Will You Ever Notice How the 'Accidents' Always End The Same Way?

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Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….or, why are you afraid to?

1.How many times will you fail to notice that the ‘accidents’ always redound to the benefit of the Leftists/Totalitarians/Anti-Americans???

Trump outlined a clear and obvious peaceful exit from Afghanistan.

a. We will withdraw our civilians first

b. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

c. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

d. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

e. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Biden accidentally reversed the plan, pulling troop out first, leaving tons of weapons, money, classified data, and human assets.

2. Obama gave our most advanced drone to the Iranians, and accidentally forget to blow it up when it landed in Iran.


3. “…the hasty and seemingly unfathomable withdrawal of troops by the Biden administration, while thousands of Americans and Afghan loyalists remain stranded behind enemy lines, or stacked up like cord wood at a civilian-controlled Kabul airport increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks — even as they learned the military-controlled Bagram Air Base was abandoned in the middle of the night. They know billions of dollars of sophisticated U.S. weaponry, including aircraft, were also left behind and seized by the Taliban. … a parade of seemingly impotent administration figures, including CIA Director William Burns, plead with terrorists to extend the August 31 withdrawal deadline. … Joe Biden has meekly surrendered the most potent military in the world to a ragtag bunch of seventh-century goat herders.

4. Historian Victor Davis Hanson also jumps on the incompetence bandwagon, describing America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense as those who have “virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials,” “bragged about rooting out alleged white supremacists from their ranks,” “sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials,” and “sermonized on anything and everything — except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies.”
Purposeful Incompetence on Afghanistan

The Democrat history of “accidents” always seems to redound in favor of America’s enemies.

Will you ever notice the pattern????
I was just thinking about this the other day.

Its very noticable that every article of lies published by the corporate left wing communist media ALWAYS makes the error AGAINST conservatives.

RARELY, if EVER…does the media fuck up in a way that damages a communist.

If reporting in good faith, wouldnt it be 50/50 just from the law of averages?

Why is it that like 99% of the errors reported by the media hurt their opponents?
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….or, why are you afraid to?

1.How many times will you fail to notice that the ‘accidents’ always redound to the benefit of the Leftists/Totalitarians/Anti-Americans???

Trump outlined a clear and obvious peaceful exit from Afghanistan.

a. We will withdraw our civilians first

b. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

c. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

d. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

e. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Biden accidentally reversed the plan, pulling troop out first, leaving tons of weapons, money, classified data, and human assets.

2. Obama gave our most advanced drone to the Iranians, and accidentally forget to blow it up when it landed in Iran.

View attachment 531847

3. “…the hasty and seemingly unfathomable withdrawal of troops by the Biden administration, while thousands of Americans and Afghan loyalists remain stranded behind enemy lines, or stacked up like cord wood at a civilian-controlled Kabul airport increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks — even as they learned the military-controlled Bagram Air Base was abandoned in the middle of the night. They know billions of dollars of sophisticated U.S. weaponry, including aircraft, were also left behind and seized by the Taliban. … a parade of seemingly impotent administration figures, including CIA Director William Burns, plead with terrorists to extend the August 31 withdrawal deadline. … Joe Biden has meekly surrendered the most potent military in the world to a ragtag bunch of seventh-century goat herders.

4. Historian Victor Davis Hanson also jumps on the incompetence bandwagon, describing America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense as those who have “virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials,” “bragged about rooting out alleged white supremacists from their ranks,” “sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials,” and “sermonized on anything and everything — except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies.”
Purposeful Incompetence on Afghanistan

The Democrat history of “accidents” always seems to redound in favor of America’s enemies.

Will you ever notice the pattern????
I find myself wondering if the military industrial complex and the Deep State set Biden up for this withdrawal fiasco so they could reinvade Afghanistan in a year or so when some terrorist group from Afghanistan blows something up in our nation.

Nice little wars are hard to come by today. We don’t really want to get in a war with China as they may kick our “woke” ass but we can always beat the Taliban. Plus our industrial complex can send the new Afghanistan military we create all new weapons to replace the ones we left behind for the Taliban. Plenty of money and corruption to pass around.
I find myself wondering if the military industrial complex and the Deep State set Biden up for this withdrawal fiasco so they could reinvade Afghanistan in a year or so when some terrorist group from Afghanistan blows something up in our nation.

