the Obama administration, how much longer will the mainstream media continue to cover it?
What's there to cover?

Al Qaeda is on the run. Obama said so, many times, before the November 2012 election.

And we've already jailed the guy who made the video that caused it all.
Seeing that it's been covered for 8 months I fully expect the "coverage" to continue indefinitely.
Seeing that it has NOT been covered for the last 8 months (a mention on page G24 is not coverage), I fully expect that the news blackout will continue.

The hearings are happening right now, and only ONE news agency is doing their job.
Have you been watching this?
There's been no whistleblowing. All that's happened is political "Why I'm better than that guy" and the supposed "whistleblowers" only reiterated everything we knew.
Have you been watching this?
There's been no whistleblowing. All that's happened is political "Why I'm better than that guy" and the supposed "whistleblowers" only reiterated everything we knew.
Actually Hicks blew the whistle on himself. He said that by the time Stevens told him that the consulate was being attacked ti was "too late" to send help. It was Hicks who refused to take Stevens' first TWO calls for help. When he finally took Stevens' THIRD call it was too late, just after Stevens told Hicks about the attack the line went dead and probably Stevens at the same time. What or who was Hicks doing that was so important that he refused to take Stevens first TWO calls????? You can be sure that the GOP will never pursue that important info!!!!! Hicks knows that Stevens is dead because of him and is trying to save face by feeding the GOP witch hunt what they crave.
What's there to cover?

Al Qaeda is on the run. Obama said so, many times, before the November 2012 election.

And we've already jailed the guy who made the video that caused it all.

Are you always this stupid? Still blaming a video?
Maybe i just don't know you very well....are you just being a smartass? :eusa_think:
What's there to cover?

Al Qaeda is on the run. Obama said so, many times, before the November 2012 election.

And we've already jailed the guy who made the video that caused it all.

Are you always this stupid? Still blaming a video?
Maybe i just don't know you very well....are you just being a smartass? :eusa_think:

He was being sarcastic
Sorry....but if you were joking, I apologize. :)
But that statement is something only a lefty moron would make, and mean it! Lol!
It was Hicks who refused to take Stevens' first TWO calls for help.

Why am I not surprised that you offer no references or evidence for this statement?

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Appearing on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren on Thursday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) revealed two more interesting pieces of the Benghazi puzzle. First, that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens rang Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks on Sept. 11 to tell him the consulate was under attack.

“He said that shortly after 9:40 p.m. what happened is his phone rang and he didn’t recognize the number so he didn’t answer it. And then it rang again and again he didn’t answer it because he didn’t recognize the number.
The video had everything to do with the attack on Benghazi. There were numerous protests and it was used as a cover because many thought at first it was protesters.
If there were no protest in the area the night of the attack and ALL was calm, then why was there an urgent call for more security before the attack and WHY did Red Cross, etc evacuate???????

Stevens arrives in Benghazi and holds meetings on and off the consulate grounds on Sept. 10. He spends the night, and for the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. holds meetings only inside the compound. It is an enclosed area about 300 yards long by 100 yards wide, with a 9-foot outer wall topped by barbed wire and augmented by barriers, steel drop bars and other security upgrades. There are four buildings in the compound. Five diplomatic security officers are present, along with four members of a local militia deployed by Libya's government to provide added security.

Around 8:30 p.m.:
Stevens finishes his final meeting of the day and escorts a Turkish diplomat outside the main entrance of the consulate. The situation is calm. There are no protests.

Around 9:40 p.m.:
Agents hear loud noises, gunfire and explosions near the front gate. A barracks at the entrance housing the local militiamen is burnt down. Agents viewing cameras see large groups of armed men flowing into the compound. Alarm is sounded. Telephone calls are made to the embassy in Tripoli, officials in Washington, the Libyan authorities and a U.S. quick reaction force located at a second compound a little over a mile away.

Grabbing weapons:
Attackers breach the compound:
More reinforcements:

Around 4 a.m.:

The compound's building is hit by mortar fire. The roof is hit and two security personnel are killed. One agent involved in the attack from the beginning is severely wounded. The men decide to evacuate the city entirely. They spend the next hours securing the annex and moving a large convoy of vehicles to the airport. They evacuate on two flights.

New Details From Libya Consulate Attack: State Department Abandons Claim Of Protest Outside Gates
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Why did Steven feel comfortable enough to go to Benghazi the night of the attack when there were pleads for more security? All was calm until 9:40 when he went to bed? Something about all the FOXNEWS and Right Wingnuts attacks that do not add up. Obama and his administration is going to come out of these hearings smelling like a Rose. And the Foxnews Rag and the Right will be knee deep................
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The video had everything to do with the attack on Benghazi. There were numerous protests and it was used as a cover because many thought at first it was protesters.
If there were no protest in the area the night of the attack and ALL was calm, then why was there an urgent call for more security before the attack and WHY did Red Cross, etc evacuate???????

Stevens arrives in Benghazi and holds meetings on and off the consulate grounds on Sept. 10. He spends the night, and for the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. holds meetings only inside the compound. It is an enclosed area about 300 yards long by 100 yards wide, with a 9-foot outer wall topped by barbed wire and augmented by barriers, steel drop bars and other security upgrades. There are four buildings in the compound. Five diplomatic security officers are present, along with four members of a local militia deployed by Libya's government to provide added security.

Around 8:30 p.m.:
Stevens finishes his final meeting of the day and escorts a Turkish diplomat outside the main entrance of the consulate. The situation is calm. There are no protests.

Around 9:40 p.m.:
Agents hear loud noises, gunfire and explosions near the front gate. A barracks at the entrance housing the local militiamen is burnt down. Agents viewing cameras see large groups of armed men flowing into the compound. Alarm is sounded. Telephone calls are made to the embassy in Tripoli, officials in Washington, the Libyan authorities and a U.S. quick reaction force located at a second compound a little over a mile away.

Grabbing weapons:
Attackers breach the compound:
More reinforcements:

Around 4 a.m.:

The compound's building is hit by mortar fire. The roof is hit and two security personnel are killed. One agent involved in the attack from the beginning is severely wounded. The men decide to evacuate the city entirely. They spend the next hours securing the annex and moving a large convoy of vehicles to the airport. They evacuate on two flights.

New Details From Libya Consulate Attack: State Department Abandons Claim Of Protest Outside Gates

The video was available months prior to the attack. To suggest that a bunch of uneducated 7th century loving people could possibly endeavor to conspire is beyond absurd.
The last time I can remember when someone was being attacked and no help was sent was Somalia when Les Aspen held things up.
In Benghazi there were CIA and Delta Force units that could have helped, but were told to stand-down. Someone will take to fall for the dems, and the GOP will have their scalp. This should be one of many 2014 issues.

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