Wire Taps In Turmp Tower? Pelosi: 'We Don't Do That.' Clapper: 'I Can Deny it.'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yesterday Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat who has not only been exposed for LYING about meeting Russians but also as having a history of exchanging 'gifts' with them, said yesterday, We don't do that' regarding President Trump's claim that Obama illegally wire tapped his towers.

Ummm, sweetheart, Obama did it several times when he was King...er, President. Documented and proven - He illegally spied on reporters, he illegally spied on the media, he illegally spied on US citizens....he even illegally spied on CONGRESS!

This was followed by James Clapper declaring the wire tapping did NOT happen. The problem here is that Clapper has a documented history of LYING about who Obama and his administration was illegally spying on. The Obama administration collected data on MILLIONS of Americans - and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper faced calls for his imprisonment for PERJURY for covering it up / DENYING IT!

Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower

Here's a little flashback to remind everyone how much of a LIAR Clapper is and about his history of covering Obama's ass...


"Some lawmakers reacted to the long-expected resignation announcement from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Thursday by wishing him an eventful retirement, featuring prosecution and possible prison time.

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.

About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications."
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Going so far as to examine Jared Kushner's mother's bank account and we are to believe any Democrat denying surveillance on Trump WHEN the freaking media has been telling us continually that Trump Russian connections are being investigated.

This is like living with a crazy person. Shut up! Answer me!

Clapper and Pelosi are notorious liars and easily proven so.

We know Obie was spying on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP. We know his administration used the IRS to shut down Tea Party groups. We know he expanded the tyrannical power of the NSA to spy on all Americans ignoring the Constitution. We know he expanded the Patriot Act...and on and on.

He built the biggest surveillance police state since the Stasi.

...but dummies believe Trump is fucking liar. Can't fix stupid.
Going so far as to examine Jared Kushner's mother's bank account and we are to believe any Democrat denying surveillance on Trump WHEN the freaking media has been telling us continually that Trump Russian connections are being investigated.

This is like living with a crazy person. Shut up! Answer me!

It is frightening the level of stupidity of some Americans.
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The great thing is that this time, Trump got twitter jammed up his ass.
Clapper is going to be part of the investigation and most likely is the leaker, and Obama's "plumber" (illegal wiretapper)

Lefty says he is honest...

Ok Lefty...I am sure now...you are going to call him a liar....so which is it.

Funny how Clapper did a complete 360 once this story of wiretapping came out. Now it's "NO evidence of Russia colluding with Trump campaign" and "I did not wiretap that Trump Tower."

This guy should be working for the KGB.....oh wait....he already did...he worked for Obama.
Clapper and Pelosi are notorious liars and easily proven so.

We know Obie was spying on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP. We know his administration used the IRS to shut down Tea Party groups. We know he expanded the tyrannical power of the NSA to spy on all Americans ignoring the Constitution. We know he expanded the Patriot Act...and on and on.

He built the biggest surveillance police state since the Stasi.

...but dummies believe Trump is fucking liar. Can't fix stupid.
The fringe left believe only what they are told which is why in their mind, Trump couldn't be telling the truth. It conflicts with what they were told. When you are indoctrinated into believing lies from school age (as this generation has been) by Marxists this is the outcome. The good news is the majority who voted Trump into office isn't moved by any of this. We knew Obama was a criminal 8 years ago. This isn't coming as any surprise to most of us.
Going so far as to examine Jared Kushner's mother's bank account and we are to believe any Democrat denying surveillance on Trump WHEN the freaking media has been telling us continually that Trump Russian connections are being investigated.

This is like living with a crazy person. Shut up! Answer me!

This just in: James Carville has just made a claim on his twitter account that Hillary Clinton is accusing him of having secret meetings with various heads of staff in the Area 51 Complex. Mr. Carville also made claim that any rumors that he purchased three Russian brides in 2016 are completely false.
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
Where is the proof? Any proof? This is just a feeble attempt to try and cover up the Russian connections, anything to attempt to change the subject
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
Where is the proof? Any proof? This is just a feeble attempt to try and cover up the Russian connections, anything to attempt to change the subject
If you open your eyes, the proof is on the end of your nose.
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
Where is the proof? Any proof? This is just a feeble attempt to try and cover up the Russian connections, anything to attempt to change the subject
If you open your eyes, the proof is on the end of your nose.
Even you have not a shred of proof
Going so far as to examine Jared Kushner's mother's bank account and we are to believe any Democrat denying surveillance on Trump WHEN the freaking media has been telling us continually that Trump Russian connections are being investigated.

This is like living with a crazy person. Shut up! Answer me!

This just in: James Carville has just made a claim on his twitter account that Hillary Clinton is accusing him of having secret meetings with various heads of staff in the Area 51 Complex. Mr. Carville also made claim that any rumors that he purchased three Russian brides in 2016 are completely false.

You can see the evil countenance on some people as the age because the demons inside of them begin to literally manifest on the outside of them. Carville is one such individual. A true child of the devil.


A former Druid High Priest who sat on the Council of 13 and became a born again Christian said that he could always tell who was into the occult / witchcraft by the look in their eyes. He said if you look at their eyes you can see something is wrong. The left eye and right eye will be notably different. He was definitely on to something when he made that statement.



Left eye / right eye -note the difference
Charles Manson - heavily involved in the occult & demon possessed


Left eye / right eye - something is seriously off - photo of singer Gaga

Some photographs you'll see the difference immediately and in other photographs it is not so easy to see it. You have to know what you are looking for (evidence of demonic possession).
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Crooked Hillary was either tipped off or orchestrated The Donald wiretap. Recall she was involved in the Nixon investigation. Crooked Hillary Tweeted about the wiretap one week before the election that The Donald won in a landslide.

Crooked Hillary wrote..."computer scientists have uncovered a covert server linking the Trump organization to a Russian-based server."

Lock her and Hussaine the fuck up already!
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
Where is the proof? Any proof? This is just a feeble attempt to try and cover up the Russian connections, anything to attempt to change the subject
If you open your eyes, the proof is on the end of your nose.
Even you have not a shred of proof
the evidence is overwhelming, but being stupid makes it difficult to comprehend the truth.
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
The purposely blind can't see. If DNC media tell them something, then they will believe.
Still waiting for a single piece of proof
Where is Rumps proof?
The man cannot prove anything

For crying out loud all the leaks are coming from surveilance. How do you think they are getting the information to leak?
Where is the proof? Any proof? This is just a feeble attempt to try and cover up the Russian connections, anything to attempt to change the subject
If you open your eyes, the proof is on the end of your nose.
Even you have not a shred of proof
the evidence is overwhelming, but being stupid makes it difficult to comprehend the truth.
Overwhelming, you stupid shyte, give us just one piece of it

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