Nice little wars are hard to come by today. We don’t really want to get in a war with China as they may kick our “woke” ass but we can always beat the Taliban. Plus our industrial complex can send the new Afghanistan military we create all new weapons to replace the ones we left behind for the Taliban. Plenty of money and corruption to pass around.

Maybe China made Biden fuck it up himself. Biden is a Chinese asset.
During the entire Trump campaign and administration, how many times did the media WRONGLY report on something about Trump that put him in a good light?

Isnt that odd? Why wasnt it 50/50 after thousands of articles and 6 years of reporting?
I find myself wondering if the military industrial complex and the Deep State set Biden up for this withdrawal fiasco so they could reinvade Afghanistan in a year or so when some terrorist group from Afghanistan blows something up in our nation.

Nice little wars are hard to come by today. We don’t really want to get in a war with China as they may kick our “woke” ass but we can always beat the Taliban. Plus our industrial complex can send the new Afghanistan military we create all new weapons to replace the ones we left behind for the Taliban. Plenty of money and corruption to pass around.

It never hurts to follow the money.

"Undergirding the globalist enterprise was China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001. For decades, American policymakers and the corporate class said they saw China as a rival, but the elite that Friedman described saw enlightened Chinese autocracy as a friend and even as a model—which was not surprising, given that the Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich."
Trump outlined a clear and obvious peaceful exit from Afghanistan.

a. We will withdraw our civilians first

b. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

c. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

d. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

Interesting claim….

Then WHY did Trump withdraw all but 2500 troops BEFORE Biden took office?

….or, why are you afraid to?

1.How many times will you fail to notice that the ‘accidents’ always redound to the benefit of the Leftists/Totalitarians/Anti-Americans???

Trump outlined a clear and obvious peaceful exit from Afghanistan.

a. We will withdraw our civilians first

b. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

c. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

d. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

e. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Biden accidentally reversed the plan, pulling troop out first, leaving tons of weapons, money, classified data, and human assets.

2. Obama gave our most advanced drone to the Iranians, and accidentally forget to blow it up when it landed in Iran.

View attachment 531847

3. “…the hasty and seemingly unfathomable withdrawal of troops by the Biden administration, while thousands of Americans and Afghan loyalists remain stranded behind enemy lines, or stacked up like cord wood at a civilian-controlled Kabul airport increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks — even as they learned the military-controlled Bagram Air Base was abandoned in the middle of the night. They know billions of dollars of sophisticated U.S. weaponry, including aircraft, were also left behind and seized by the Taliban. … a parade of seemingly impotent administration figures, including CIA Director William Burns, plead with terrorists to extend the August 31 withdrawal deadline. … Joe Biden has meekly surrendered the most potent military in the world to a ragtag bunch of seventh-century goat herders.

4. Historian Victor Davis Hanson also jumps on the incompetence bandwagon, describing America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense as those who have “virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials,” “bragged about rooting out alleged white supremacists from their ranks,” “sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials,” and “sermonized on anything and everything — except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies.”
Purposeful Incompetence on Afghanistan

The Democrat history of “accidents” always seems to redound in favor of America’s enemies.

Will you ever notice the pattern????
Progs will turn that around forever to make it look like it is Trump's fault. What makes this worse is that these men and women are professional politicians with a lifetime of being honored to serve us. They have masterfully used the stage to tell us about their great empathy, sympathy, compassion, intellect, concern, actions and the rest. And all they are with extreme agendas consumate bullshit artists who play on every one of our human values and emotions and blur common sense to varying degrees upon us all.
Progs will turn that around forever to make it look like it is Trump's fault. What makes this worse is that these men and women are professional politicians with a lifetime of being honored to serve us. They have masterfully used the stage to tell us about their great empathy, sympathy, compassion, intellect, concern, actions and the rest. And all they are with extreme agendas consumate bullshit artists who play on every one of our human values and emotions and blur common sense to varying degrees upon us all.
Again…..why did Trump draw down our troops to 2500 if he expected them to secure the withdrawal of civilians?
Again…..why did Trump draw down our troops to 2500 if he expected them to secure the withdrawal of civilians?
If he did, why did Biden not bring more back when installed as potentate. Biden reversed near everything Trump did. And we are suffering for it. Since the Progs want to erase everything Trump did, this makes no sense. Also Trump has made a point about using Bagram Air Base over the Kabul Airport that Biden decided on.
5. Accidents????



