Winning Battles on Social Media (instead of bashing and banning)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I posted the following response on FB to someone harassed and attacked, until that person got banned.

Can you guess what issue they were divided over, and which side each person was taking?

HINT: the original issue is not political or religious, but secular. However the fights online and on social media have created a whole subculture of bullying and fighting legally to change policy while both sides argue the other is spreading false propaganda. It has become "politicized" but not on the same level as abortion or guns that are split more clearly left and right. On this issue, the explanation is it is even split with left and right arguing on both sides, but they use "different arguments" if they are liberal vs conservative. If we can figure out how to align and solve problems here, the solutions could help us with other political conflicts. By forming better left/right partnerships to solve this secular issue, that could help take a more unifying approach to worse deadlock issues.

I thought the approach I suggest below applies "in general" to any harsh deadlock over any issue.

If you have a story or advice on what helped YOU overcome an impossible impasse, or turn a conflict into a solution. Please post it here!


Dear S: the mutual bias in perception is hardened by unforgiveness and transformed by forgiveness. No one else and no amount of "more information" can make this decision to replace unforgiveness or rejection with forgiveness and inclusion. When we change this one step, it opens the door for all the other communication, information and understanding to be shared freely. We cannot close our minds to other people then complain when they slam doors in our face and tell us to bug off. If we want to be received openly we must be willing and sincerely able to receive them. Otherwise the door slamming is mutual. Forgiveness is the key to opening the doors by cutting through the padlocks and chains of unforgiveness. Just asking help to forgive is enough to bring down the barriers. Once we ask help to drop these obstacles, the truth comes out and sets us free from these traps. I look forward to that happening for everyone and support you in reaching all the people locking the doors of their minds instead of emancipating each other by sharing the truth. Whatever it takes to move people to take that first step, I hope you continue to reach out and inspire that change. Never give up, but keep asking for help to reach people, speak the truth with love, and the right answers will come. Keep asking. The more we forgive, the more we receive. The love of truth is more powerful than any fear that stands in the way, but will eventually be overcome! Take care and more grace and power to you!
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