Winning: EPA Swamp Being Drained


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And Leonardo DiCaprio, who took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award and then flew home the next day, is not happy. FANTASTIC!

The Environmental Protection Agency has shrunk considerably since Scott Pruitt took over as administrator. In fact, the agency is back to President Reagan-era staff levels.

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts since Pruitt took over, Think Progress found after combing through federal employment statistics. Some are quitting in “disgust.”

“There has been a drop of employees of 770 between April and December. While several hundred of those are buyouts, the rest of those are either people that are retiring or quitting in disgust,” Kyla Bennett, director of New England Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), told ThinkProgress. “Is that number higher than it would normally be? I think it is.”

Liberals were outraged over Pruitt’s nomination last year, labeling him a “climate skeptic” and criticizing his ties to the fossil fuel industry.

“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Famous environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio brought his concerns straight to President-elect Trump at Trump Tower, where he and activist Terry Tamminen reportedly prepared a presentation explaining how preserving the environment has a positive effect on the economy.

EPA Employees Have Left in Droves Since Scott Pruitt Took Over
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Michael wins! ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:
Let it begin again.....;)
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Michael wins! ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:
One moron claiming another moron wins.
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Michael wins! ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:

Putting environmental wack jobs in charge of environmental regulations is like putting PETA in charge of a whole-pig BBQ competition.
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Michael wins! ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:

Putting environmental wack jobs in charge of environmental regulations is like putting PETA in charge of a whole-pig BBQ competition.

That is why Republicans want oil company executives running the EPA
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Michael wins! ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:

Putting environmental wack jobs in charge of environmental regulations is like putting PETA in charge of a whole-pig BBQ competition.

That is why Republicans want oil company executives running the EPA

So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

God forbid you get people who actually know the industry being regulated to help with the regulations....

Far better to have some idiot with an Environmental Policy bachelors running things....
So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

Not necessarily, moron......BUT, their job is to make more profit and not care all that much for the poor slobs that have to live with the pollution they cause......

How many oil companies' CEOs live amid their plants' pollution???
Wow, look at the fear mongering going on up in here!

Once upon a time, the EPA had a real mission for real problems. The successes in major cities and across the USA have been beneficial to every American.

That is no longer the case today.

Today, the EPA is an agency looking to justify its existence. They add regulations that contribute either zero effects environmentally, or the change is so minuscule as to be negligible. In truth, it has become a bunch of aging tree huggers who are desperately trying to remain relevant.

This is good news and should be treated as such. There will be no reduction in environmental safety nor will there be a degradation to our environment.

Good job Pruitt.
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So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

Not necessarily, moron......BUT, their job is to make more profit and not care all that much for the poor slobs that have to live with the pollution they cause......

How many oil companies' CEOs live amid their plants' pollution???

Who cares?

Most of the argument is about Carbon dioxide regulations anyway, so considering the dispersal and supposed effects are global, they all do.

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