Or simply fulfillment of Democrat plans and policies???????

“The staggering part to me is that when you hear this debate, ‘The intelligence agencies failed to see this.’ Seriously? The NSA is known as the crown jewel of intelligence collection in the world. There isn’t a digital signature in existence that they don’t collect and store and analyze and have algorithms and everything else to sort through.”

Columnist Kelly O'Connell also sees the bigger picture. “It’s easy to see that all of these crazy ‘mistakes’ could never have happened by accident,” she writes, adding that “Biden was used as an absolute remote-controlled clown to ruin our reputation at home and abroad so that we will eventually be forced into World utopian socialism.”
5. Accidents????



Or simply fulfillment of Democrat plans and policies???????

“The staggering part to me is that when you hear this debate, ‘The intelligence agencies failed to see this.’ Seriously? The NSA is known as the crown jewel of intelligence collection in the world. There isn’t a digital signature in existence that they don’t collect and store and analyze and have algorithms and everything else to sort through.”

Columnist Kelly O'Connell also sees the bigger picture. “It’s easy to see that all of these crazy ‘mistakes’ could never have happened by accident,” she writes, adding that “Biden was used as an absolute remote-controlled clown to ruin our reputation at home and abroad so that we will eventually be forced into World utopian socialism.”

Democrats plan these accidents. They're pretty good at rigging elections too.
If he did, why did Biden not bring more back when installed as potentate. Biden reversed near everything Trump did. And we are suffering for it. Since the Progs want to erase everything Trump did, this makes no sense. Also Trump has made a point about using Bagram Air Base over the Kabul Airport that Biden decided on.
Because Biden, like Trump before him, expected the Afghan Army that we had invested so much in, could protect the withdrawal.
They never even put up a fight

What exactly did Biden reverse of Trumps?
Well, starting March 4, 1789 and every one since then.

For pertinence:


Imagine two hypothetical voters..

Voter A is willing to wait on the long line, get up to the ballot and mark the presidential, and then go down the line, usually along party lines. As I did.

Voter B is an apparatchik of the Bolshevik Democrat apparatus, there for one reason: to do what he had been instructed to do to purloin the election for Biden. This individual need to fill in tons of ballots, and doesn’t plan to spend a great deal of time on each one. It’s quantity, not quality.

2. Person B is essentially a spy for the Democrats, which is fitting as their presidential candidate has been bought and paid for by a foreign government.

3. Here comes the circumstantial/mathematical evidence, specifically from the Georgia election: how do you explain 95,000 votes with only Biden marked…..the rest of the Democrat candidates for office ignored?
Only one way: the Democrat agent was sent in to win the election for Biden, and spent no time on any other aspirant.

4. “In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.” Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?


In Michigan
, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.


Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

Via ZeroHedge In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candi…
6. There is a plan, and all sorts of coincidences, accidents and improbabilities work toward it's conclusion: the ascendancy of America-haters, both here and abroad.

"... in a video outlining the WEF’s eight predictions for 2030 — every one of which revolved around the top-down centralization of power — one statement stood out above all the rest: “The United States won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.”

Again, as of this writing, no one responsible for any of these ongoing calamities has quit or been fired. Nor have there been any attempts to even mitigate the aforementioned crises. Thus, we will leave Afghanistan in ignominy, the number of illegals streaming across the border will continue to soar, inflation will continue eviscerating our middle class, and progressives at every level of government will continue to test Americans’ willingness to accommodate tyranny in exchange for safety. All while America’s world reputation sinks like a stone.

“Who could imagine any American president allowing murderous thugs to set the terms of our military’s surrender?” asks columnist Michael Goodwin. Anyone who understands what happens when you put people who hate this nation in charge of it.

Incompetence? Anything but."
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