Wishes for 2012


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Not too early to start.

Obama. Visited by the ghosts of Ben Franklin, Ernie Pyle and Ronnie Reagan and they're able to convince him of Americas greatness

Republicans. We wake up and find out the debates were just a bad dream and these really weren't our candidates

The Warmers and Decline Hiders. All expense paid one way ticket to North Korea where they can live the Carbon Footprint of their dreams, a life supply of Mann's tree rings and hockey stick graphs too.

Rdean and TruthMatters. May they cross paths with Reality and climb aboard

My fellow USMB Conservatives. May we finally have a President and Congress who are genuine Conservatives and may their plan and policies give us the peace, prosperity and freedom that we all know flows naturally from our principles.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Fuck Kwanza and a Happy New Year
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I wish for the DC assholes to actually fix Medicare and SS instead of passing garbage/meaningless Bills

Adopting the Simpson-Bowles recommendation is a good start.
I wish for dems to have the balls to pass a budget, finally.

I wish taxes would be flat and based on sales so that everyone gets taxed and has some skin in the game.

I wish that Congress would stop out spending what it takes in at such a vast rate.

My prayers for a fiscally conservative sans socially conservative majority will never be met, but hope springs eternal every election.
I simply wish that HaShem's voice is heard and people finally start getting the lessons that Yeshua taught.

Greed isn't good people.
I wish for a...hmmmm, let me check what topic this is...nope can't wish for ______ that here :D
I wish there was a button I could push that would make every liberal in the world disappear in a puff of pink mist.
My political hopes for America:

1. Congressional bills be limited to 500 words or less in terms both layman and judge can understand.

2. Congressional bills may have only 1 purpose, not many.

2. Renewal of a courtesy code in Congress, the Senate, and the White House.

3. Better support for the care and future employment of wounded American veterans.

4. Make military participation of no less than 6 years requirement for Presidency, Senate, and the Supreme Court.

5. Make voting more of a privilege than an entitlement.

6. Make a voter fraud of voting more than one time penalty be lifelong loss of voting privileges and holding elected or appointed public office. Make the minimum sentence for a precinct chairman or committee member stuffing a ballot box the death penalty. The people must not tolerate voter fraud for any reason.
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I wish every bill went straight through clean with no amendments

I wish we had a balance budget that could be set aside by Congress in times of emergency like world war

I wish that we would finally pass A budget

Leaders of the House and Senate could not serve more than 4 years

Congress had to be present on the floor for debates

It would be manditory that voting records would be published in every district of the representative daily through the newspaper and internet.

The tax records of Congress be audited every two years.

I knew if and why Obama has a Connecticut Social Security number. :)

Tax records and birth certificates of every candidate for president must be presented to a vetting committee before becoming a candidate.
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I wish the American people would wake up and see teh damage the Left has brought to this country and throw the rascals out once and for all.
Not too early to start.

Obama. Visited by the ghosts of Ben Franklin, Ernie Pyle and Ronnie Reagan and they're able to convince him of Americas greatness

Republicans. We wake up and find out the debates were just a bad dream and these really weren't our candidates

The Warmers and Decline Hiders. All expense paid one way ticket to North Korea where they can live the Carbon Footprint of their dreams, a life supply of Mann's tree rings and hockey stick graphs too.

Rdean and TruthMatters. May they cross paths with Reality and climb aboard

My fellow USMB Conservatives. May we finally have a President and Congress who are genuine Conservatives and may their plan and policies give us the peace, prosperity and freedom that we all know flows naturally from our principles.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Fuck Kwanza and a Happy New Year

I wish to wake up and Obama Is no longer president.
You're gonna have to wait until 2016.....

I wish 57Frank would come to the realization that different parties win different elections and Hollywood actors aren't the only people fit to be President :tinfoil: :bang3:

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