Wind Power Equals Oil, Profit, and Greed


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Such a bold statement, I hope I can make it work.

Who is or was the richest Oil Man in History, Rockefeller. Where did all that Rockefeller Oil money go? Besides Exxon, it created Chase Manhattan Bank, the IMF, even the World Bank. I believe it was while the grandson, Nelson Rockefeller was in politics, that the Rockefeller's realized that the real money is in lending money to countries. Interest on Billions of Dollars.

Right now, the biggest expense man will ever face is before us, we will spend more on one thing then we ever had on anything else. 9 Trillion Dollars in the next 20 years, give or take.

Obviously nobody has 9 Trillion Dollars so it must be printed, that is by the U.S. Government, then it needs to be fed into Wall Street, into the banks, which will lend it to Countries as well as corporations. Of course nobody would do this unless there was a dire emergency, like AGW, man-made Global Warming.

9 Trillion dollars, nobody sees greed? Its all to save the Polar Bears?

The most expensive power in the World is being sold to South Africa by the World Bank, Old Oil money. Wind Turbines are the biggest most expensive thing you can sell a country, and they need thousands upon thousands forever. All they got to do is convince everyone they are saving the planet. 9 Trillion dollars is up for grabs, provided that it don't go over budget.

Sere Wind Farm Stands Ready to Provide Electricity to Thousands of South Africans

WESTERN CAPE, November 13, 2014 – In a remote part of Western Cape Province, wind power turbines tower over the fynbos at 115 meters high, standing ready to generate electricity. This is the Sere Wind Farm, the first commercial-scale wind energy project financed by the World Bank Group (WBG) under its Eskom Renewables Support Project.

This month, the transformers on the first string of seven wind turbine generators were energized, paving the way to proceed with the wind farm’s commission in December 2014. Full commercial operation is expected to be completed by the end of March 2015

The damage that wind turbines do to the environment has never been honestly appraised, in my opinion. That and cooling towers. No, the only real problem is you and where your dad worked. Where your dad worked because it probably has been shut down.

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