Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

Incest is different than pedophilia. It is worse. Fact checkers are as useless as you.
You're mentally deranged. There's simply no other explanation for how you see everything in this world.

sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry

Watch this...

... prove Biden had sexual intercourse with any of his kids or once again, reveal yourself to the forum as the USMB jester.
The dems have been cheating in elections for decades...sometimes successfully sometimes not....they used covid to perfect their dishonest tactics....
Remember the hanging chads?...well it was proven that the only way to make a ballot with a hanging chad was to try and punch through ten ballots at a time....
Ballot centers need to be watched better....that's first on the list of making things right....
You're mentally ill and going on ignore. I hope you get the help you need.
View attachment 573317

Nothing on that you posted even mentions her dad.


You're a special kind of retarded. Did you even read that page before you posted it...?

You're mentally ill and going on ignore. I hope you get the help you need.
And...I guess you think I care if you ignore me?....go ahead snowflake...if you can't debate without crying I want you to ignore me....jackass pussy....

Nothing on that you posted even mentions her dad.


You're a special kind of retarded. Did you even read that page before you posted it...?

So? You can see how fucked up she was from that trauma. I do not know about a man who raised to drug addicts. I would not want him around my children or anyones. You are morally bankrupt if you defend this monster. So you know.
You've already been shown he was never accused of incest.

So how old was she when he showered with her...?

You don't even know, do you?
I and others are accusing him. I'll ask the other fathers here how old their daughters were when they showered together. What do you think there answer will be?
So? You can see how fucked up she was from that trauma. I do not know about a man who raised to drug addicts. I would not want him around my children or anyones. You are morally bankrupt if you defend this monster. So you know.
Spits the forum lunatic. :cuckoo:
I and others are accusing him.

You do a lot of accusing without any evidence. His daughter does not accuse him of it, seems she would know better than you.

I'll ask the other fathers here how old their daughters were when they showered together. What do you think there answer will be?

I am a father and have a daughter. Cannot recall showering together much at all, she was more of a bath girl so it would have had to have been when she was maybe up to 4, if even that old.

How old was Biden's daughter when this took place?
I and others are accusing him. I'll ask the other fathers here how old their daughters were when they showered together. What do you think there answer will be?
You're a raving lunatic. Your accusations are worth less than spit.

How old was she? If you don't know, and I know you don't know, then you have no idea how inappropriate it was. Even she didn't say it was absolutely inappropriate. She said it was "probably" inappropriate. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. She doesn't say for sure and you're in no mental condition to fill in the gaps.
Infowars ran a story this week where a scientist (who chooses to remain anonymous) did his own research based on mail-in ballots in swing states. I do not doubt what he is coming up with strongly indicates fraud. Basically, he said that mail-in ballots are supposed to be mixed all together no matter where they came from or when. Consequently, when they count the mail-in ballots the ratio between Dem and Repub should remain the same throughout the count because of the large sample size. He notes in a number of states where that ratio changed to greatly favor the Dem in the vote counts well past midnight. Statistically speaking, he said that suggests fraud. In Wisconsin’s case, they took mail-in ballots long after they were supposed to. That in itself is illegal, is it not? Even if this convinces no one, you and your own band of thieves on the left will never convince me this election was not stolen. The evidence is out there, so is the opposition to stop it. They do it all the time.

A most ineresting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden. Using time series data ‘scraped’ from the New York Times website, the data – comparing several states (swing and non-swing) – clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left ‘fingerprints of fraud’ as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

…This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.

Around 3am Wisconsin time, a fresh batch of 169k new absentee ballots arrived. They were supposed to stop accepting new ballots, but eh, whatever I guess.
— CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae) November 9, 2020 By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.

Infowars Article

I don't know where your "scientist" came from, where they went to school but that person makes very little sense.

If mail in ballots should be even between republican and democrats then explain my state which is 100% mail in ballot. No one can vote in person in my state.

Here are the results for my state for 2020. If the number of democrat and republican votes should have been equal, then my state would have ended up in a tie.

Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 12.01.47 PM.png

Same with Oregon:

Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 1.38.04 PM.png

Finally, trump and republicans spent nearly a year telling his followers to not vote by mail. While the democrats spent that same amount of time telling people to vote by mail.

Of course there will be more democratic votes by mail than republican.
You're a raving lunatic. Your accusations are worth less than spit.

How old was she? If you don't know, and I know you don't know, then you have no idea how inappropriate it was. Even she didn't say it was absolutely inappropriate. She said it was "probably" inappropriate. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. She doesn't say for sure and you're in no mental condition to fill in the gaps.

Look at you trying to justify incest. You are a sick one. Again, raising two drug addicts prove Biden was a terrible father.
The dems have been cheating in elections for decades...sometimes successfully sometimes not....they used covid to perfect their dishonest tactics....
Remember the hanging chads?...well it was proven that the only way to make a ballot with a hanging chad was to try and punch through ten ballots at a time....
Ballot centers need to be watched better....that's first on the list of making things right....
Everything you said here is a lie. How did they use covid for dishonest tactics?

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